I can't do it!

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by fghr24, Jul 5, 2015.

  1. fghr24

    fghr24 Fapstronaut

    I can't I keep on PMO'ing I just can't find a way to bypass 7 days, I try and I try... My mind wants to stop but my body doesn't I need help! I thought I could do it but I can't its impossible. I thought I was serious about this but I'm just not I know that theirs that one part of me when I'm doing it knowing that its gonna suck after but I just keep going, I don't know what to do... Please help me!
  2. Icyweb

    Icyweb Fapstronaut

    Don't beat yourself up too much. You messed up, but you can get better. Get an accountability partner ASAP. Whenever you feel like giving up, wait 10 seconds and click the panic button, then leave the room. Occupy your time with wholesome activities. Eliminate sexual thoughts from your life. Turn your computer off for a week or two. You probably don't need it so much as you want it anyway.
  3. bandanana

    bandanana Fapstronaut

    Make the *conscious decision* to get out of wherever you are when you're getting the urge to go for a grab! Leave your bedroom, leave the computer, or put away your phone, and go to the living room or grab some fresh air.
    Keep at it and don't give up! 7 days without porn is better than 0 days, heh.
  4. Dragon_Ball_Super

    Dragon_Ball_Super Fapstronaut

    Exactly. Guilt tripping will only make it worse. Make the effort to be not caught "in the moment" while alone - flee your room or wherever you are and get in touch or be in the presence of someone else - who cannot openly POM's with. Also, make the conscious effort to not touch your genitals no matter what.
  5. meromero1

    meromero1 Fapstronaut

    Congratulations on seven days. I am barely three days through and it's been very hard. I read a quote today that helped me put it in another perspective.
    "Don't count the days, make the days count." - Muhammad Ali
  6. netchina

    netchina Fapstronaut

  7. Don't beat yourself up too much! That's only gonna make things worse and demotivate yourself further.

    Why is it so damn hard? Because it is an addiction! While you might normally understand the reasons to quit and have that desire, another side of your brain is going to rationalize and make excuses and if you're not strong enough, that side will win. It's like a tug of war, and you better make the good side win. And it's not "impossible", nothing is impossible if you believe in yourself.

    Don't focus too much on "an x amount of days", focus on giving your best effort in abstinence and self control! The cleaner you are throughout the week compared to last time, the more you will progress. It's not as linear as how the counter's going to show, there are dips in life and in this challenge as well (it's more of a lifestyle for me guys).

    Just give in your maximum effort in doing this and don't mind about the failures. Get right back up and keep going! Learn from your mistakes and make adaptations, do what works best for you, find what helps you out the most! Don't binge, keep going, push through your failures, good luck!
    Daddyroadkill likes this.