Almost a month but need some help

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Peterhawn, Mar 15, 2021.

  1. Peterhawn

    Peterhawn New Fapstronaut

    I'm about to hit a month of NoFap. Every since I discovered how to masturbate in 6th grade, I have never gone more than 4 days without it. I tried NoFap last year for 3 weeks but gave in after being sexually frustrated. The guilt after the relapse was so draining to my motivation. This time, I'm going strong. First 2 weeks was great. Super high energy, waking up extra early, all the good stuff. By week 3 though, I started feeling grumpy, and my brain starts fantasizing the videos and pictures I used to masturbate to. I see faces of the girls I would masturbate to. Sometimes their voices or the music. It's like I'm hallucinating a bit. My question is, how long would these "hallucinations" last? It is getting on my nerve, especially since they're happening either in public or when I'm going to fall to sleep.
    StoriesAddict and xXsinnerXx like this.
  2. Randy Andy

    Randy Andy Fapstronaut

    Wrong question, not answerable and shouldn't be answered if it could be. If a thought arises and the thinker has a solution then we're good, and if a thought arises second later and there's still a solution to be practiced still no problem :) and "how long is this shit going to keep..." And other reactions to thoughts are also just thoughts and there is a solution just the same for those too.
  3. Randy Andy

    Randy Andy Fapstronaut

    But I neglected to say today I understand how frustrating it can be. It's just that the mind wanted to talk about not having the thoughts as a way to stay in the problem but we don't want to wake time in that frustrating mental back and forth. Plus for me it's often a thing of pride, I should be strong enough to blah blah but where is strength in the nonphysical space that thoughts occur, it's not relevant.
  4. luisretension

    luisretension Fapstronaut

    Listen man having porn memory is common thing to those havent hit 1 to 2 month mark of NoFap. I would recommend to keep yourself busy with a outside hobby you enjoy. Is very important for hobby be outside since indoor you may get the urges. Another is to block or clear your chrome or any other browser you use history that's related to porn. Pixels are always hard to fight at first but remenber it take your brain time to adjust to new changes and it cant happen quick. Just keep yourself busy outside or inside away from dirty websites. If you use social medias have yourself a break by deleting the apps out your phone for at least a week or 2. GOOD LUCK