NoFap is more than just not fapping (Long post)

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Deleted Account, Jan 26, 2018.

  1. In my personal experience I've seen that most fapstronauts are here for one of these reasons: 1)My dick is not working, 2)This will solve all my problems in life or 3)Porn is the reason why I totally suck in life. And yeah, sure, those are good reasons to stop fapping. But there is one problem, most people don't realize that it's more than just willpower needed to quit and addiction and those reasons predict an goal of simply "not fapping".

    This is what an addiction is: An escape, and illusion to make us think that life is good or that life has purpose. What do we do when life has no purpose? We seek what evolution taught us to seek: Reward a.k.a. Dopamine. We seek dopamine in addictions so it can give us highs and lows, so we can think that we are doing something, and when we quit fapping what will happen? We quit, life is flat, no highs and lows, there is a void and we want to fill it! One or two: 1) We get back to our addiction or 2) we start a new one! (Most commonly here I see> Tv, Videogames and YT). But wait! There is a third option: Fulfillment, and it's hard to get it.

    What is fulfillment? It a good emotional health, it's personal development, it's being able to smile in the morning, to enjoy difficulties...

    So to sum it all up: Non-destruction is not construction. Non-destruction (not fapping) is not construction (fulfillment).

    Those are my steps to quit this cycle: Make a habit tracking spread sheet, with these two habits: Quitting free dopamine (I will make a list of the most common free dopamine you need to quit) and building something.

    Free dopamine to quit:
    - Tv, there are no reasons to watch tv, not even news or movies. Learn the news from friends if you want to and only watch movies for social situations if you want to. But at best quit cold turkey for a short time, and don't watch daily and no more than some hours a week.
    - Gaming: Same as tv, but it's a better option for social situations. Prefer multiplayer with fast communication or some sort of puzzle or building game. You don't need to quit this one in a short term, just keep it short in the first week, no more than one hour a day and no more than 10 hours a week after you are all ok.
    - Day dreaming: Thinking too much about a perfect world will do nothing, only make the real one look worse, start planning your days.
    - YouTube: Unsubscribe from bad channels and subscribe to good ones. Also do this to control your internet use: Surf YT and add good videos to watch later, than download those videos and cut of the internet for the rest of the day.

    Life will only be fun after you cut the free dopamine, because normal activities will now satisfy you.

    There are 7 pillars that you need to build:
    - Fitness and health.
    - Relationships.
    - Hobbies.
    - Work/school.
    - Emotional life.
    - Intelectual life.
    - Fun.

    These are my recommendations:

    - Fitness and health:
    1- Get enough sleep and keep a sleep schedule. 2- Exercise daily for 30 mins at least for adults. 3- Stop slouching and sitting! It is killing you! Move every 30 mins or so and keep a good posture.
    - Relationships:
    1- Read the book 7 habits of highly effective people and start using the social habits, those are all you need.
    - Hobbies.
    1- Make a list of hobbies that interest you. 2- Start working in one of them and maybe keep it or quit it.
    - Work/school.
    1- Organize yourself!
    - Emotional life.
    1- I recommend the channel the school of life, search there for addictions and philosophical meditation. 2- Keep a journal, simply start writing down what you think is worth keeping, try gratitude and search for more journal exercises.
    - Intelectual life.
    1- Start building strong opinions by learning logic and listening to both sides. I learned logic and a Brazilian course, I don't know any in english.
    - Fun.
    1- Read fiction.

    I have also some productivity tips for you all here:

    - Use Evernote to keep a journal and organize yourself.
    - Make weekly and monthly plan (you can do all that on Evernote).
    - Read the 4 hours work week by Tim Ferris.
    - Plan daily this way: keep a to-do list and a track of activities that have specific times to be done (lunch, meetings etc.). Just prioritize your to-do list and start working on it until you need to do your specific activity, this way you are more flexible.
  2. Nighthigh

    Nighthigh Fapstronaut

    You are right, nofap covers a lot of aspects of your life and while trying to achieve we are organising many aspects of our life (sleep, food, sport, relations, work, money, relaxation, health,...).
    I however think that I discovered nofap because I am reorganising my life on many aspects. Nofap is one aspect from a much larger plan for me.
  3. Bemybest

    Bemybest Fapstronaut

    I am myself trying to follow this but I have failed forecast 3 years.
  4. Bemybest

    Bemybest Fapstronaut

    I am myself trying to follow this but I have failed for last 3 years.
  5. Trying to follow the "Just not masturbate" thing or the personal improvement?
  6. NoFap has helped me to build a higher quality life, PMO is bothering me less and less each day, and I'm feeling determined to improve another areas of my life, such as the ones you quoted above, it is after all my main objective here, and I believe it also should be everyone elses. Great post.
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