Milestone rewards?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by JensDK42, Dec 8, 2014.

  1. JensDK42

    JensDK42 Guest

    Hey guys
    I'm thinking about rewarding myself in some ways whenever I reach a milestone.
    Do you guys have any successful systems?
    I consider eating specific meals, or gaming or something, but I am already trying to eat properly, and I don't drink soda, eat crisps, etc..
    And I want to do something effecient with my time, though I'm bad at using it effeciently at the moment.
  2. ClaudioFFF

    ClaudioFFF Fapstronaut

    First, congratulations for your 12 days! I'm on that number too.

    I was using this system and it's efficient to me. First month it was weekly, then monthly.

    But since I relapsed 12 days ago I don't reward me anymore until I break my best record (32 days)

    It works fine for me, but I'm seeing that the best reward is in my mind. The pleasure of know that I'm in the control and not my lizard brain is the great reward for me. But I like to give me some books and clothes when I reach a milestone... Nothing too expensive, just to remember myself that a new mark was reached.

    Stay strong!
  3. CompleteSeed

    CompleteSeed Fapstronaut

    buy chocolate :D
    watch a movie (generally only as a reward)

    I generally try not todo ANYTHING un-beneficial for the most part e.g. movies, macdonalds BUT I do these things when it's social with a group of people.

    Often I reward myself with these things "ok if I make it the next 5 days I'm gonna grab a wicked maccas"
  4. Anon6918

    Anon6918 Fapstronaut

    Hmm. Go out to the movies, or a concert. Or a new pair of socks. Or a book.
  5. tm6997

    tm6997 Fapstronaut

    Nothing too expensive when you're just starting, like after a week or 2. Small rewards. Maybe a bigger reward after a month or 2.