Is she Fake?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Deleted Account, Dec 30, 2020.

  1. Hey everyone.

    So I met this girl on Facebook date a day ago. At first she seemed normal and is actually talking to me so that's always a plus.

    Yesterday as we were further talking, she got into this weird mood and started asking me "So your not looking for serious relationship". I said " I'm just chatting right now and seeing where things go."

    Secondly she bluntly said. "Do you have your own car?" I said yes I do. I felt this was kind of weird because most woman just continue talking or likewise conversation.

    Thirdly: She asked me If I wanted to go out on a date already? At this point I said yes because I was convinced maybe she just really wanted to go out. But I realize myself that there's a pandemic out there and going out on a date right away with a day in to talking would be kinda a risk. "she said she had to check her schedule." How do you not know your schedule already? I know mine and replied with it right away..

    Lastly she said some weird to me along the lines of " I understand having sex with your and still talking, but is it normal to have your ex keep buying you things?" She had a snapchat of a checkbook or something? After that I replied Am I supposed to know this? She didn't respond back yet. This morning I sent another text saying "Are you still talking with your Ex?" no response back yet. I can't take a picture of it or see it today because the chats are deleted.

    I have a feeling this is fake but I'm wondering what you guys think, I'm well aware of fake accounts, this just struck me so oddly. This was on Facebook date.
    blacklabel92, palindromo and fewlack0 like this.
  2. palindromo

    palindromo Fapstronaut

    Tell her you 're starting to think she's a fake account
  3. Going to call her out if she doesn't reply today, then just move on. She is posting snapchat pictures but not talking.
    blacklabel92 and palindromo like this.
  4. blacklabel92

    blacklabel92 Fapstronaut

    Word to the wise id just give up the online thing. Too many bots and too superficial. Ud have a better chance meeting someone at the store or the park. Someone decent and decent looking. Cant catfish irl.
  5. @blacklabel92 I agree Mr. BlueEyes.

    I deleted my snapchat and dating profile on Facebook. Just realizing I'm not ready to date yet. This year is coming to a close and I'll be single until I have a higher paying job or move up in my work. I just know when I move up a girl is going to spark interest in me then, but is it worth it?
    blacklabel92 likes this.
  6. blacklabel92

    blacklabel92 Fapstronaut

    Hell yeah broski! Yeah bro i tell dudes all the time. If you aint doin shit but working, just stack paper while living within your means. Then in the future you can stunt on mfs. Yeah tough one, hard to tell if the girl u meet while ur successful is there for you or your money. I think the best approach would be to find a girl who is on the come up herself, a hustler, someone with ambition and plans. Those are the girls u want. I had a girl my age who was taking real estate classes, beautiful girl, genuine hustler, but i was too much of a pussy and fucked it up. Regret it to this day. Dont do what i did.
    Futureself and Agent 6 like this.
  7. re-Wire

    re-Wire Fapstronaut

    Why would you even want to go to date with such a person?
    blacklabel92 and Agent 6 like this.
  8. pfffffffffffffffttt, fuck her. not like in ass, but fuck her ya know what i mean mate
    blacklabel92 likes this.
  9. to see if someone is real I always ask them to take an odd photo, usually it is sticking their tongues out while sticking their pinky out, if they cannot do this they fake.
    blacklabel92 likes this.
  10. ItsSeal

    ItsSeal Fapstronaut

    Online chatting -> useless waste of your time!!! Work hard enough on yourself and you meet pretty of woman in reality.
    blacklabel92 and Agent 6 like this.
  11. Agent 6

    Agent 6 Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender


    Everything OP just explained sounds like too much to deal with. Don’t be desperate. If it was an authentic person...someone who is legitimate, you wouldn’t have to make a post about them and their actions. See the logic?

    Do great things

    blacklabel92 likes this.

  12. Actually it's funny you mentioned she was in real estate. My friend got set up apparently with Woman that was an attorney. Apparently it was one of the worst dates ever for him. Unless she was just boring and caught up in her work or just absolutely boring. Don't feel so bad man unless she was really into you. I couldn't see how bad you fucked it up. I got rejected with a response that a gal "had to clean her room" instead of going out on a date with me to a movie.
    blacklabel92 likes this.
  13. blacklabel92

    blacklabel92 Fapstronaut


    Bwahaha, bro.. Hella dumb.
    Learn to fly again and Agent 6 like this.
  14. blacklabel92

    blacklabel92 Fapstronaut

    Jup, facts broski..
    Agent 6 likes this.
  15. blacklabel92

    blacklabel92 Fapstronaut


    Thats the fucked up part. This girl was feelin me, wanting me around and shit.. I was just a big fat pussy man. Trust me if you feel like you may have a "great one" as Sonny said. Hold on to the girl. Pfft fuck her dude. She wasnt even worth your time. Yeah go clean ur room and ur snatch while ur at it ya dirty lil bih. Lol. Jk. But facts.
    Futureself likes this.
  16. Khufu

    Khufu Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    skype is my "go to" when dealing with these situations ,
    blacklabel92 likes this.
  17. Khufu

    Khufu Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    part of what makes me super confidence these days is cause my past when i was a big pussy when i shouldve man"d up
    blacklabel92 likes this.
  18. blacklabel92

    blacklabel92 Fapstronaut

    Right. Like learning from your past fuck ups. Only sure fire way.

  19. Mann I still remember that text message. I asked her how it went the next day and she told me "Alright." Meaning she didn't want to go out or was having anxiety issues but I later then found she talks about people behind there backs so I didn't feel as bad. She also had anxiety issues I guess, but we all do at times. Exactly.... I have one real close friend from Japan and I'm holding onto to her as long as I can.
    blacklabel92 likes this.
  20. blacklabel92

    blacklabel92 Fapstronaut


    Yeah not gna lie I've made mistakes and talked about ppl behind their backs in the past so i can't judge anyone who does. I still slip from time to time and do it, better at catching myself everytime i do though. Im tryna build better habits and not mention someone unless its positive. Better to just mind your own. Yeah man if shes a good girl and yall are both vibin i say go for it. Just make a move, girls appreciate genuine effort. Good luck buddy!
    Futureself likes this.