Rhyme and Reason

For Fapstronauts who are disciples of Christ

  1. Enufizenuf

    Enufizenuf New Fapstronaut

    I think I've generally thought of the cause of my addiction as "I was itchy so I scratched" but truth be told, that's not it. I was on a pretty decent 2-3 week streak and then the wheels fell off tonight...after a really tough day at work. Somewhere along the way my subconscious convinces me that if I've had a bad day, I can fap and view porn to make it better. I guess I'm posting here for prayers-that when bad days come I'd do something better with my time than this. Let's start over and do it again.
    Tao Jones likes this.
  2. Kemar935

    Kemar935 Fapstronaut

    yeah, that's the lie that Satan or our flesh puts in our minds, somewhere you know that P won't make you happy but after having a bad day or something bad happening to you it always seems like a good reason to watch P. Glad to hear your starting over again! were in this together!
    G0ReadAB00k likes this.
  3. G0ReadAB00k

    G0ReadAB00k Fapstronaut

    Dude, I know all too well where you're coming from.

    Something I've learned about that process from a spiritual perspective is our desire to maintain control over our lives. Since we have accustomed our brains to gain pleasure from PMO, and since that is something we can control, we choose to take back that control when external factors cause stress in our lives, or in other words, make us feel like we're less in control.

    The lesson I'm in the early stages of learning here is that the desire to control our own lives is contrary to God's will, because He wants us to fully surrender to Him so He can work His perfect will through us. He can't do that if we don't relinquish control though!

    So like @Kemar935 said, don't believe the lie of the enemy. Surrender in Christ is the best position we can be in - it gives Him permission to change our lives radically and work miracles in and through us!
    RestlessEngineer and Tao Jones like this.
  4. You *know* the Truth. Now take the next step and *live it out* in your own life.
    G0ReadAB00k likes this.