Why live if God doesn't exist?

A group for members of all religions, or no religion at all, to talk about religion

  1. But if "rationality" is your argument, then it makes much more sense not to live. Death takes far less effort with no pain whatsoever and we are all going to die so why not now?
  2. HelperX

    HelperX Fapstronaut

    Rationality doesn't bring you to die because the world is fucked up. Rationality tells you that if the world is fucked up, you either start to change it or you live your life as best as you can, focusing on yourself and not on the fuck upness of the world.

    Unfortunatly we live in such a ill world, but we can only try to live the best we can and help others when we can.
  3. SickSicko

    SickSicko Fapstronaut

    God is real mate, is not imaginary.
  4. FirefromAbove

    FirefromAbove Fapstronaut


    Where can I hear rationality speak? Where did rationality say this? Is it up on da YT?
    Mr Rn likes this.
  5. I thought I made my point pretty clear earlier but I can see you're still spewing the same nonsense. "We are all going to die so why not now?'' The better question is, "We are all going to die so why now?" Since death is inevitable, there is no reason to speed up the process, it's going to eventually happen anyway. Since this entire thing is temporary and once we die we once again return to non-existence, why not go ahead and experience this world that we are in?
    HelperX likes this.
  6. HelperX

    HelperX Fapstronaut

    Nope, rationality is in the mind of people who have good morals, intelligence and common sense.
  7. FirefromAbove

    FirefromAbove Fapstronaut

    Ahh so rationality is your deity.

    Makes sense.
  8. Just to be clear, I've never been a very religious person (although that seems to change bit by bit as I get older and society gets more insane). I happen to agree with what a lot of people say. However I don't think I can find a reason to call any of it "rational").
  9. SickSicko

    SickSicko Fapstronaut

    Just so it comes clear for us mortals, they must have all three of them, or maybe someone with one or two is ok?
    Billybrasco likes this.
  10. If you are going to point X and you have the choice between going the longer route or the shorter route, you choose the shorter route. It is only rational, yes?
    I rest my case.
  11. FirefromAbove

    FirefromAbove Fapstronaut

    For Christians, the kingdom of God is within us. The Father, The Son, The Spirit.

    For Rationalists, the essence of Rationality is within our mind. The good morals, The Intelligence, The Common Sense.

    Theologians and philosophers often struggle to answer these two sets of beliefs. So what if they're the same?
    SickSicko likes this.
  12. It's only rational if your goal is to reach point X as quickly as possible. I'm taking the scenic route because I'm in no hurry to reach point X and I'm curious as to what I will see on the way there.
    HelperX likes this.
  13. But that is recreational, not rational.
    FirefromAbove likes this.
  14. FirefromAbove

    FirefromAbove Fapstronaut

    Legalize recreational walking.
    Billybrasco likes this.
  15. Dying as soon as possible is not my goal, therefore killing myself is not rational. Avoiding any and all suffering is not my goal. I've already experienced a lot of suffering, I'm sure I can handle more. I choose to stay alive because there are in fact some good things in this world and I'm a very curious person, I am fascinated by our world. I don't think there's anything else I can say to make my point more clear.
  16. Yes but you are clearly irrational. There's nothing wrong with that, by the way.
  17. HelperX

    HelperX Fapstronaut

    Good morals and common sense is enough. If you are also intelligent is better but rationality mainly comes from good morals and common sense.
  18. HelperX

    HelperX Fapstronaut

    No, that's not being irrational. If the world is fucked up, then it's fucked up, we can only hope it will change one day. I want to live the best life I can. I won't kill myself because the world is fucked up, wtf.

    Why would someone want to kill him/herself as soon as possible in the first place? You need to be positive and go on with life, don't be negative.
  19. HelperX

    HelperX Fapstronaut

    Funny, eh, not.

    The first set is made up, the second is not. See the difference?
  20. FirefromAbove

    FirefromAbove Fapstronaut

    To the contrary.

    The first is real, the second is not. See the difference?