gynecomastia and self image problems?

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by msa2388, Aug 30, 2014.

  1. msa2388

    msa2388 Fapstronaut

    So I thought since this forum is mostly guys...talking about mostly guy issues...that I would bring up the topic. Its something that effects way more men than people realize.

    For those that don't know what gynecomastia is the basic version is that it is basically some breast tissues which form under a guys nipples, which makes them "puffy" or causes them to stick out way more than normal. Everyone has heard of man-boobs and what a lot of people don't realize is that in many cases its not fat, its literally man-boobs. Its caused for a few reasons: hormone levels during puberty (it often goes away, but not always), steroid use, or obesity. In some cases people fix the problem causing it and it disappears, but in many cases it doesn't and the only solution is surgery (which insurance doesn't cover).

    I know mine developed during puberty, and never went away. I'm also in pretty good shape, which in my case actually makes it even more visible. It causes me to become extremely agitated if I have to take my shirt off in front of other people (even though mine is a pretty mild case in comparison). It also sucks wearing t-shirts, because it looks like I just walked out into -10 degree weather! Anyways, lots of self image issues and embarrassment surrounding it...but I'm scheduled for surgery next month and extremely excited.

    If anyone else is struggling with it say hi, or if you think you have it ask away. If you want more Its a tough issue, and I think it can be almost as detrimental to a guy's ego as PMO addiction.
  2. singed

    singed Fapstronaut

    I don't have much constructive to say on the subject, but I can lend a bit of moral support admitting that I definitely have this issue. I went through a phase in puberty (which was somewhat delayed for me) with a bit of gynecomastia that eventually went away for the most part. In my early 20s I started gaining weight and am now, at 43, rather overweight. On the plus side, nobody thinks much about my moobs (man-boobs)because of my weight. However, I'm not convinced they're really going to go away even if I lose as much weight as I'd like. I'm not even bothering to consider what else to do about it at this point.
  3. msa2388

    msa2388 Fapstronaut

    Well, I've done my homework on it enough to guess that if you got back into fighting'd still probably have the issue. I know its bothered the hell out of me for a long time, so I worked by butt off for the past few months, lined up my finances, and took out a credit card to pay for the surgery. I cannot tell you how exciting it is to know that the issue will finally be dealt with, even though I know nothing is ever going to be perfect its exciting to think I'll be able to get to a beach and take my shirt off. And, I don't care if I don't have a six-pack! I've worried about the gyno so long that nothing else seems like that big of an issue.

    If its something that really bugs you, I suggest looking up a cosmetic surgeon in your area and going for it without letting anything stop you. They'll probably tell you to shed some weight first, but that's a matter of eating right and going for a walk once a day for a couple months. At the end of the day looks aren't all that important (we're guys, we're not suppose to be pretty)...but confidence is.