Morally or ethically how would you rank bad sex behaviors?

Discussion in 'Compulsive Sexual Behavior' started by greenmtnboy, Mar 2, 2020.

  1. greenmtnboy

    greenmtnboy Fapstronaut

    Buying skin magazines, reading and viewing them, and/or jerking off to them?

    Going online, watching porn videos, for novelty vs. acting on them, jerking off?

    Watching porn videos, and uploading the ones you like to "free" porn sites?

    Acting on porn by enticing or sexually using other people?

    Are there levels of serious bad behavior; ie those who do 10X or 100x more than others?
  2. Of course it is, acting on other people could be really bad depending on whats been done.
    I for an example used to share explicit photos of my fiancee years ago, without asking, decided to man up and tell her and it turned out she wasnt really bothered at all.

    What I was doing was shitty and disrespectful, but like youre saying, it would be 1000x worse if she had felt hurt or betrayed, wich she didnt.

    The same rules cant really be applied to everything though, think of rapists and child molesters, those things are comparable with murder IMO.

    Groping a girl at a nightclub? Bad, but what it turns out she likes it? Here its Aldo 1000x worse if she feels threat or violated.

    watching porn?
    Not always bad, but it depends on what u look at.
    Vanilla porn? CP? CP would be 1000% worse.

    You see what I mean?
    Some things are always bad, but in lots of cases only the person(s) involved should decide whats okay or not.
    Thats one of the reasons doing stuff towards children is so disgusting, because they DONT KNOW whats right or wrong, as they havent learned it.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  3. greenmtnboy

    greenmtnboy Fapstronaut

    The problem of sharing sin is who may be negatively influenced and tempted.

    With porn we have over 125 countries with people having access. Like a radioactive radiation being spread out like Chernobyl, many people can be affected.

    Even with "beautiful" art porn, people can be negatively affected by having their addictions affected and made worse. T

    Most of porn is a freak show of white trash, etc.; the problem with the better stuff is it is more seductive.
  4. Poseidon

    Poseidon Fapstronaut

    Why do you need us to rank this list from worst to least worst? If it’s bad, don’t do it.
  5. greenmtnboy

    greenmtnboy Fapstronaut

    We should be thinking about all our actions, sins of commission and sins of omission. We deprive others of our love and abilities if we isolate and look at porn. It is worse if we act as tempters of others by putting out lascivious material through sharing.
  6. Poseidon

    Poseidon Fapstronaut

    Don’t tell me what I should be thinking about :p
  7. Neurostudent

    Neurostudent Fapstronaut

    Yeah at the end of the day we have to do a cost/benefit analysis of these behaviours. There is nothing intrinsically negative about any act, it's about the real world consequences involved. Pornography per se is not immoral or unethical, but the current structure within which pornography resides certainly is. The predatory marketing, the human trafficking, the abuse, etc, etc. All of these are negative elements of the current porn industry that make it impossible to use porn without engaging in unethical behaviour.

    With that being said though...try living in the world today without being involved in some sort of unethical behaviour. It's simply an impossibility for most of us. Whether you're directly engaging in unethical behaviour, or simply buying a t-shirt that is somehow connected to slave labour across the world, you are supporting an imperfect system that unfortunately does cause a lot of suffering. The best any of us can do is be conscious of what is going on and do our best to mitigate our impact on the people and the world around us. For us here that involves abstaining from pornography and choosing not to support the porn industry. Others may have their own methods of making the world a bit better.

    Now, as for the addictive potential of pornography and how that would make even, "artistic," pornography unethical or immoral, I would disagree. There are many things we engage in that are potentially addictive. I think what we must do is have the proper education, the proper resources, and the proper societal beliefs that allow for a healthy existence of sexual art. I would not call immoral the creative expression of an artist merely because their art could be jerked off to.

    Either way, people are always going to be watching pornography so it's a lost battle to try and call it immoral or unethical. If we censored pornography it would just make the problem worse as it would just become another criminal enterprise. What we should focus on is less immoral and less unethical. Fix the problems I mentioned in the first paragraph and we will have a porn industry that is as ethical as it may ever get.
    greenmtnboy likes this.
  8. Fifth Horseman

    Fifth Horseman Fapstronaut

    As stated above porn viewing or use is not moral or immoral (unless as with CP it promotes an abhorrent business model), any more than is overeating. It may be personally harmful or stupid, it may if carried too far be a betrayal of a personal relationship (so maybe that low grade “betrayal” implicates personal morality), but a discussion of morality measured by porn use seems inapposite.
  9. greenmtnboy

    greenmtnboy Fapstronaut

    Probably the best case scenario for porn would be to have mentally sound feminists run it with the actresses fully open about their feelings and desires. 99% of porn falls into the abusive category, unhealthy, ugly and exploitative. Good artistic porn is so rare that most people just paint with a broad brush regarding all of porn as bad.

    I don't consider the nudes of French impressionists, Rubens, Monet etc as obscene, or some of the modern works of highly refined beauty. I like Jane Austen and Lord of the Rings with the classy beauty there. Maybe I am too much an idealistic, why most porn is a total turn off to me.