HOCD or am I actually bi

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by HonestFrank, Aug 1, 2017.

  1. Hopefully, porn won't be another part in my life anymore
  2. HonestFrank

    HonestFrank Fapstronaut

    2 more days and I haven't watched porn for 2 weeks. Had sex multiple times though but I can't leave my GF without pleasure. Today was the hardest yet I almost went to 4chan.
  3. HonestFrank

    HonestFrank Fapstronaut

    Ok guys 2 weeks and 2 days without porn feel amazing already. No gay thoughts no fantasies.
  4. nofepper

    nofepper Fapstronaut

    So, it was obviously HOCD.
    LivinginRecovery likes this.
  5. HonestFrank

    HonestFrank Fapstronaut

    I think so yes. I even don't see anything bad in being bisexual. I just am not
  6. LivinginRecovery

    LivinginRecovery Fapstronaut

    Yes, this is good advice. What were you attracted to before you fell into the porn trap? If you liked dicks exclusively then you might be gay. If you liked dicks and vajajay then you might be bi. If it was exclusively the furry goblet then you might be straight. Don't stress out on whatever the outcome is though. Just accept yourself wholeheartedly because fear creates a dopamine spike and will defer the eventual outcome. Breathe deeply, take it easy and don't put yourself through any undue stress in this recovery process and everything will work out as it should. At the end of the process will be the man you were always meant to be. It's a good time in your life.
  7. I was initially attracted to just women and started porn on just lingerie section of a catalogue, escalating to internet pictures to videos. Ventured into transwoman porn too which made me believe I was gay because I grew bored of the straight stuff. On day 5 of my reboot and hoping my true attractions to women return.
  8. Evolver1

    Evolver1 Fapstronaut

    Hey guys, I'm starting a support group on this app where we can discuss ssa and hocd and hopefully unravel it and by understanding it better we can let this part of us go.

    A few of us meet on Zoom video meetings every other Monday night at 8pm EST.

    We will have a meeting tonight 8/28/17 and every other Monday from then on.

    If interested in joining us you can join this new recovery app on the link below and join the SSA group in there for details on our bi-weekly video meetings

  9. BoBo129

    BoBo129 Guest

    @HonestFrank I had a very bad case of HOCD. I've talked to most of these people on here that responded to you. They are 100% Correct. I got rid of mine because of them.
  10. BoBo129

    BoBo129 Guest

    @HonestFrank A few years ago I had my dick sucked by a guy after watching a whole bunch of porn that one night. I didn't really cared at first until one day it hit me. I startes freaking out so bad. I have OCD naturally so imagine the porn addiction and OCD. It's a very bad combination. I came on here every single day asking questions and worrying constantly. I mean every day! I would stay home all day and not go to work. I had so much hate in me after all the things I watch and did. That memory of that guy sucking me off could never leave my brain, but you know what I had to forgive myself. I use to hate hearing the word gay and etc. My fear of being gay was so bad it made me treat my own older brother wrong and he's gay. I remember pushing him out of my house and yelling at him. I got so tired of letting this HOCD push me around that I took a few months off of NoFap. I exercised and hang out with my friends. I decided to hang out with my gay brother and talk to some gay people. My fear went awat after talking to them. I realized their just like anyone else. The only thing different is what they like lol. What I'm saying is I learned to forgive myself and all the mistakes I made because my porn addiction and I finally accept gays, lesbians, bisexuals, and transexuals for who they are. Don't be afraid man. If you say you are straight then you're straight. That's the first rule. If you've been straight before porn addiction then there's your answer. Stop worrying my G.
  11. r_ryan85

    r_ryan85 Fapstronaut

    Agree with HOCD thoughts. See what happens. They disappear. You will find that thoughts aren't real. They're just thoughts rather than objective realities. If a HOCD thought arises that scares you, agre with it and laugh. Make a joke about it. See what happens next.
    BoBo129 likes this.
  12. sounds that porn fucked your brain up

    I am a straight girl and i have watched in 7 years of addiction every kind of p. never been interested or did anything with a girl
    i watched transexual p, incest, fake rape, lesbians didn't really enjoy, my "favouirite" ones were gay man p
    porn completely changes what you like, your level of arousal and how you would normally be in bed. now i am 7 months PMO free and i feel completely different, a better person and with a normal sexual desire
  13. filleboi

    filleboi New Fapstronaut

    Anyone still on here that can talk? I have some serious Hocd problems...