marijuana and nofap?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by James24, May 17, 2015.

  1. James24

    James24 Fapstronaut

    should i stop smoking while NoFap? i only smoke at night, like 2 hits. i exercise a LOT, work, everything. just graduated college. but at night i take like 2 hits because i am a little depressed sometimes and it helps me to think of other things, but most nights i go to sleep with a little weed in my system, and i dont know if it would affect the quality of my sleep enough for me to need to stop. :( so not only would i have to nofap, i would also have to quit weed! this is very hard
  2. Congrelous

    Congrelous Fapstronaut

    If you have self-control when you're high, then it shouldn't be a problem.

    I, however, do not.
  3. Dan1

    Dan1 Fapstronaut

    What's you reason for wanting to quit weed? Is it because you think it would hurt you with nofap? Or do you want to quit because of non-nofap concern?
  4. Dan1

    Dan1 Fapstronaut

    I personally find it harder to control myself when high. I just want to do things that I enjoy. If you think you won't be able to control your urges to PMO when stoned, then I would stay away from it. Everyone is different though.
  5. Gelandewagen

    Gelandewagen Fapstronaut

    I get veery horny when high. Actually the best sex and faps I've had have been while being high. However, as part of this journey (90 days hard mode) I have smoked and been able to abstain, which has given me more power to keep on. So I say keep doing things you enjoy (NoFap or porn of course!), otherwise the nofap thing will become bigger than it actually is.
  6. Phibz

    Phibz Fapstronaut

    I used to find it easier to fap when high. But when I'm of the nofap mindset, it's not a problem. Depending on the strain, I sometimes have moments of intense clarity when I'm stoned. Like meditation. I feel like I could solve all the world's problems. And then I forget how... Maybe stay away from it in the beginning until you are of a stronger mindset. Or maybe be strategic about it. Don't smoke if you're sitting idle around the house. Or if you've been having urges. I personally like to smoke with my coffee and go for a run first thing in the morning. If you're going to smoke, make sure you are going to be busy. I agree with Dan. It's different for everyone.
  7. James24

    James24 Fapstronaut

    so it wont affect my sleep and not allow me to heal?
  8. TjoeShiFu

    TjoeShiFu Fapstronaut

    Hey guys, I know that smoking effect the brain reward system by flooding it with dope like fapping.
    what I'm not sure is -if we continuing any habit with the same reward system, will it delay the recovery (because we keep the nervous pathway active.)
    Indignation likes this.
  9. Congrelous

    Congrelous Fapstronaut

    Your hypothesis is sound. You would reboot quicker with little to no artificial dopamine input.
    TjoeShiFu and Indignation like this.
  10. Indignation

    Indignation Fapstronaut

    Yeah, I nearly relapsed on a 50 day streak yesterday because of pot. My discipline and self - control just gets thrown out the window. Luckily, I held off until my mind cleared up, but it's a lot harder for people to control themselves when high. Thus I would advise against smoking it while doing the nofap challenge. I would also advise against drinking too much Alcohol as it also impairs judgement, and you don't need that especially if you're already riding on the edge of the knife.
  11. James24

    James24 Fapstronaut

    this is crazy. i am high right now and it is the only thing that can make me happy now. am i tht messed up? are my dopamine pathways so messed up that the only way i can be happy is when im high? no more PMO so i dont have anything like that to look forward to. wow,this is amazing, to find out I have the strength to stop this. after i succeed at this, what more can i also do? and yes i am going to stop smoking
  12. Picfiend

    Picfiend Fapstronaut

    When i first started nofap i was a daily smoker. Morning and night after work. As i got into nofap i found a mental fragility that makes me vulnerable when high. Everything seems acceptable but this is just a personal preference. A lot of my pmo streaks involved a couple hits, a cigarette and a shot of whiskey. I used to call them the trinity of fucked up shit because i could easily reset my body with those three and go again. Then there's the whole dopamine thing and ive been planning to be quit for a yeah i wouldn't recommend it but some have the control to do it.
  13. arturo111

    arturo111 Fapstronaut

    I thing alcohol is a biggest problem, not a weed, but when i smoke weed i losing my dreams - that's a very big problem - for me
  14. Dan1

    Dan1 Fapstronaut

    So true, I haven't smoked for about a month. I used to smoke everyday. Now I'm dreaming every single night. Before, nothing. What's up with that.
    arturo111 likes this.
  15. arturo111

    arturo111 Fapstronaut

    Weed kill your brain bro. I have smoke 8 years, believe or not, every day. My best friend sales weed, and, i have in every moment. But, weed kill your brain and dreams. Now i'm clean, year and half and i dreaming evry fucking day... But PMO kill me totaly! How are you, you have ED or not? Respect
  16. I am on the Nofap journey and I decided to cut weed for ninety days as well. I love weed but I think the hits I'll take after the ninety day break will feel awesome; it is necessary to stop for some time in order to lower your tolerance. It will also help you to deal with that depression and anxiety in hard mode. I agree with Phibz, I also feel these intense mental clarity when stoned so I hope to get this clarity naturally by staying away sometime from all of this dopamine releasers(coffee, tobacco, weed & fapping). So imagine what is like to smoke weed when you feel happy, clear headed and in control; double awesome.
    Weed also interferes with your rem sleep, so if you cut weed for a while you will gain insight of yourself through your dreams. Dreams are not to take for granted, bro. They have a great value and it is much more fun when you learn to control them by being aware in your dreams, lucid dreams are unbelievably amazing.
  17. arturo111

    arturo111 Fapstronaut

    From this perspective i think weed is for a kid. I have 27 and i have smoke a lot in my life. Now i'm too old for weed, stoning and make ilusions for myself... One time on a month, i use cocaine or amphetamine for a party. And thats all. That give me energy and clear mind. Weed don't give me that
  18. FirFae

    FirFae Guest

    Weed makes me feel tooooo libidinous. I'm stoned now and feeling strong, but 10% less strong than before I smoked, and I'm on Day 1 reset. I can imagine with each passing day, this activity will be pushing my threshold. Yet, I can't sleep and have issues eating without it.

    I'm also taking nootropic medical grade powder DMAE for ADD symptoms- so perhaps it's balancing out.
  19. arturo111

    arturo111 Fapstronaut

    Porn kill love, weed kill dreams!
  20. BlueNotes

    BlueNotes Fapstronaut

    I don't know. I seem to be able to dream just fine with weed.
    Different strokes for different folks I guess.
    Phibz likes this.