My Nofap Journey Timeline

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by monkmode24/7, Jan 25, 2017.

  1. monkmode24/7

    monkmode24/7 Fapstronaut

    I have started this new year ready to make a new change. Still sticking with my resolution I thought it would be time to make a timeline about my journey so others can reflect on my experience to receive an honest feedback of the effects of NoFap, from first hand experience. Hopefully this will inspire others to do the same.

    Week 1 Report
    • Cravings were intense. I had a lot of trouble getting to this stage because the first week is usually so hard, especially on days 4,5 and 6. Passing this was the first hurdle.
    • Feeling a little bit more present to the moment definitely. Can notice that my perception was (and still is) severely skewed by porn, and becoming very aware of how I reduce people to sexual objects because of porn.
    • Marking the days off on a calendar but not focusing on the days or on NoFap to get my mind off it.
    • Pushing through temptations.
    Days 7-9
    • Relapsed right after my previous post lol but I realized something magnificent. White knuckling this addiction aswell as all addictions does not work. However, with knowledge of your addiction you have the awareness and thus the power to tackle your addiction head on.
    • So far I have literally breezed past this first week and a half no " huge cravings" etc. I realised alot of what we identify with, for example I used to think that all these addictions encapsulated me but researching on what is really happening in the brain and given me massive epiphanys that show me otherwise. Check out yourbrainonporn to get educated on the structural changes that has resulted over the years of porn use to get more info.
    • Cravings come and go fairly quickly
    • Another thing to add - an observation is that I will have severely low motivation/drive. And be very fatigued . I suspect it's due to quitting porn and I'm going through a kind of flat line. Could be diet etc.. Trying not to resort to other stimulating activities like YouTube to give myself a break from artificial stimuli.
    • Some days when I'm not flatlining I might experience other symptoms like anxiety. Wierd times..
    Will keep everyone updated...
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2017
    Fatsodubmo and nitsuj0786 like this.
  2. monkmode24/7

    monkmode24/7 Fapstronaut

    Days 10-11
    Fighting back against the lack of motivation! Have a huge craving today from something that usually would triggered me. What helped was feeling the craving and taking a deep breath plus referring back to my knowledge.

    Naturally the brain in its default state has low dopamine and satiation levels due to the complete restructuring of the brain from years of addiction. It continuously via the protein Delta Fos -B tricks you into thinking pleasure is around the corner at this action or during this relapse. Dopamine is released as the reward pathway is triggered so that you will go after it and relapse. But part of getting through these cravings is accepting that these cravings may last for a long time, the are a part of the reboot and completely normal. Everyrhing is healthy as it is.

    Learn the 5 brain changes that occur on the brain to become more aware.

    Not mention suffering shit loads of insomnia as a result from not giving in, this is a mental warzone people but fuck it . Hoorah! Let's go to war fapstronauts. Rebel against your brain and make a change!
  3. monkmode24/7

    monkmode24/7 Fapstronaut

    Week 2: *day 14*
    Hell shit yeah motherfuckers. I am finally here. I noticed a couple of things as I got to where I am now. Aside from continuously pushing myself everyday to not sit around doing nothing, I picked up a few things.

    No.1 > If I got to a point where my horniness was so overwhelming where I was considering all sorts of things - and couldn't fall asleep for like 4 hours, I would just masturbate without pornography/fantasising. I've only had to do this once or twice but it literally allows me go for another 5 days without porn like just a breeze. Holding in semen builds up a lot of energy and if you are not used to it, it can be abit overwhelming, so guys take your time to understand it. Not jerking off is one of the most beneficial spiritual practices, so.. always try to abstain from "spilling your seed" as much as you can.

    Numero 2. I feel much more natural. That might be the best way to describe it. I must have been so desensitized and fucked because of watching porn but I am starting to feel a more natural connection to life?
    N03. > Learning how to deal with shit emotions by feeling the emotions, breathing it out and taking action.
    No4. > Going out talking to friends and trying new things.
    No.5 >> You are what you eat. The food you process is the genetic information for which you are. So eat healthy peeps.
    6. Research.
  4. ihateslow

    ihateslow Fapstronaut

    Hey, that is awesome :D
    I am a new fapstronaut, and found this thread useful, and bookmarked it :D
    I hope I can be like you, in fact my best streak is Day 4 :'((
    But I will do my best. Thanks man! :D
    monkmode24/7 likes this.
  5. monkmode24/7

    monkmode24/7 Fapstronaut

    Good on you! Don't worry about your previous history just get educated and you will start seeing things much clearly - you won't have to "grind it out", you'll be able to see things objectively as the arise instead of identifying with them.
  6. monkmode24/7

    monkmode24/7 Fapstronaut

    Day 15
    Sleep cycle has been so screwed from all of the initial NoFap insomnia. Now to get it back into check.
    Cravings are not really intense or anything. They barely come. It's gonna be cool when I get to day 30 to have that under my belt, its only a few weeks away. Creativity has increased, I feel a different sense of ease and balance with my creativity, which I'm only starting to taste. I'm becoming more in touch with my emotions and creativity 1% more each day. My expectations from porn are still in my head a little bit but going away slightly as the days go on. I can see why this takes a lot of time.