Fantasizing too much

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by d_gallows, Apr 28, 2014.

  1. d_gallows

    d_gallows Fapstronaut

    Hey guys, I have noticed that I often start to fantasize around the same time each day, which is usually sometime in the middle of the afternoon. When I fantasize during this time (or any other time for that matter), My fantasies usually go way too far, and I know that fantasizing too much is one of the biggest stepping stones for me to relapsing.

    Does anyone have some ideas for how I can stop my fantasies? Or at least curb them a little bit? I know the obvious answer is to find something else to do that occupies my mind, but that's typically a lot easier said than done.

    Any ideas are helpful.
  2. Basic Plains

    Basic Plains Fapstronaut

    its another mind over matter thing. you know they go too far, and you now they are a reason you relapse. if you view fantasizing in the same way others view edging you might be more inclined to stop. a lot of people don't edge because they know it makes it easy for them to MO, so they are really tough on themselves when they do. maybe you need to view fantasizing in the same way?
  3. d_gallows

    d_gallows Fapstronaut

    I guess that kind of helps. I'm already pretty hard on myself as far as how I treat my fantasizing, but it's really hard for me to stop thoughts from entering my head. Also, it's harder for me to stop my fantasies while I'm having them than it is for me to remove myself from situations where I'm likely to fantasize. I guess I'll just start working harder at changing my mindset and actively working harder at stopping the fantasies.
  4. brianh139

    brianh139 Fapstronaut

    hey man i see you having problems fantasizing to much or wanting to stop i too used to often fantasized. message me about you everything you prefer to tell me so i can think of a good way to help you read my last post
  5. WillC575

    WillC575 Fapstronaut


    I think you answered the question yourself bro:D

    If it was easy it wouldn't be worthwhile! Yes it easier said than done and god knows I've failed too. But you have to get out of your comfort zone whatever that is. That might mean that you just have to jump up and go for a walk or maybe jump into a cold shower, yes that really works not just because it's cold but because it's uncomfortable. When you fantasize your in a comfort zone & anything that really is going to work has to be the opposite of that comfort zone. It just has to be hard to do & it sucks and it will suck everyday until it doesn't.

    I'm going through the same thing & if any of these tried & true methods were easy none of us would be here.

    Stay strong!
  6. MrMeakle

    MrMeakle Fapstronaut

    My method isn't really fool proof but usually I like to have a "back up topic" basically have something that you can easily start thinking about. For me it's building a new computer. I'm tech junkie so doing research on components that I want use in my new computer is what I use when I start fantasizing. This happens a lot when i'm bored at work. So i'm kind of lucky in the fact that I won't fap at work but it hell for my productivity.

    Mr. Meakle
  7. MelancholyWeightlifter

    MelancholyWeightlifter Distinguished Fapstronaut

    I like to visualize myself physically pushing the unwanted thoughts out of my head. I usually try to breathe deep and clear my mind. Recenter/ground yourself.
  8. Hey guys just wanted to ask how to deal with unwanted sexual thoughts getting into your head....any fix 4 this?
    They just pop in any time and I struggle with trying to get them out of my head.
    It's my 3rd streak of no PMO with the 1st two being 5 days long and 10 days long respectively pls help.
  9. Mr Sitter

    Mr Sitter Fapstronaut

    I've always had a vivid imagination and unfortunately, I've been using it for my own sexual gratification for far too long so I can relate.

    Remember that fantasizing has the same effect on your brain as watching porn, or "edging". Whenever a thought like this arises, make a conscious decision to suppress it. Remember what you're doing and why you're doing it. You're strong and you know it.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  10. Woodland-Soul

    Woodland-Soul Fapstronaut

    I was fantasies earlier. I was trying to have a nap after work but I just couldn't. I started fantasising about having sex with a woman despite the fact that I'm normally homosexual...

    But anyway I think just accept the fantasies to be honest just don't act on them by masturbating.