Once again, I let another girl pass by

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by TrueHuman, Jun 8, 2016.

  1. TrueHuman

    TrueHuman Fapstronaut

    I was in school, and when I got out I was exiting the building and this cute girl was right ahead of me. I feel like she was waiting for me to say something, to hit on her. But once again, I didn't. Idk why I don't hit on girls anymore. A year ago I would go to the bar/club and just hit on girls for fun, sometimes I got lucky, sometimes I didn't.
    Anyways I guess what I'm trying to say is recently sometimes I just dont feel confident hitting on girls. It's not that I'm nervous, ok maybe a little bit. But I just don't feel like I'm good enough to hit on them. Although everyone considers me very attractive, and girls always wanna talk to me, I just don't feel 100% at times. Maybe it's because I am broke and in debt, I just feel less of a man when I don't have money. Also I feel like I have to give the girls something in exchange for sex, like drugs. Drugs cost money, and i usually tell them something like "hey cutie whtsup we should hangout I got some drugs". Like sure I may be attractive, but women respond well to money. I mean I dress very up to date in terms of fashion, I have "fresh" expensive clothes so I'm in style, and they'll know I got some money. But it's just if I don't have any drugs to give them then I feel worthless and have nothing to offer them I am kinda a little secret drug addict (well it's not really a secret) I snort heroin, oxys, hydrocodone, etc. Painkillers. And also I try to get cocaine or ecstasy to give to the girls.
    It's expensive as it cost me like $200 for a gram of heroin, and the coke is like $80 a gram.
    Recently I got cited for drinking underage (I'm 20) got a $500 ticket so I'm not ganna be able to do any drugs for a while. I'm just lonley as hell I just wanna fuck a girl again been 2 years since I had sex. Yes I have 6 months of no porn behind me and yes I have been very good about rebooting but I want a girl.

    Anyways I have probably let 1000 girls just go by when I could have any girl in the world. I see these guys who are less impressive than me with decent looking women and here I am alone. Idk, I guess what I'm asking is why do I feel the need to give girls drugs to have sex?
    Drugs are expensive as fuck. Holy fuck a Roxy blue 30mg cost $35 now days fuck that.

    Last thing I'll say is sometimes I wanna get a girl to inject cocaine/heroin so she'll become addicted and eventually shell have sex with me for the drugs. Idk I'm evil like that it's like a rush I get when a girl just wants me for my drugs. I like it when they are dependent on my drugs and they are forced to do me for em.
    Of course getting someone to inject a drug is very difficult so I am constantly searching for that "wonder drug" which is extremely addictive and does not require injection or smoking or Snorting.

    I can see it now
    Her - "hey, I don't have any money, can I pay you back?"
    Me - "fuck no money uo front"
    Her - "please, I need it"
    Me - "maybe we can work something out"

    I guess I like girls being my slaves and just the power of controlling a person's live and having them fuck me for chemicals. Yes I know im a bad person but I just love sex and drugs and power.

    If the mods don't like this post then they can take it down but I'm actually looking for advice.

    And fuck you law enforcement if you're reading this, fuck the government youll never stop me.

    *I have not posted any incriminating information and if I get arrested then this was purely thoughts*

    -no disrespect for women, sorry if I have offended any girls here you are beautiful creatures I just can't control myself hence why I'm on an antipornography website-
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2016
  2. Okay mate firstly I don't think this post should cause any trouble, because you weren't being mean, you were just admitting your feelings, politely, and not acting like we should all agree with you.

    I'm about to go on a rant but please bear with me.
    It is troubling however that you are still a sex addict. Meaningless porn / meaningless sex - what is the difference? I'd say meaningless sex is worse because not only are you exploiting your own body but also another humans. Also if you ever want to settle down in a long term relationship or get married, it's going to be hard to stay loyal to your partner when you are used to sleeping around.

    Think about your future - having meaningless sex will not leave you feeling fulfilled in 15 years. It will not cure loneliness. Heck, it won't cure horniness either it will just leave you more horny.

    As for the drugs, you should really stop taking and dealing them. Drugs are bad for you, and if you can quit porn, you can quit other drugs too.

    I know that you are better than a sex and drug addict. You have more to offer to a girl than just drugs. Even the most depressed, drug addicted girl with low self esteem, you can make them feel special. You can be romantic. And sexy.

    Of course if you were to take my advice on board, you should probbably seek help. Like go to a professional counsellor or psychiatrist or something, they could help immensely.
    If you've read down to here, thanks. I know your young and maybe think you should have all the fun while you still can, but life will go on and you won't be young one day, and where do you want to be then? Fulfilled or regretful? (I'm not old btw I'm 17)
  3. Rahultrup

    Rahultrup Fapstronaut

    Well like this you are always gonna be broke(not bieng rude). Think about it do you wanna be broke and addicted to drugs and in the end be dead without doing anything with your life?....you are older than me i guess you know more about world than me. Good luck and you can do something good to yourself and the world. I really hated the line where you said you wanna "make girls your slave" so i got you reported
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2016
    Deleted Account likes this.
  4. I can relate with the idea of making girls your slave. And making girls need me and be dependent on me in some way. I find it kinda hot too. I know where my feelings are coming from; I simply have a BDSM fetish. I'm not sure where are your feelings coming from tho, it might be just a fetish too. Porn can induce some of those and sometimes we can get rid of them. But sometimes there is nothing wrong with them and we just need to embrace them (i'm not saying that it's ok to forcefully put somebody on drugs tho, there are other ways how to express it). We have fetishes, almost everybody does, not a big deal. You can still enjoy those things and at the same time see girls as human beings, and be able to connect with women on deep emotional level. Which I kinda think is where a part your problem lies - you see them as too much means to an end, rather as human beings.

    You seem like a person who could end up in jail eventually. Being forcefully taken out of court room while you scream "fuck the cops"! I don't want to say "grow up" cos that's kinda rude (well I guess I just said it, damn) but I really want to. Because if you keep this way you will end up in a place that is worse than where you are. And then you can blame the system, cops, government, etc as much as you want, but the truth is: your actions could have prevented that. The sooner you take responsibility the better. I don't want to lecture you, I am not the most mature and responsible person myself. In fact, my life is pretty fucked up as well right now. But lemme tell ya, it was way worse when I blamed others...

    I see you feel angry, rebellious and have a lot of riot in you. And I used to too, I still often do. The reason I think why we do feel this way is because we realize that we are trapped. That we don't have as much control of our life as we want. We don't have enough freedom. So like animals pushed in corner we get angry. And because of too little space we start to become nervous and biting our own tail, self destruct. So you have to re-claim that freedom fully. Get out of debt, stop self destructing and getting in trouble, take control of your life. Get to a place where you feel free and worthy. Stop being slave to things. Not fapping is huge step in right direction. But we always are moving in life, either forwards or backwards. Only time when we stop moving is when we are dead. Other than that there will always be momentum, either good or bad. Personally, I am right now in bad momentum. That shit sucks. But we can reverse the bad momentum by slowly improving every day. It's no so much about whether you are in a place in life you want to be, but more about in which direction you are moving.

    I don't think you love sex, drugs and power. What I think you really crave is freedom. That's what power and control means to you - to be in charge, to be free. Sex and drugs are means to that end. And also a way how to escape for a moment the trap you are into, to forget it, to feel free. And because you have not taken control over your own life and are not where you want to be, you feel the need to forcefully control others. To have power over others. Cos at least that's one way how you can feel in control. And you definitely are not a bad person, you are just in crappy life situation. You gotta be pretty damn Zen for it to not bring out the worst in you. Most people are not, it's normal.

    I'm guessing if you get your life in order the need to have slaves and anger, and riot in you should go away. Or at least find a healthy way how to express itself. You might not be able to control your whole life, some of it might be controlling you, but you can still take control of many things. Like no porn, no drugs, no stupid waste of time on net while you might be working towards becoming more free. Like I said, it's not so much about where you are as where you are going. Everything will be ok if you work towards it, just focus on where you want to be and exercise your power of action.
  5. TrueHuman

    TrueHuman Fapstronaut

    Hey update I was walking in my neighborhood and these 4 girls got off the school bus and they were all sexy as fuck. They live in my neighborhood and I know what time they get off. Tomorrow of next week I'ma dress fresh and hit on one of them, damn I'm excited as hell. I thought no girls lived in my neighborhood.

    Thanks for that response. Never has anyone cared so much to leave such a detailed response such as this one. I think you are right about me wanting freedom, it is something I do love. But I also honestly love sex/drugs/power.
    I mean heroin to me is like an antidepressant. I snorted some today and felt relaxed and talked to my parents much easier I'm just more sociable and less anxious on heroin. I don't think the government has an business telling me what drugs I should use.

    I understand that many of the stuff I posted is illegal, but I use to be much worse honestly. I feel I have made improvements.

    I wish that I could see the world through your eyes. You seem innocent (no offense). But I've seen/done too many things to go back to the innocent view of the world I once had. It's not a bad thing, I'm just more experienced and aware of my environment. I'm enlightened.
  6. The Progressive One

    The Progressive One Fapstronaut

    The fact that you objectify women so casually is gross. I find it hard to believe that any woman would be desperate enough to go out with you.
    Rahultrup likes this.
  7. TrueHuman

    TrueHuman Fapstronaut

    Wow, are you some kind of feminist? I'm a human male with a healthy sex drive. If that's morally wrong to you then idk what to tell you.
    Insult much? And women with healthy sex drives think of men sexually as well. You don't understand modern women, you're stuck in the 1700s. Wake up, the sexual revolution was in the 1970s. Women like it when you talk about them sexually just like guys like it when women talk about them sexually.

    I guess a healthy sex drive is "objectification" to you.
  8. "I wish that I could see the world through your eyes. You seem innocent (no offense). But I've seen/done too many things to go back to the innocent view of the world I once had. It's not a bad thing, I'm just more experienced and aware of my environment. I'm enlightened."
    It does not matter what you have done, you don't have to keep doing it! And it's not about being innocent or not, not being innocent anymore just means you have no excuse to make näive choices.
    "I'm enlightened"
    You think you are but your not. I know this because I don't have to snort heroin to feel relaxed and sociable. Because I don't look forward to preying on some schoolgirls I don't know. Im not perfect, heck, we are all broken in one way or another! But I can see that you aren't enlightened, your trapped in addiction. Please, for yourself and everyone who loves you, make a choice to change and get some help! You can create the freedom you crave. Somewhere in there under the bondage and grime is the 'ideal' you - free, powerful, enjoying sex (but not drugs).
  9. While I'm not going to say that what he is doing is right, there is certainly a chunk of the female population who enjoy being controlled UNDER CERTAIN CIRCUMSTANCES. Its called BDSM. Some people just have a fetish for that sort of thing, and as long as it is done in a safe enviroment between two consenting individuals, there is noting wrong with it. They made their choice, and you can make yours.
  10. Dizzy Lotus

    Dizzy Lotus Fapstronaut

    What? [​IMG] Was it you who thought of what to write there?!?
    That post was incredible...
    Deleted Account likes this.
  11. I'm not saying you don't like those things. I guess I worded it in a way that maybe could be misunderstood. What I mean when I say that you don't love those things is that the reason for you liking those things is ultimately a desire for freedom, not those things themselves. No? Think about it...
    It might not be the only reason, you might just enjoy the pleasure for example. But I do think it's the main reason, that is the biggest drive for you liking things.

    I do not want to argue with you about what is true or false. I'm not in your head after all, so you probably know better. I might be wrong. But to me everything you write in all of your posts, be it from this thread or similar ones, just screams that freedom is your biggest value in life.

    You can. What's stopping you? We create our reality with our mind. You can choose to cultivate different outlook on life, if you want to. Positivism is a choice.

    I might be not as experienced as you and I am certainly a dreamer, but I am not naive. Keep your feet on the ground and your head in the clouds - that's the motto I try to go by. Why? Because it serves me. I used to live in a dark and gloomy world, I didn't like it there. So I decided to paint it over in bright colors.
    Dizzy Lotus likes this.
  12. TrueHuman

    TrueHuman Fapstronaut

    Well the mods are going to delete this thread soon. Idk why honestly I said in offense to women.
    I was just expressing how my life was going. I'm sorry if I offended anyone I just needed some advice and I was venting.
    Rahultrup likes this.
  13. Not sure why would any mod in right mind delete this. You are simply sharing your own personal feelings, it's not like you are intentionally trying to promote hate and misogyny. This forum is for things like this, to put one's heart out and get some discussion going. If somebody is getting offended then that's their problem, they should work on themselves.
    TrueHuman and Dizzy Lotus like this.
  14. Dizzy Lotus

    Dizzy Lotus Fapstronaut

    Why would this thread be deleted? Some people may take offence from this, but you aren't bashing anyone personally, or calling people names. So... what's the problem with this thread?
    I think there's no good reason for it to be deleted. Closed, perhaps, if drama arises, but not deleted.
    TrueHuman likes this.
  15. TrueHuman

    TrueHuman Fapstronaut

    They messaged me in my inbox saying they'll delete it because my content in the post was against the rules
  16. Dizzy Lotus

    Dizzy Lotus Fapstronaut

    Perhaps it was for "fuck the government"?
    Deleted Account likes this.
  17. Really? o_O Well, like I said, I personally don't think there is anything wrong with putting our heart out and sharing the way we feel with other members, with intention to ask for advice or hear useful opinions, and point of views of others, or simply because it is relevant to discussion. We all are here to help each other to improve and get some support. Censoring people simply because we disagree with them does not help that purpose. I for example might find Christian belief against homosexuality offensive, yet I don't run around and report every forum post discussing that, because, while I might not agree with that, I respect their rights to have their personal beliefs. I would say the problem arises when people start to promote, encourage and advocate hateful actions and beliefs, which you did not, you simply shared how you felt. I read the forum rules and I don't see how this is against them. If somebody find this offending I would say they need to work on themselves and not blame you. It's not a reason to delete a thread. But hey, this is just my opinion. And because of me having lower forum title than some other people on here my opinion might not necessary have the same value. But hey, maybe they have some kind of legit reason and I just can't see it...
    Dizzy Lotus likes this.
  18. Now that makes more sense! I was thinking it's because of other potentially offensive thoughts he shared, but yes, disrespectful langue is against forum rules. It's written there in red. I guess this could be considered that. There are more civilized ways how to express the same thoughts and feelings. It just kinda flew over my head cos I hear this kind of talking and swearing on a daily basis between my friends, so I'm used to this and don't find it offensive. I still think straight up deletion of whole thread is overboard for that, they could just edit post and delete those rude parts out while keeping discussion here and going for benefit of forum members. But hey, that's just my me. I'm not a mod, I don't work here so I don't know how things are supposed to be done here, just sharing my opinion.
    Dizzy Lotus likes this.
  19. TrueHuman

    TrueHuman Fapstronaut

    @Shugi Shugi I think this is what you're talking about?
    @Rahultrup you got this thread deleted.... thanks alot dude...
  20. I'm pretty sure mods don't delete a thread some one reported without looking at it themselves and using their own proper judgement. @Rahultrup is not to blame and he was rightly offended by "make girls my slave".
    Dizzy Lotus likes this.