Going on anxiety medication ASAP

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by NotSoAverageJoe, Aug 7, 2017.

  1. NotSoAverageJoe

    NotSoAverageJoe Fapstronaut

    I know I know, medications are bad. But look, my life is on the edge of oblivion and if I don't go on something it's over.

    I'm broke, in debt, moving back home, still a virgin, unemployed and still addicted.

    Every day I'm miserable, anxious and depressed. Daily suicidal thoughts. I'm scared and need help.

    I've put my sex life above all else my whole life. It's time to take my mental and physical health into consideration.

    I'm too depressed to even talk to people. It's time for a change.

    I plan on trying a low dose of cipralex. It's helped my cousin out big time with his depression. It runs in the family. They're all doing fine on meds so maybe I need them too.

    I'm tired of struggling to survive. Time to thrive.

    Meds + NoFap, bioenergetics therapy, meditation, cold showers, work, gym, reading, running...

    I have struggled with addiction, depression, anxiety for 14 years and physical health issues for my entire life.

    Obviously I have severe anxiety and depression.
  2. Awakening123

    Awakening123 Fapstronaut

    Whatever works man. Just keep trying and dont forget to try other things like working out etc you mentioned. They will help more than the medications.
  3. Numbanddisturbed72

    Numbanddisturbed72 Fapstronaut

    Sometimes we need meds to stabilise us in a very dark period. Imo its not a bad thing. Depression and anxiety are tough to deal with. Keep going with the activities you mentioned :) all the best
  4. FreeMeNow

    FreeMeNow Fapstronaut

    What are you depressed and have anxiety about though ?