Any other good forums out there?

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Deleted Account, Jun 30, 2020.

  1. As I have grown into a stronger person with the help of this awesome forum, I'm starting to look around for other forums where I can boost my physical and mental skills even more. The only problem is, I haven't found any such forum yet.

    I'm in the search for a forum with community created challenges, may it be for physical fitness, mental strength, nutrition or whatnot. I think the idea of updating a counter in a thread is a really motivational thing, you see the progress you do at the same time you get connected with others doing the same challenge...

    In other words, I'm looking for an active forum like NoFap but with a different focus.

    Any ideas?
    thinking_differently and L3t'sG0 like this.
  2. Awedouble

    Awedouble Fapstronaut

    You may have to start challenges there. If everyone ever did was wait until there was already a community doing the things they need then it wouldn't happen, and given the challenges you've created here you may just be the person to do that. There's the NoSurf subreddit and Discord server. I'm not entirely sure if you'll get people following through though since it is a bit less tangible, although you can also refer to a known program like the Digital Minimalism plan by Cal Newport.
    L3t'sG0 and Force Majeure like this.
  3. L3t'sG0

    L3t'sG0 Fapstronaut


    I find life to be made of specific parts like health and relationships, kinda like how everything you see is made of certain atoms like carbon.

    So, split your life into different parts and focus on a part that may be bothering you, giving you a tense feeling. That's the big picture.

    For example, maybe you can work more on mobility so that you'll be fine when you grow older or maybe help someone else in their lives as well, whether financial or some other aspect of life. Never forget you have a career too.

    That's my 2 c's. Have a great day.
  4. Thanks for an inspiring reply! I agree, a forum of that type can't be created out of thin air, it would have to organically grow on top of a platform niched towards features for managing community challenges. I was kind of wondering if anyone knew if this type of forum already exists but if not I'm happily the creator of one. :D
  5. Thanks for your comment, however I don't really understand how it relates to my question? :)

    Imagine I have a set of tools I attack life with - these would be my basis functions. If I make an orthogonal projection between life and one of these basis functions, I would be able to see if I find something that bothers me and that I want to improve. The more basis functions I have, the more improvement opportunities I can find. So with a community that could create challenges that I would never have thought of, I would be able to find new set of tools I can attack life with.
  6. There are no good forums to my knowledge
  7. I don't know about the "bettering yourself" focused forums but...

    Sherdog has a pretty active forum, if you're interested in martial arts.
    Force Majeure likes this.

  8. I say the same.


    There are two others I know of that are similar but no where as good as (not even close). This site with all it’s “nuisances” and “annoyances” is, IMO, the best online community help you’re go to find for our addiction.
    Force Majeure likes this.
  9. Bruh we should connect each other and create a new forum together
    Force Majeure likes this.
  10. What's your skills? I'm very much not frontend, I'm closer to the rear backend when it comes to software development. Usually embedded electronics but sure I can stretch myself to databases :D
  11. That's the same conclusion I have gotten, however, I actually don't look for a forum for our addiction, I'm looking for a more generic forum for self-improvement and training. This forum has been really good for getting up from the messy state I've been in, but what I'm looking for now is a place where I can continue my journey of pushing myself towards the same level as David Goggins. The reason why I'm looking for another forum is because it has nothing to do with fapping (unless members of the forum create those kinds of challenges of course, which is perfectly fine!)

    The things I really like with this forum is the challenges section and the counting. It would be cool to build a forum with integrated counting features so that a thread isn't necessarily filled with small posts with just counter values.

    I feel that all the 30-day challenges you can find on google is lacking one thing: a community. It would be so much better if you could start a discussion tied to a specific challenge or even a specific level for a challenge. Then you would suddenly feel you're not doing the challenge alone.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 2, 2020
    Deleted Account likes this.
  12. NONE! We don't need professionals. I'm sure if we got together with a few motivated people one person could learn photoshop and the other could learn SEO and stuff etc. Motivation is all you need
    Force Majeure likes this.