Hey Everyone

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Manny84, Mar 18, 2018.

  1. Manny84

    Manny84 New Fapstronaut

    My name is Manuel! Honestly though, everyone who has ever cared for me has never called me by my actual name so for the most part I go by Manny, Meñin, etc.
    Let's see, I'm here because I have not felt accomplished in years. In short, I don't process rewards from small successes anymore. On the other hand, failure makes me depressed. Video games have always been a hobby of mine, but rewinding a decade or so that and porn has been more of an escape. I don't do either because I need to. It is a coping mechanism now that feeds a terrible anxiety. If I had the mindset I had when I was 12 I'd be on top of everything I sought to achieve. I am aware of this, but I haven't been successful yet in reshaping all(or any lol) of the negative commotion now in my head. This is the goal I want to work towards.
    Anyhow, looking forward to learning and growing alongside all of you!
    Deleted Account and HumbleMS like this.
  2. Hi Manny!
    Anxiety is a side effect of porn, and it amplifies when we continue watching it. I'm 17 now, and even I feel that if I had the mindset of my 10 year old self, I'd be topping everything too. But then, I realise that I wouldn't be in this position if my mindset when I was 10 years old was perfect. I wouldn't have fallen to porn, nor would I have suffered like I have till now. There was something amiss in myself then, so now I'll build a better mindset that overcomes the missing element from my previous mindset. What I want to tell you is that you can build a mindset, a better one than your 12 year's, if you try. I wish you all the best, my friend :) I hope we can build ourselves together.
    Manny84 likes this.
  3. Manny84

    Manny84 New Fapstronaut

    Thanks gents, encouraging to hear!