I'm just cornered guy...

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by RAXVIK, Dec 27, 2019.


    RAXVIK Fapstronaut

    Not sure how to introduce myself... Phrases like "Hi all" or "Hello everyone" just do not seem to be appropriate... At first I was exposed to porn at age of 11 or 12 I think... I am 25 now... All my damn life I'm afraid of everything, literally. And instead of overcoming my fears, getting stronger, wiser, RELIABLE, basically better, I was just... muffling my fears via porn/masturbation. At first porn was nothing but curiosity, then it became "just a usual thing in everyone's life, there is nothing wrong about porn and masturbation", and then, at age of 25 I started to say truth to myself: "I'm sick, addicted guy, without social life, never had any relationships with girls, 25, always afraid, weak, can't sleep at nights, can't talk to other people without fear and feeling guilty\ashamed, bad at my job(even hate it despite fact that there is nothing bad about my job, it is like dream job for most of people in my country, sitting in the office, warm, receiving nice salary by working with your brain and pressing buttons on keyboard), bad at almost everything... Congratulations moron, you are walking dead now.". To be honest, I think that I have no future... I'm 25 and never had experience in relationships with girls and actually created(at least not on my own entirely and I am not main person to blame) such environment, in which, even if potentially I would have a girlfriend, having a family is impossible... I don't think that breaking up with porn for me is about changing my life entirely due to I've come too far with it in my life and most of choices\decisions unfortunately are already choosed\made... It's more about my relatives who know that I've never had a girlfriend, and, as result, most probably realize that I'm just skipping that part of my life by going through porn\masturbation. I don't want to look like some sick pervert in eyes of my relatives anymore. Even if my relatives still be seeing me like that... at least I'll be clean in my own eyes and mind. I hope breaking with porn will help me... at least to face consequences of "wasting 14 years of my life" without ruining as much of my life, as, my life with porn can ruin... I'm feeling pretty cornered... no real future... corner ahead, mistakes behind... only way out is try to break a hole in that corner which will be leading to some magic place called "who knows where" and go through that hole... I had lots of tries to end up with porn, but always was returning and craving for more... each time becoming more corrupted(soft porn in the beginning of porn addiction, gangbangs\rape\trans\trap\porn-hypno videos in the end(I hope that this is the end and I won't return to it or go even further to even more terrible things)). My longest period of abstaining from porn is 12 days. I hope that NoFap community and stories will help me to break up with porn once and for all. It is my last hope to break up with it without starting to visit psych, taking pills etc. If you are reading this - NEVER, NEVER LOOK FOR PORN. It is probably worst drug - it won't kill you(actually it may in its own ways) like usual drug, but will make you suffer for your whole life. It is worst addiction which taking over your life slowly, so you are almost not noticing, but very, VERY confidently. And like any other drug it won't let you go that easy. Worst of all, porn-addiction does not seem to be count officially as some sort of illness, most of people don't know yet how to react to it, and almost everyone today has almost free access to almost any porn. Porn industry putting more and more money into making porn as usual part of our lives. Pornhub and many other porn-sites are no longer porn-sites - they are social networks now. This is cultural genocide. I strongly believe that situation with porn is much worse than situation with tobacco industry in 20th century. At least you had to pay your money for tobacco, cigarettes etc... it was not so easy accessible for kids and parents were able to freely communicate with their children on theme of smoking. Can you easily access porn, without anyone notice? Yes. Is it easy to talk with kids on themes of sex/porn as easy to talk on theme of smoking? No.
    Sorry for all that text and mistakes in it... I'm so tired of all of that... and really desperate.
    Symbol of Peace, Kligor and James77 like this.
  2. Good luck Raxvik the positive is that you made a start here.
    Symbol of Peace likes this.
  3. Welcome here, i like your phrase about porn/social network. Is true
    Symbol of Peace likes this.

    RAXVIK Fapstronaut

    Thanks for responses. Really appreciate.
    Symbol of Peace likes this.
  5. Hope you reach what you want here, STOP WATCHING PORN FOREVER! And probably stop Masturbation.
  6. Kligor

    Kligor Fapstronaut

    Hi mate and welcome,i understand your pain you and i have similar story.I m alone too,i never had a girlfriend,i have just one friend and we visit each other maybe 1 or 2 times a month,i was started porn at 11 or 12 years old too.You haven't done anything bad to feel afraid to speak with people or to anything with feeling shame or fear.There is nothing bad to be alone it means you are strong,in some point it is better to be alone than to be with some wh*re(without offense).I will give example,some people can kill and don't give a sh!t about that they can look you in the eyes with dead look,otherwise some people are soft heart and avoid conflicts because they don't want to hurt anybody and will afraid because they value his own opinion inferior in comparison to others.I can tell you from my experience all start in head,what you think it reflects.From now if you overthinking you should stop(You will feel better) you must have your yes and learn to say NO,you must show respect for yourself if you don't do that no one will,just remember all is in head.Tomorrow you should try this:
    1.Never overthinking.
    2.Never value your opinions and choices inferior than anybody else.
    3.You don't have a reason to be afraid,you haven't done anything bad(Even if you do so what?Forgive yourself)
    4.Don't care what people say or think that's none of your business.Some people will hate you with or without reason.
    I wish you all best mate,good luck.