Day 34/35 - advice needed

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by oban, Jun 28, 2014.

  1. oban

    oban Fapstronaut

    Hey fapstronauts

    My current struggle is that I was out drinking last night until late, and then (as is currently the way with my NoFap). I spent a lot of time between 2am and 4 trying to persuade my old FWB to come hang out. I woke up at 7/7.30. I'm exhausted, I have a tiredness headache, I'm so tired I could cry.

    On top of that, I have to get up at 5am tomorrow morning to run a work event for a couple of thousand people. I really want to nap this afternoon, but I don't know if I'll be able to get to sleep.

    So, my question is would a reset really be so bad? It wouldn't put me back at the beginning, it might slow down my reboot. One PMO in 90 days would still be an achievement going from doing it daily for years.

    What do you folks reckon?
  2. I don't understand why you're thinking of fapping, brother. You've done so well. Please continue with your 34 days and do not stop. We can't keep looking for ways and excuses to fap again. Yes, resetting would make a huge difference. You've done more than 30 days so far and that's good, but go all the way to 90.

    You want to break into your 34 day streak for a few seconds of pleasure? Come on dude.

    Go out and make love to a woman instead. We do not need PMO.

    For me, I'm doing this for life. PMO clearly doesn't add any benefit to our lives.
    Benixana likes this.
  3. Z Dog

    Z Dog Fapstronaut

    I M + O'd after 32 days. It set set me back.

    Since then my resistance has been weaker and my addictive urges more persuasive.

    Yes the awful emotions of loneliness and despondency abated but they were part of my withdrawal and it was necessary to tackle them.

    You have come this far, stick with it. It might give you a temporary fix but you will have to build up your resolve again which is tough.

    Its up to you of course- if you do it will be a learning curve. But I wish I hadn't to be honest.
  4. oban

    oban Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the advice - it's really helpful having people to talk to. Hearing that it makes the next 30 days harder definitely helps motivate me. Fingers crossed I stick with it. I want to get my 90 days in.
  5. Justquit

    Justquit Fapstronaut

    Saying you will fap and not masturbate again for the remainder of the 90 days is assuming a lot. Like what everyone else said here, it'll set you back. Learn to live with the stress, it really is the beginning of a new life without the crutch of p and m.
    I'm at the same point at you. It gets easier but it gets harder at the same time because you start rationalizing that you've done so go so far, what is 1 fap going to do. Try to fight that thinking!
  6. Please don't relapse brother. It's not worth it. Stay with it, and put all of your very might into this.

    We're here with you in the same struggle and we are all in the same boat.