1. Next time that you decide to start NoFap, which is usually a time when you are devastated after having masturbated, feeling so low, lost and hopeless, record an audio stating how you feel and why you want to quit porn. Let it be as honest as possible. I did it.
    Now, on day 28, I no longer really remember how I used to feel, my days no longer have that moment of shame, neither that moment of mental chaos debating myself after PMO. So I just listened to that audio for the first time, and I remembered how I used to feel, which looks as something pretty distant now. So it is good to have this, because there could come the day when you think "hey, why not giving it a go, it's been so long, why not going for one?", just like when you go to the cinema after months, as a one time thing. Well, then you can listen to that audio and wonder if you would like to feel as you say you feel like in the audio.
    vanilla gorilla52 and insomniyac like this.
  2. Thomas8

    Thomas8 Fapstronaut

    Good suggestion.
    I'mJustAChoice likes this.
  3. Great advice! Could help out for sure.
    I'mJustAChoice likes this.
  4. vanilla gorilla52

    vanilla gorilla52 Fapstronaut

    Hi my friend, thanks for this good advice. That’s exactly what I needed. I’m on my 46th day and my brain is making Tricks with me. It’s telling me: Maybe I don’t have a problem. Maybe I can have one look at porn. It’s very important to look back where we come from and why we are doing it. I will keep fighting
    I'mJustAChoice likes this.