I am on the verge on goving up completely.

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Bluffy, Nov 3, 2015.

  1. Bluffy

    Bluffy Fapstronaut

    I get treated like shit, i have terrible acne, ugly face, skinny as hell, don't apply myself, losing interest in what I used to love, always negative, can't make friends easily, family treats me awful. The list goes on and on.. I also can't make it more than a week without relapsing. Idk what to do.. should I just give up my phone completely to see if that helps.. I'm always lazy and have terrible brain fog in school. I'm always depressed and it sucks:( it really sucks a lot. Sorry if this sounds like whining but I don't know what else to do at this point. I've been quietall my life and finally had to let it out somewhere.
    Getter Better likes this.
  2. recoome

    recoome Fapstronaut

    even i get treated like shit, though i'm at office. i've stopped talking to colleagues but still they poke me n pass some comments. i dont have acne but i'm super skinny. no friends. not much of a family.

    i've deleted porn off my computer. and i dont have interrent on mobile. so no porn there. i suggest dont recharge interent on smart phone. that could help. i mean i had to DELETE porn off my laptop to make sure i dont watch it.
    Bluffy likes this.
  3. suben380

    suben380 Guest

    Just don't fap, it works for me
  4. bts695

    bts695 New Fapstronaut

    Be patient. If it were easy to quit, the porn industry would be broke. Keep trying and good luck!
    recoome likes this.
  5. yousuff

    yousuff Fapstronaut

    Give up the phones. I am also skinny but recently I started to eat better. I look ugly; I accepted it because I know I cannot change it. My face has acne too, do not worry about acne, it will fade away as soon as you stop PMO. My grades are also terrible but trust me you need to go through it, grades matters but grades are not all. I do the things I love; no brain fog. My family is upset on me, but i do not care it much. I need inner peace and clam. Trust me, be on NoFap regularly, everything will be okay. Be patient.
  6. that's tough, Bluffy. I'm much older than you, but I do remember that the time of life you're at can be extraordinarilly difficult. I had a viciously bad time at times. It will almost certainly pass and things will get better.

    I would ask you to think what using porn can possibly do to improve your acne, reignite your passions, make you more positive and so on... As you know, it will do fuck all, and in the long run has the potential to make those things much worse.

    Have you got anyone you can ask for help though? A doctor, counsellor, teacher or someone like that? That might be worth a try.

    Sometimes "everything seems too much", and that's because "everything" usually is too much. If you want to make change sometimes it's a good idea to pick one thing - I'd suggest something with lots of positives like those interests you've lost your passion for, or finding something new to get fired-up by - and focus on that to get the process and idea of positive change going. Having something positive will also help you with the porn.

    I wish you well, Bluffy. You can do it, and even trying to quit porn makes you stronger and braver and more honest than a hell of a lot of your peers. Go on!

    (Apologies if I've sounded like a patronising old bastard, don't mean to!)
    JoePineapples likes this.
  7. Bluffy

    Bluffy Fapstronaut

    Maybe you could help me out? Like give me a goal or two to strive for since you have more experience than me? Like to wake up at 6 every morning or to give 1 person a compliment a day. Haha something like that but related to my(and your old) situation.
  8. Bluffy

    Bluffy Fapstronaut

    It's so weird. I begin my streak soo positive. Then randomly I will lose interest and just give in. This could be anywehre from day 3-8. My longest streak was 9 days which ended to the chaser effect of a wet dream /:
  9. Bluffy

    Bluffy Fapstronaut

    It sucks because my sisters are the complete opposite. Beautiful, outgoingapparently even though they are rude to me all the time. I don't get it:(
  10. I feel like I am in your shoes!!! I am feeling really negative about my business, the last several weeks, up till then I was really positive about it, and with your family, I feel like we are in going through the same things!!
  11. is there any way you could not pmo, but go on a run, or do something else you love doing by your self? some positive alone time? I feel for you!!!
  12. Bluffy

    Bluffy Fapstronaut

    I can try ! I would need to keep myself busy or something. And check in here all the time.
  13. so you have a delema, you have acni, and are lonely, you have no girl friend most likely, I really feel for you, its not easy so let me let you in on a little secret of life o.k.? pain and pleasure are 2 horns on the same goat. if you escape the pain into pleasure, as you already know, you will feel the pain of the pleasure, so just relax, I bet a girl would love you even if you had acne, after not M or P, you will have lots more self control and be a man, and be ahead in life!!
  14. Kristian

    Kristian Fapstronaut

    Do your best to never relapse again. I really mean it, try to refrain yourself from masturbating at all costs. It's a never-ending circle and it took me more than 6 years to realize that.

    I felt like shit and thought to myself that a little wanking won't cause any trouble. Masturbated, ejaculated and afterwards felt even shittier. I understand where you're coming with the brain fog, I also suffer from it. It has given me a little peace though, especially since I quit PMO almost ten days ago. Back in the day when I reached almost a month two times, I remember that the brain fog suddenly lifted.

    Don't look for any triggers, start focusing on something nonsexual and worth doing. It may be a sport, a job, a hobby, whatever. Get as much rest as possible. Now I see it clearly and realize that sleep is one of the most important things for our health and immune system. If you need someone to talk to, I'm here.
  15. Bluffy

    Bluffy Fapstronaut

    Thank you so much! I am going to try everything you mentioned. The only hard part is finding that quiet place. My family is always bothering me for something. I'm only 16 and don't have my license yet. So I can't drive anywhere. I guess I will resort to a park bench. I lose focus easily but I will try this out! Thank you so much.