The downside to fulfilling goals?

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by BoredReiver, Aug 7, 2017.

  1. BoredReiver

    BoredReiver Fapstronaut

    To me one of the best things about NoFap is that it really focusses you on achieving goals in life. I have started to see a downside to this though - what do you do once you have achieved what you set out to do? You can carry on setting bigger goals but I'm sure that's not healthy in the long-term. Any thoughts?
  2. Millenial

    Millenial Fapstronaut

    Quitting goals are sometimes harder than 'Doing goals' because you are left with a hole in your life.
    I've quit porn but I haven't replaced it with enough positive stuff, so I'm working on that.
    Maybe it's good to use the word 'Replacing' rather than 'Quitting'.
    Echra likes this.
  3. Echra

    Echra Fapstronaut

    I think Millenial has it spot on.
    The abstinence of a negative(s) isn't a positive(s), It's a getting back to normal, a reboot.
    The replacement of negative(s) for positive(s) is the goal in any recovery endeavor.
    No one gets tired or bored of improving.
  4. I would guess that once you achieve your goals (which there will always be more to do), You would start to help others in achieving their own goals, or just go and experience new things on earth.
  5. Pepper M.

    Pepper M. Fapstronaut

    It's human nature to never be satisfied with what we have/have accomplished. It's what drives our survival as a species - the desire for more, and to be better. So yeah, I do think it is healthy to continue to set goals for yourself and work towards them. Maybe you just have to work a little more on finding out what you want your next goal to be.