First Post on any online forum, and I'm happy its on NoFap!

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by Hero_Without_A_Costume, Aug 22, 2019.

  1. Hey! So this might sound strange but I'm a guy who people think have it all, looks, confidence, charisma, charm but I feel empty inside and I don't know what to do with my life.

    I'm pretty sure I use porn, sex and fapping as a distraction or as a way to feel like I'm doing something with my time or at least connected to other people on earth because I feel like I can connect to others because of my struggles.

    I really want people to like me for who I am and I don't want to fall prey to the vices of the world. I already struggle with trying to quit smoking pot as well.

    I really want some true friends that I can be myself around and I feel like I have every thing I need in life to make things happen for me but there is a wall I just can't break through. Sometimes I'll go a week with out jerking off or smoking and I always feel on top of everything but then I might get cocky with myself or I might question my beliefs or just fall into peer pressure and trying to fit in.

    I have big dreams and passions and I'm pretty sure I'll waste my life away on these vices if I don't get control over myself.

    I'm 22 years old, I have a degree in Film Production, I act in an improv troop and I've done stand up to open shows for a international headliner. So clearly I'm blessed but I just can't break through that wall.
  2. Vendettana

    Vendettana Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    Well, having almost twice your age, congratulations! But you should stop wanting people to like you. You're doing this for you and it is a bad benchmark for your success.
  3. Thanks!
    I want to stop worrying about it, but it seems to be my default setting. So hopefully self control on these aspects of my life will carry over.