Ok to sport everyday?

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by young Dale Dan Tony, Aug 15, 2019.

  1. young Dale Dan Tony

    young Dale Dan Tony Fapstronaut

    Is it okay due to the dopamine you get while working out (running, pushups etc)? Does it slows down the reboot process?
    It makes me feel good, more confident, strong and have more inner peace.
    Gaius6Reboot31 likes this.
  2. DerSchütze

    DerSchütze Fapstronaut

    What is sport? Push ups and running? or something like baseball or football.
  3. TheGambler

    TheGambler Fapstronaut

    For sure, and I would say nutritional has more subtle but no less important effects. The libido has to have some outlet for the energy to flow, otherwise it hurts to repress our instinctual drive.
  4. Davinblake

    Davinblake Fapstronaut

    What, sports? If you can substitute the way you intake dopamine with sports, oh man it's good. Just maybe remember to also do other stuff, like studying and hanging out. You need a source of dopamine one way or another anyways. Do not be scared of it, it's an hormone and you need it; just you musn't get it 100% free with porn. Btw, this satisfaction you're getting is temporary so be sure to keep up the 3/4 days a week movement (at least, i sometime used to train 2 times a day)
    Gaius6Reboot31 likes this.
  5. HegHeu

    HegHeu Fapstronaut

    That's the safe way you should be getting your dopamine from and absolutely the best too as it fastens the rewiring process. Exercises helps in formation of new neural pathways and the old pmo neural pathways thus being less used are degenerated. It's great sport is the most neatly way to recover fast.
  6. Chappie77

    Chappie77 Fapstronaut

    Listen to your body.
    Like a lot of things in life exercise was another thing looking back I probably took to excess.
    pushing myself despite tendonitis. Not allowing my body to heal.

    Exercise has really helped me with addictions before.
    After I quit smoking I really threw myself into getting fit.
    When I felt like I was going to break I would go out on a run and it would really get that urge out of my system.
    Other times when I was in lost or in despair, exercise distracted and gave me direction.

    That was a good few years ago.
    I kept up doing loads of training up until two around four years ago.
    Then gradually started to do less and less eventually stopping doing anything around five months ago.

    Today was my first time back in the gym in months.
    So I know it helps and it is good for you and it boosts your confidence.
  7. young Dale Dan Tony

    young Dale Dan Tony Fapstronaut

    Many thanks lads! The info you give me all makes sense. Indeed I notice that the effects are temporary, everyday is the best option for me, and I only use my own bodyweight to excercise so my body can heal quickly.