Improvement Accountability Journal

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by drummer2244, Aug 12, 2019.

  1. drummer2244

    drummer2244 Fapstronaut

    Part of wanting to do this reboot is the fact that I realize how much my life is changed and impacted by the use of porn. I've decided to use this journey to improve myself overall as a person. I want to make healthier decisions in life, so that I can improve and enjoy life more. I want to use this as a way to keep track of what I'm doing. If nothing else this may help me replace negative behaviors with positive ones.

    While this is mainly for myself to hold myself accountable and explore ways to improve myself, feel free to join in the conversation with any ideas or comments you may have. Thanks in advance. Also I will most likely be focusing on self-improvement that doesn't have much to do with porn here (i.e. I'll never say "research porn addiction"). I do understand many of these are connected because porn has become a huge part of my life, but I want this post to be just self-improvement.

    My first dilemma is whether to set vague goals (i.e. spend less time online) or more concrete goals (i.e. spend only an hour online). I feel like for now I'm going to post vague goals and monitor how much I'm actually doing it and then make more concrete goals after that. I also plan on setting weekly goals and checking in mid-week on how I'm doing.

    So heres what I'd like to work on this week:

    1) Spend less time online
    2) Read everyday (meaning in a book... not forums or online)
    3) Establish some sort of Morning Routine
    4) Begin meditating daily
    5) Exercising Daily (even just a walk outside)