Possible ways to boost energy during reboot?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by dd85, Apr 8, 2016.

  1. dd85

    dd85 Fapstronaut

    I am only in my first full day of rebooting and the withdraws have been so bad already (I am scared to think of what will become of me in the coming weeks if I am already experiencing them so heavy now) but I was curious if anyone had any good ideas how to boost yourself up. I feel so lethargic and low right now. I tried to motivate myself to get outside (it hit 80 degrees today) and I just got a headache from it. I made it to the top and just reflected on my reboot and how grateful I am to have someone to rely on this time around. I could use anything really. I don't drink soda and caffeine has no affect on me since I am ADHD.
    Thanks friends!
  2. GSarosi

    GSarosi Guest

    Intense anaerobic workouts like HIIT, boot camp and sports conditioning. Or if you are extreme enough go through Mixed Martial Arts training. This will affect your dopamine production like porn would. You get this awesome natural high and in this cloud nine happy mood afterwards.
  3. dd85

    dd85 Fapstronaut

    I used to get such a good high from working out but I don't know, since P took over I just haven't been able to motivate myself like I used to. I guess i'll just have to force myself. I just wish I wasn't so tired feeling.
  4. GSarosi

    GSarosi Guest

    Once you get into the routine and the awesome feeling afterwards you get motivated. Also if there is a girl in your class where she becomes some sort of gym crush really motivates you to drag yourself to the gym.
  5. dd85

    dd85 Fapstronaut

    I have a partner that I have been seeing for 4 years. I hope the withdraws lessen and I can bring myself to get out of bed and go back to the gym like I used to. I miss how great I felt after my work outs.
  6. GSarosi

    GSarosi Guest

    Even better if you partner would also like to join you.

    Well you definitely sure know the feeling afterwards then. It is all you bro. Once you pull that first trigger and do it is all you need.

    Good luck bro!
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 8, 2016
    dd85 likes this.
  7. Ikindaknew

    Ikindaknew Fapstronaut

    Complex-B vitamin, Maca+ ginseng, plus the physical training mentioned above!
    dd85 likes this.
  8. MegaMan

    MegaMan Fapstronaut

    Gym gym gym! Or just be active! That's what I have always done and even more so now during my rebooting period. Endorphins will make your happy and motivated for sure dude. :)
    dd85 and GSarosi like this.
  9. diamondboi

    diamondboi Banned

    Exogenous Testosterone administration.
  10. BobDobbs

    BobDobbs Fapstronaut

    I'm sure caffeine DOES affect you, just not the same way as most people. You might need higher does of caffeine, or time it differently, or it might have a much more subtle effect.

    Do you take any medication for the ADHD? Before I got on Adderall, I was basically self medicating with caffeine. Sometimes 800, maybe even 1000 mg a day. (for comparison, a 12oz can of Coke has 34mg, Diet Coke has 46, a couple of coffee has about 100mg, a double-shot of espresso has about 160mg)

    The problem with using caffeine, is that a tolerance builds up easily. Dependency as well. But since starting Adderall, I have cut WAY back on caffeine, some days having none at all, most days keeping it under 300mg, rarely going over 400mg.
    dd85 likes this.
  11. dd85

    dd85 Fapstronaut

    I currently do not take any medication now. I also have stopped all soda intake. It could very well have been a tolerance build up. I used to drink sometimes 6 cans of soda in one day at one point. However this last year I've cut back to only 1 soda a week if even that. Now it's just water. I would love to have a not subtle reaction to caffeine. It would help me greatly in school.