I've beaten my video game addiction

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Misunderstood, Mar 17, 2014.

  1. Misunderstood

    Misunderstood Fapstronaut

    I started playing video games since I was 6 and I've been hooked ever since. I wouldn't say I was fully addicted until middle school and that's when everything started to change. Instead of reading, I'd play video games. Instead of going outside, I'd play video games. Instead of spending quality time with my family or friends, I'd play video games. I wouldn't eat my food at the table but instead in front of the TV downstairs......playing video games. It got to the point where I would skip brushing my teeth and taking showers just to play them. I would wake up at 5am in the morning to play video games until around 1am in the morning, no breaks except for bathrooms and gathering junk food. I wouldn't do my homework, I wouldn't do any of my other hobbies. I would just play video games all day. It made me very anti-social and it made me sad as well. I used to spend every day of my summer vacation playing video games and when school came around and people asked me what I did over the summer, I had nothing to tell them. All I did was play video games. If I was ever forced to leave the house and go somewhere, guess what? I'd bring my PSP and my iPod and play games on there. Video games used to be the first thing I did when I woke up and the last thing I did before I went to sleep. I didn't notice how bad the addiction was until I blew off this girl I liked just to play video games.

    So how did I beat it? Well, I have to give part of the credit to my father. Because of this addiction I couldn't beat, my grades went down a lot in school. My father noticed my grades and took away my PS3, PSP, Xbox 360 and my Wii. This forced me to spend a lot of time in my bedroom (which sorta fuels the PMO addiction I've picked up) playing games on my shitty labtop, my iPod and my iPhone. My labtop was filled with viruses and eventually had a hard drive failure so it had to get repaired. Since I got it back, I've downloaded 0 games onto it. I rarely use my iPod or my iPhone for games and I do more productive things with my time. I plan on selling all my video games and their consoles to fully be cleansed of this addiction. It was weird cause once I got my consoles back, I picked up the addiction back for a short amount of time but I've been off it for so long, it just didn't feel right. I haven't played video games in a loooonng time and I have no urges to at all. I'm so happy I've beaten once of my addictions. Now I just have two more left. PMO addiction and movie/TV series addiction.
  2. MoonUser

    MoonUser Fapstronaut

    Video games absolutely rewire your brain... and not necessarily in a good way. I steer clear of them myself.
  3. GuyWhoWillStopPMOing

    GuyWhoWillStopPMOing Fapstronaut

    Well, man, to me it seems that the first thing you need is sense of responsability. Trust me, when you leave your parents house, you will need it. Besides that, try to diversify your hobbies. There is a lot of cool things to do instead of just gaming. Even things that can have games as subject, such as drawing, playing musical instruments (you can play games music if you like), reading and so on.
    The very first step you have already taken, since you don't deny your addiction. From now on, you only need to strengten you will and keep on walking.
  4. Misunderstood

    Misunderstood Fapstronaut

    What do you mean by responsibility? What did this have to do with that?

    I do a lot of things besides video games. I haven't played a video game in ages. I draw, I write, I make music and write it, I like running and I like reading. I also just like listening to music in general. My will needs to increase. I fall way too easily for my PMO urges and I need to beat that.
  5. GuyWhoWillStopPMOing

    GuyWhoWillStopPMOing Fapstronaut

    Misunderstood, I assure you that I meant no offense. When you said that your grades went down, the only assumption I can make is that you were forgeting much more important things just to have time for gaming. I don't know how things are where you live, but it is my opinion that someone who lives with their parents should at least try hard to get good grades, this is what your parents expect. But this is just my opinion, you don't have to take it as a rule, obviously.
    About PMO, just keep trying and avoid triggers, there is no secret. Strength to avoid it will come with time.
  6. Misunderstood

    Misunderstood Fapstronaut

    Didn't take it as an offense, just didn't understand :D. Yeah, my grades are getting better. I was just so addicted to video games, it seemed like nothing else in this world mattered.
  7. Hank Pym

    Hank Pym Fapstronaut

  8. Triplex VII

    Triplex VII Fapstronaut

    I was addicted to video games and PMO as well. I cured my addiction to games though. Still working on the PMO.

    Video games were something that made me feel less alone and took up time and gave me adventure that I couldnt get in real life so I used them to compensate for that. Mostly for the loneliness, however. I still play them now, but in much more moderation, and they no longer control my life. Eventually I just came to face the fact that they couldnt make up for my lack of real life relationships.
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