I need help channeling sexual energy

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by nofapper94, Nov 12, 2015.

  1. nofapper94

    nofapper94 Fapstronaut

    I relapsed today after two weeks PMO free, and while I don't feel like I completely rewound the tape, I do feel ashamed. My longest streak was 96 days, and since then I haven't made it past 14 or 15. I'm really having trouble channeling my energy into something productive. Here was my problem this week.

    I had a test this morning and this week while I was trying to study for it I just had this almost anxious energy. It was best described as having drank a little too much coffee and feeling jittery.

    I did notice more confidence and I made strong eye contact with girls way out of my league. My voice seems to deepen when I stop whacking the wing-dang-doodle. This nervous energy though was just really annoying, so today I caved in, and spanked the monkey. I was also having some mild pain in my nads, which I had when I went 96 days as well. It was just another excuse I made to jack off.

    I think a big part of my success last time was I had a full-time summer job and really didn't have time to fap except for in the evenings, but by then I was either with family or decompressing. I have a lot of time in between classes, but I was finding it hard to even study in the library without this kind of high-intensity energy feeling. *Sounds like a DMT trip or something*

    How can I channel this nervous energy when I can't workout? Working out definitely helps when I have the time, but when I can't I'm just stuck in a rut, unable to focus well on what's really important. My social skills may be improved, but when it comes time to sit down and study my mind is off thinking about PMO.

    I'm a Christian, so any sermons or Bible verses that you may know that helped you would be very welcome. Sorry for the long post, but I want to fight the good fight and stop looking at it once and for all.

    God Bless,

    Last edited: Nov 12, 2015
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  2. SolidStance

    SolidStance Guest

    Your energy must be raised higher. Your doing good not fapping for awhile and exercising, but you must raise yourself to the level of the saints.

    Its easy, use love. Never argue, never hate or judge anyone. Be on time to every event and meeting. No shame, no regret, no sadness, we are beyond that, not above it, beyond it.

    The extra energy is just sitting there. Your saving it, but not using it. Raise it, make it go higher. Donate your time to something thats not about you anymore. Live for others, even if your tired.

    Smile more and make someone feel better. Uplift, shine, be bright when all you see is darkness. External success only goes so far. Be someones hero.
    nofapper94 likes this.