Help Please?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Asadi, Jan 15, 2014.

  1. Asadi

    Asadi Fapstronaut

    Ok, I have to admit guys this one hurt REALLY REALLY BAD... All was going nicely and even though i had only gone 5 days the surge in drive and confidence was higher than ever before. However now that I look back I notice that there was a change in mood around 4pm today. I became lazy and did not do the normal productive things i had been occupying my time with the past few days. Well i still had no urge to PMO whatsoever then just about an hour ago i was scrolling through tumblr not looking up anything PMO related but there were a few suggestive images that popped up. I ignored those first few but then after a few more minutes of scrolling the was an all out P gif clip. Needless to say that overwhelmed my weakened guard and created an insatiable thirst and next thing you know i was on an old p site pmo'ing.

    I even thought to myself during the act "this will not satisfy me!" But my addicted brain said this is just to hold you over for a while so i continued.

    I've noticed a trend: if i do not stop myself before the insatiable hunger stage i almost always fail.I cant deny myself access to the internet as i am in college and it is a part of my curriculum.

    I would love any suggestions, advice, and of course motivation is always welcome.

    Anything guys because its hard not to lose hope
  2. William

    William Fapstronaut

  3. undeath52

    undeath52 Fapstronaut

    My advice, as a former tumblr user is to delete the tumblr immediately.
    I did it. It was hard, but I never looked back since. Tumblr can very easily and quickly get just as bad as 4chan, whether you search for it or not.

    I knot it's hard, but trust me on this one. This is a very important step.

    Don't lose hope. Take every precaution. I'm even considering getting a cheap nokia type phone for 90 days. And my phone is literally my life. Losing it is like losing a chunk of my brain. But I'm that desperate.

    Again, don't lose hope! Take steps! :)
  4. chris4nj

    chris4nj Fapstronaut

    I echo what undeath52 said about Tumblr - don't go there. do whatever you need to do.
    I found that avoiding all suggestive images was helpful- particularly in the beginning.
    I added AdBlock Plus to all my web browsers after there was an ad for t-shirts showing a woman with a lot of cleavage.

    Another way of saying this is become aware of what your triggers are and avoid them.
    Over time, the response lessens. And, best not to tempt yourself!
  5. klahhh

    klahhh Fapstronaut

    Don't give up Aaron you can do it. Just focus on what you need to do.

    There have been two things that help keep me down and that's:

    1 focusing on my mess ups
    2 refusing to change

    1. When you focus on your mistakes you never allow yourself to move on. So try really hard to move forward because you already have the greatest thing with you and that's a sincere desire to change. Now it's only a matter of doing the things that will help you break free. Which brings me to my second point.

    2. Refusing to change is like wanting to lose weight but not wanting to quite fast food. I'll take you another step, not wanting to quite fast food because it's hard is understandable but working in at a mcdonalds is just asking for it. There are obvious things that just need to change to actually, well, CHANGE. The very nature of the word means changing something. I know you really want to change we all do, but you and I have to do in order to see results is place ourselves physically, mentally and spiritually in a place that allows us to bear fruit.

    A simple example, two trees, one that is planted near a river and one that's in the desert. One is primed to bear fruit the other one has already lost. Ask yourself what's your environment like. If it's anything like mine was, hours of video game, chapters of trash manga, hours of trash tv, eating trash fast food, no exercising no reading books no board games no balance in life, no family time, no social events no charity work no passion for career or education no love of God. Do you see now, porn is not even in that equation and already you can see how crappy of a life I had. Add porn to that mess and all of a sudden it becomes so easy to run to because everything else sucks so bad by contrast porn shines like a star.

    Focus on all the good things you can do and change your environment, change your practical life, habits, activities, past time, job, friends, relationship with God. Your life will be so awesome that porn will finally look like the absolute waist of time that it really is.
  6. walid

    walid Fapstronaut

    I'm almost the same, i just went for 5 clean wonderful days. Today i came from work full of stress, out of nowhere the urge was so strong i know it's not what i want. but i couldn't help it.
    So i end MO without P.
  7. drsim

    drsim Fapstronaut

    I recommend setting your counter one day at a time. Let each day's success be your dopamine reward. Deal with urges to fap. Go through the pain. Each time it will get easier.
  8. Asadi

    Asadi Fapstronaut

    Thank you all for your advice and support it has really helped me overcome these days. I am almost to my one week mark, only 8 hrs to go and I am VERY excited, however, the urge is strongest its been this past 6 days and I am writing here attempting to alleviate that.

    Here is to another week of continued success!:D
  9. drsim

    drsim Fapstronaut

    Well done!! Yes, it is harder to do
    than one would think. Sit on your hands
    if you have to ... But there is a
    high possibility that if you made
    it this far, you can go all the way!
  10. Asadi

    Asadi Fapstronaut

    Ok so Today I was close to relapse on a sketchy video until under the video in the comment section i found this

    "Day 44 of the NoFap its a challenge but worth the journey .confidence,clear skin,CRAZY energy I feel like superman everyday I was always confident but this is like a mountain in me.I say all this because I recommend it.Not passing judgement but just your aura will attract women I promise it just gets better everyday I wish I would have done this sooner..."


    Guys Remember why you started this no matter what the purpose! It is worth it to endure until the end because reward is GREAT!