Need advice! My boyfriend wasnt honest and that hurts

Discussion in 'Rebooting in a Relationship' started by noteveragain, Jul 20, 2014.

  1. newlife100

    newlife100 Guest

    Have you ever watched someone try to quit smoking? It's kinda like that and porn.

    To say going cold turkey is not easy is like saying swimming across the Atlantic ocean is not easy. This is something that took years to get into, and will take (at least) months to get out of. I would encourage you to look for signs of progress. For guys, after awhile looking at porn isn't about porn, it's about the chemicals that get released into the brain that make one feel good. It's like taking a combo pill of Day-Quil/Coffee/Jolt of Adrenaline/Happy Pill/and Release all Frustrations. It's an extremely potent pill. If your boyfriend was indulging every day, then if he only succumbed to porn once in a week, that's really a lot of progress.

    There is a spreadsheet to actually track progress, it might be something your boyfriend could fill out and let you see it (you can share it through google docs). That way there would be full disclosure on his part to you, and you could see it more in terms of how he is progressing week to week.

    Freedomflight made an excellent point about how for a guy, perhaps the strongest trigger is a falling out from his girlfriend. The times I've wallowed in the muck the hardest have been after an argument with my gf, or breaking up with a girlfriend. Porn is, besides a happy pill, also something that fills the void of intimacy (in a fake way of course). When intimacy is lacking (and intimacy is a real need) then the pull towards a good porn/masturbation sessions becomes almost unbearably strong.

    So what is one thing that would help him quit porn? (assuming he is honestly ready to try quitting) Being there for him and telling him you're going to be in this with him as he struggles out of this addiction. That kind of intimacy will touch his deepest insecurities, and give him something to stand on to not feel such a need to reach for "fake intimacy."

    My current girlfriend knows I have struggled with porn. She knows I have looked at porn while we've been together. She knows I'm trying to quit. She knows about how many days I've been. She is super supportive and she is being a rock of support through this. She just called to tell me she loved me and that she was with me and supporting me (in life). That type of thing puts jet fuel in my gas tank!

    All the best.