Going strong

Discussion in 'Dating during a Reboot' started by Warrior-of-Discipline, Mar 5, 2019.

  1. Warrior-of-Discipline

    Warrior-of-Discipline Fapstronaut

    I’m on week 2 of this personal journey, and I’ve got to say this is the first time ever in my life I’ve gone this long without P or M. Abstaining from P has been easier than I thought; my erections on the other hand are more difficult to not entertain. Especially when I’m sitting around the house alone I have to be very conscious of where I’m placing my hands. I’ve started becoming more engaged in pursuing women, and got this girl I’ve been talking to since before I started this; seems like her interest has gone up as of late. We haven’t done anything intimate over the course of a couple months we’ve been talking, it’s been more of a low maintenance, platonic relationship, but she’s real easygoing and nice to be around. I recently changed my tone when I’m with her to try to create more sexual tension and not sound like such a friend ; a tip I recieved from a friend. The other day when I dropped her off she asked if she could kiss me, and I’m not talking a peck on the lips. I think things are ready to go to the next level. We were supposed to hang out this weekend but she got caught up at a family party and said she “wants to make it up to me”. I haven’t had sex in 4 years so I’m pretty excited.
    Capt. U likes this.
  2. Capt. U

    Capt. U Fapstronaut

    My man, keep it up!
    Warrior-of-Discipline likes this.