Can you listen to jerking off instruction ?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Stillhope, Sep 13, 2019.


Listening to jerking off instruction

  1. Yes it's a relapse

  2. No it's not a relapse

  1. Stillhope

    Stillhope Fapstronaut

    Hello guys
    I am new here and I want to quit PMO and now i am on day 3 so i was thinking about just doin MO without porn To cut it short i want to listen ( not watching) to jerking instruction so what you guys think , Will this consider a relapse .
  2. MisterDirection

    MisterDirection Fapstronaut

    You may as well keep on wankin to porn that's what all that leads back to
  3. Stillhope

    Stillhope Fapstronaut

    The urges is so bad bro but hey that's why i here cause i was wondering
  4. Enwar

    Enwar Fapstronaut

    It's still porn. Just bide the time.
    Hold it in and ultrafabber like this.
  5. Stillhope

    Stillhope Fapstronaut

    I feel pressure in my P i am trying to keep focusing on other things to do
  6. ultrafabber

    ultrafabber Fapstronaut

    Of course it is a relapse.
    FellatiousD and Enwar like this.
  7. Enwar

    Enwar Fapstronaut

    That's going to happen often. Just bide the time. Wait it out. It will go away eventually, even if it takes hours. It's worth it.
    Stillhope likes this.
  8. Stillhope

    Stillhope Fapstronaut

    Thanks guys for the support. The reason i made this post because i was seriously doubting it i guess i was just giving excuses for myself. Now i know better .
  9. rexoo_o1

    rexoo_o1 Fapstronaut

    Its far worse than normal hardcore porn. Woman says degrading things and you jack off to it; it can lead more serious fetish so keep off from it.

    If you think you have to jack off then try pictures***[Not recommend]
  10. I would consider that a relapse. Your not recovering by listening to that.
    Hold it in and Coffee Candy like this.
  11. romeolima

    romeolima Fapstronaut

    It's just audio porn as opposed to visual porn. You need to cut it all out.
    FellatiousD likes this.
  12. NewGeneration

    NewGeneration Fapstronaut

    Porn has all types (Video - Image - Audio - Gif - Interacting) what so's all considered porn.

    If you always listen to JOI (Jerk Off Instructions) then your mind will be programmed to that, in the future, when you try to have sex, you won't enjoy it or even get hard unless you close your eyes and listen to JOI. Maybe you would want to tell your girlfriend to do that which would be awkward asf LOL.

    Check out my latest thread it may help you: These are the side-effects of your first 30 days PMO Free
  13. odeon117

    odeon117 New Fapstronaut

    Hi everyone. I am a student from Paris working on a podcast about audio porn. One of the episodes in the series is about mental health and generally things audio porn can/can't help with. Stumbled upon this website and reading all of your posts is just overwhelming.
    I would really appreciate having some of your voices in the podcast - worry not, on a 100% anonymous basis, no names (or a fake one if you like), all additional information only if you decide to provide it.
    In fact, we don't even have to call. I could send you questions over email and you send me back your audio recordings.

    Please reply to this message if you're down. Again, I and my listeners would really appreciate this contribution.
  14. Its sound like your still flirting with the idea to keep some part of Porn in your life. Drop it! A little bit will ALWAYS turn in to full out Porn experience. If you cant control your sexual energy, Masturbate without P and do it to vanilla thoughts, like normal sex.
  15. Just listen to yourself...
    My God...
    FellatiousD likes this.
  16. primaljade

    primaljade Fapstronaut

    It may not be visual, so I'd classify it as audio porn.
  17. It's porn dude. And no I can't listen to it
  18. Joe1023

    Joe1023 Fapstronaut

    I actually disagree with this, respectfully. I don't think a woman giving a man masturbation direction is more degrading and dangerous than if she actually takes off all her clothes and has sex with someone while addicts watch and listen to her say similar things to whoever is having sex with her.

    But to @Stillhope, yes, I would absolutely say that listening to that stuff is exactly the same as watching porn, its just audio, not video, and serves the exact same purpose.

    Good luck, my friend!
  19. Going against the majority here: It's not a relapse if you're not taking any "action." Unless the constraints you set for yourself say that listening shouldn't be allowed. You are the final arbiter of determining if this will be consistent with your overall goals. If not, consider it a failure. Integrity means doing what's right when there are no witnesses.
  20. Joe1023

    Joe1023 Fapstronaut

    Well, to me, I have a porn addiction, not a masturbation addiction, although that part is definitely prohibited as well as porn. But this forum really is for people trying to get away from porn and masturbation. If someone doesn't consider masturbation instructions porn, then where is the line drawn between what is acceptable and what isn't? Someone verbally talking, instructing, and coaching you on how to masturbate doesn't count as anything BUT porn in my book, but those are just my two cents.
    dankestmemes likes this.