Dopamine detox

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by NF SINCE BIRTH, Mar 2, 2020.

  1. Angus McGyver

    Angus McGyver Fapstronaut

    "I sometimes wonder, am I the toxic person?"

    Well, that's a question you have to ask yourself. If you are often pissed-off, frustrated, angry, having grudges, having many negative thoughts (refusing to see the good in things) hating on everyone and everything around you. Then, yes, you might be the toxic person and will become your own worst enemy before you know it as that mentality won't lead you forward in life at all but only result in stagnation and disappointment.
    I have known plenty of those people throughout my life and there is a good reason I don't keep in touch with them anymore.
    But, you can always detox from that personality and become a nutric person instead, i.e. one who is supportive and fosters growth and development. You can do so by slowly changing and shift your mental attitude, mindset and thoughts towards more positive, inspiring and constructive ones.

    "Eating sugary sweets is my crucial daily habit to calibrate my mood.
    (I don't do fast food, sodas or artificial sweeteners - at least)"

    That's a good start but keep in mind that sugar is still an addictive poison where the dose and frequency of intake makes the poison. Sweets, chocolates, cake, cookies, etc, might give you some nice temporary relief in order to calibrate your mood and mitigate any troublesome feelings but in the long run, those will be degrading your mind and body slowly. Mainly by causing inflammation in your tissues which will be the precursor to metabolic syndrome but it will also break havoc on your brain, thoughts, mood and mindsets.
    I was probably in the early stages of metabolic syndrome myself last summer (despite being quite lean) after having been on a diet rich in carbohydrates for quite some time, 3 times a day plus some sugary treat (like cookies or cakes) every other day. Not only was I walking around getting hungry every 3-4 hours, my mood was not in the best state either with occasional mood-swings and having a hard time focusing on certain tasks.

    Nowadays, I only eat 1-2 meals/day (OMAD 3-4 days/week and 2MAD the remaining days) and much more animal fats found in quality meats, poultry and fish, leafy greens, and whole fat yogurt, cheese, and cream. I have also ditched the potato-chips and flavored crackers for peanuts, cashews, seeds and chick-peas and feel so much better and full/sated for long periods of time from this non-processed whole foods diet. Not to mention the amazing effects a whole-foods, low sugar/carbs diet will have on your skin. I look much younger, more tanned and glowing (despite having spent almost the entire winter in the frigid, sunlight-deprived Scandinavian conditions) and even some former scar-tissue on my cheeks (where most of my acne resided) has slowly been straightening out after years of bulkiness.

    @NF SINCE BIRTH I wonder, how can I even survive without music?[/QUOTE]
  2. Angus McGyver

    Angus McGyver Fapstronaut

    "I sometimes wonder, am I the toxic person?"

    Well, that's a question you have to ask yourself. If you are often pissed-off, frustrated, angry, having grudges, having many negative thoughts (refusing to see the good in things) hating on everyone and everything around you. Then, yes, you might be the toxic person and will become your own worst enemy before you know it as that mentality won't lead you forward in life at all but only result in stagnation and disappointment.
    I have known plenty of those people throughout my life and there is a good reason I don't keep in touch with them anymore.
    But, you can always detox from that personality and become a nutric person instead, i.e. one who is supportive and fosters growth and development. You can do so by slowly changing and shift your mental attitude, mindset and thoughts towards more positive, inspiring and constructive ones.

    "Eating sugary sweets is my crucial daily habit to calibrate my mood.
    (I don't do fast food, sodas or artificial sweeteners - at least)"

    That's a good start but keep in mind that sugar is still an addictive poison where the dose and frequency of intake makes the poison. Sweets, chocolates, cake, cookies, etc, might give you some nice temporary relief in order to calibrate your mood and mitigate any troublesome feelings but in the long run, those will be degrading your mind and body slowly. Mainly by causing inflammation in your tissues which will be the precursor to metabolic syndrome but it will also break havoc on your brain, thoughts, mood and mindsets.
    I was probably in the early stages of metabolic syndrome myself last summer (despite being quite lean) after having been on a diet rich in carbohydrates for quite some time, 3 times a day plus some sugary treat (like cookies or cakes) every other day. Not only was I walking around getting hungry every 3-4 hours, my mood was not in the best state either with occasional mood-swings and having a hard time focusing on certain tasks.

    Nowadays, I only eat 1-2 meals/day (OMAD 3-4 days/week and 2MAD the remaining days) and much more animal fats found in quality meats, poultry and fish, leafy greens, and whole fat yogurt, cheese, and cream. I have also ditched the potato-chips and flavored crackers for peanuts, cashews, seeds and chick-peas and feel so much better and full/sated for long periods of time from this non-processed whole foods diet. Not to mention the amazing effects a whole-foods, low sugar/carbs diet will have on your skin. I look much younger, more tanned and glowing (despite having spent almost the entire winter in the frigid, sunlight-deprived Scandinavian conditions) and even some former scar-tissue on my cheeks (where most of my acne resided) has slowly been straightening out after years of bulkiness.

    Excuse me for my tech-illiteracy here but I really mess up the quotations in your reply I see, since I don't know how to write these within like you so nicely did.
  3. Nucleus

    Nucleus Fapstronaut

    Take a walk in nature. Go for a run. Sit down in a quiet room with a book. Cook yourself a healthy dinner.

    All of this is fine on dopamine detox.
    NF SINCE BIRTH likes this.
  4. Dexter Moran

    Dexter Moran Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    Hi NFFB,
    an excellent post. I would go even further than you have. We live in a 21st century World. Yet our bodies and minds are still on hunter gatherer settings.

    We can satisfy our natural urges almost simultaneously. By this I mean our need for food, drink and ejaculation. Yet mostly we use unnatural gateways to such satisfaction. Porn is a prime example. I, or anyone else for the matter, can go online and see more naked women in 5 minutes than our forefathers did in a lifetime. THIS IS NOT NATURAL!

    Such over stimulation wrecks the nervous system. It also distorts our natural sex drive and, if we fap, exhausts our vital life force. A reset to our natural settings would be desirable. Yet this would entail great effort and sacrifice. A total detox from all social media, television, magazines/ newspapers and the internet itself would be required.

    Not easy I know! But for the incorrigible PMO addict it might be a last resort. These are my views. I respect differing opinions of course.
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2020
  5. Thank you for your detailed answer!
    I'm probably more on the "nutric" than on the "toxic" side. But it's good to understand the toxic elements. I'll try to become a better person.
    As for sugar, yes, I'm really in a bad place atm. However I'm motivated to leave that shit behind! But not enough. What you said I take as motivation.
    NF SINCE BIRTH and Angus McGyver like this.
  6. Donijuan

    Donijuan Fapstronaut

    I do agree, switching habits from porn to exercise changes how my dopamine work and now i'm developing more and more good habits.

    Nice threads it takes willpower to detox dopamine but sure the longterm effect is astounding.
    NF SINCE BIRTH likes this.
  7. (Today I abstained from sugar)
    NF SINCE BIRTH and Angus McGyver like this.
  8. Angus McGyver

    Angus McGyver Fapstronaut

    All sugars or added sugars only?
    I have myself stayed away from added sugars daily for almost two weeks now while also reducing bread, pasta, white rice and fast carbs. The only exception to the added sugar being a few days ago when I added a table-spoon or two of lingonberry-jam to my black-pudding at dinner (a common Swedish dish) but overall, it feels amazing to stay away from all of that sucrose, high-fructose corn syrup and artificial sweeteners.
    Although, I haven't given up on fruits, you still feel many times better after cutting added sugars out of your diet, with less brain-fog, fatigue, and negative thoughts since sugar is breaking havoc on not only your body but your brain and mind as well.

    Many of the metabolic syndromes and diseases (plus mental illnesses) we see explode these days are due to a heavy overconsumption of sugars and fast carbs (including soft-drinks and alcoholic beverages) which also drives your insulin up, making you more hungry, store more fat around your organs and wanting to eat more of these foods. It is something that the processed food-industry and its board-members (and chemists) have known for decades and hence use to the max in order to promote and hook consumers to their foods, making them return and keep buying their junk, year after year.
    Scorcher2000 and NF SINCE BIRTH like this.
  9. What do you mean by "all sugars"?
    Well until now I'm doing very good. I don't eat pasta and bread often myself. My nutrition is very healty as soon as I don't eat sugary sweets anymore. So I don't care so much for added sugars in other products. For example I still eat pickles from the supermarket, sometimes. My goal is to get rid of this addiction (to sweets like chocolate, cake ..) and reboot my habits and taste to a healthy level. More than that is not needed.

    I agree with you, what you say about the sugar industry.
    Today I will abstain again.
    Scorcher2000 and NF SINCE BIRTH like this.
  10. Angus McGyver

    Angus McGyver Fapstronaut

    With "All sugars" I refer to all sugars you can find in food-items, including those found naturally in whole fruits whereas added sugars refers to all of those sugars that don't occur naturally (in nature or in fruits) but are added to chocolates, candy, cookies, pastries, cakes, soft-drinks, etc for increased storage and sweetness.

    NF SINCE BIRTH Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    I personally struggle with the whole dopamine detox thing. I am taking really small baby steps. Right now I am doing 10 pushups a day, reading 5 pages a day and I am trying to meditate but I often skip the meditation part.

    I think one way to go if you struggle like me is to focus on creating small positive habits. Dont stop. Let the effects compound. Start with one little habit, let it settle and then add another one.

    If you cant fly, then run. If you cant run, then walk. If you cant walk, then crawl. But whatever you do, you have to keep moving forward.

    - Martin Luther King.
    icebreaker polarstern likes this.

    NF SINCE BIRTH Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    Did some dopamine detox since my last post here. Just a couple hours here and there. The first time I tried I actually got really tired and fell asleep for several hours. I have a hard time relaxing. All these activities I am doing are just a way of escaping the terror of my own mind.
    casderasd and (deleted member) like this.
  13. That's great @NF SINCE BIRTH !!
    Just go on like that. Baby steps is dope! And when the time is ripe you'll make a big step, just because you feel like it.

    Take care of yourself and be there for others :)
    I count on you!
    casderasd and NF SINCE BIRTH like this.
  14. Saurav04

    Saurav04 Fapstronaut

    It's similar to having fast
    casderasd and NF SINCE BIRTH like this.
  15. LuxoSierra

    LuxoSierra Fapstronaut

    Read this and laughed. I literally started to involve myself more with budism and helped me a lot with this addiction
    NF SINCE BIRTH likes this.

    NF SINCE BIRTH Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    Ever read the monk who sold his Ferrari? Its a really inspiring story. Even if you dont want to go all in, practicing meditation and healthy habits in general can only do you good. Most people becoming monks, do so when they are getting old and want to try to find spiritual enlightenment before taking off.
    LuxoSierra likes this.
  17. LuxoSierra

    LuxoSierra Fapstronaut

    i'll check it out, Siddhartha was book that kept me on track and make me undersatnd about my problems. Meditation and breathing it's key for me now to reduce the urges and gave me self control and selfawarness.

    Don't looking to be a monk yet but learning about them is so beatiful
    Dexter Moran and NF SINCE BIRTH like this.