Pornography as yet another form of mind control (an interesting perspective)

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Mark, Dec 30, 2013.

  1. Mark

    Mark Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Last edited: Feb 11, 2014
  2. aron

    aron Fapstronaut

    Quite interesting. His book explores the idea proposed by Aldous Huxley in Brave New World, that "as political and social freedom decrease, sexual freedom increases".
  3. Mark

    Mark Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Very poignant. All adds up :)
  4. Aryangor

    Aryangor Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    I loved this quote - thank you!! ))))))

  5. Ekhangel

    Ekhangel Fapstronaut

    Been to the author's lecture here in Poland. Though the lecture was rather dull and more of an advertisement of the book (but that's probably because it needed to be interpreted from Polish in real time) than anything really revealing, the idea itself seems interesting. The fact that popular promiscuity and encouragement of such by mass media leads to destruction of moral order seems logical. The question is: what, according to the "liberals" who actually have nothing against it should come in place of that moral order and is there a covert worldwide conspiracy group(/s) pulling their numerous political and economic strings to convince the manipulable masses that such ideas as higher values, the concept of eternal life, fidelity, family as the highest value etc. are "a thing of the past" and just not cool anymore. And if so - what are their motives and exact modus operandi.

    For me there are two interpretations of the situation possible. The first is secret conspiracy groups in cooperation with intel/security agencies of the top world countries manipulate the public opinion and suppress opposition in such a way that only "degenerate" political decisions are made and "degenerate" products promoted widely on the market. The other interpretation is that this is basically the side product of democracy - abolition of the old authoritarian system where the finest, bravest and most clever persons reigned over the masses and imposed their views on them, and replacing it with socialist democracy (seen today in Europe, coming to the USA soon) where the majority decides creates a perfect field for development of decadence, short-mindedness and hedonism, because people rarely choose things they don't like, but often enthusiastically support things that give them immediate relief or satisfaction, without really reflecting on the long-term consequences.

    This obviously requires making the pessimistic assumption that the majority, the "masses" are always stupid and require wise, moral authorities which are always in minority to reign upon them. I guess it's for you guys to consider what is closer to the truth.

    Either way, nothing can be said with relative certainty without thorough investigation and education. Masturbation often stands in the way of such, because - as already scientifically proven - if overused, it weakens your wits and kills motivation and passion. So even if we're not being currently controlled by some NWO/Freemason/Bildberberg/Illuminati bunch of freaks, close that porn website and stay alert as to what's happening around you, because we always could be in the future!
  6. Mark

    Mark Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Yes me too, but the REAL irony of of it for me is that Winston Churchill was far from being the 'great' Brit the PR machine makes him out to be. For instance I work in social care in the UK and it was largely due to his belief that people with disabilities were "feeble minded" that they were rounded up (ruthlessly!) and shoved into terribly run 'institutions' out in the countryside (out of sight out of mind!) I once met a woman and her daughter who had lived in the same 'hospital' or 50 years, on different wards and didn't know each other and the ONLY reason the mother had been institutionalized was because she was pregnant out of so called 'wedlock'!!! And so the daughter had spent ALL of her life in a so called 'mental' hospital because her mum wasnt married!! And these places didn't start closing until 1996! And that's just the tip of the ice berg with old Winston, and one of several 'truths' he and his type would rather we picked ourselves up and hurried off from!

    Sorry, that was nothing personal, it is a great quote, I just saw the red mist when I spotted old Winston above!! ;):eek:
  7. Mark

    Mark Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Many thanks for your comments. Very thought provoking.

    I (and many others) have no doubt whatsoever that there is indeed a covert worldwide conspiracy. Modus operandi? Centralised power/one world government? Literally a fascist global state? The reason? Power and control? (Isn't it always power and control?) Literally a truly psychopathic/right wing and extremely efficient/organised mind-set seeking complete control? And I am FAR from alone in this belief (I would go as far as to call it 'knowledge') I'm not sure what 'liberals' who support a kind of 'anything goes' freedom of expression would suggest replaces moral order? That's a really good question(and I'm sorry, I understand English isn't your first language so I hope I am interpreting your comments correctly?)

    Again, I really hope I interpret you correctly but I think the second interpretation could well be a consequence/'convenient' side effect of the first but not as a side effect of democracy as I genuinely believe 'democracy' is an elaborate and highly manipulated 'illusion' designed to distract the masses from the reality of the first interpretation. And I don't believe the degeneration of 'values' etc is anything but a deliberate strategy to dumb down the massess (why else would there be such a push to get 'sodium' fluoride in our drinking water? The push for GM foods? And how on Earth would somebody like George W Bush get elected in a 'real' election/democracy etc etc?) The global 'elite' will stop at nothing with their weapons of mass 'distraction' (and destruction) and as most people do not want the responsibility of true freedom (we vote in a 'democratic' and honest election, those with the majority win, and THEY think on our behalf and we are 'free' to do precisely as we are TOLD...just don't take away our televisions etc because THAT would really piss us off!!) and they literally hand their 'power' on a plate to these 'NWO/Freemason/Bildberberg/Illuminati bunch of freaks'.

    Unfortunately Erich Fromm, when he wrote 'Escape from Freedom' (sometimes known as the Fear of Freedom) clearly identified the herd like mentality that has both been manipulated into existence and which 'polices' itself into even further submission by refusing to question (and ridiculing those who do) and hold accountable those in 'authority' to make decisions that have the publics genuine interest at heart, thereby surrendering ('escaping from' as a consequence of their manipulated 'fear' of responsibility) 'true' freedom? As John Lennon said, "Keep you doped with religion, sex, and TV. And you think your so clever, and classless, and free. But your still fucking peasants as far as I can see." But increasing numbers are waking up and, typical of the psychopath mindset, those seeking to control have totally underestimated the power of human spirit/collective mind etc.

    With so many 'red herrings', and taking into account the complexity of the whole scenario etc, it may well be difficult to say anything with any kind of 'certainty' but would (to me at least) be particularly 'blinded'/short sighted (literally 'brainwashed') not to be able to see/recognise a common theme in the way the masses are being manipulated/steered towards total subjugation to a particularly well organised and ruthlessly sinister global elite (and it is precisely the discomfort and utter dis-belief induced by such a statement that is it's greatest 'protection', as the likes of Hitler knew/know all too well.) So yes, pornography (and masturbation), mindless television, state 'approved' education/science/news etc, GM 'foods', drugs, cigarettes & alcohol (that old concoction of a 'stick of smokescreen' and a 'glass of illusion', the favourite 'cocktail' of the masses!), sodium fluoride, refined sugar/flour, computer games etc etc- are all overused (being rammed down our throats!) thus weakening our bodies, minds, wits, killing 'motivation and passion' (in an on-going onslaught designed to reduce us into passive/sheep like fodder) and absolutely, whether people believe in any of the above or not:rolleyes:, we need to wake up to this (at least) NOW and I believe/hope movements like this very forum are playing a significant part in that (which to be honest is why I posted this thread):)

    Just opinions?;)
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2013
  8. Jason2

    Jason2 Guest

    Porn is the new opiate for the masses.
    Contentful T likes this.
  9. Mark

    Mark Distinguished Fapstronaut

    I came across this video and didn't know whether to put in in this thread or the humour thread?!?! NOT because its ridiculous but because if the effects this stuff were having on all our lives weren't so tragic it would be funny! Yes some, if not all, of the 'messages' in this video are subtle but that's all they have to be to work on our ultra absorbant subconscious minds (and of course all this is just the very tip of the tip of the ice-berg and I don't wish to get off-topic bearing in mind the nature of this site)
  10. Ekhangel

    Ekhangel Fapstronaut

    jiltedjohn, what I was basically trying to stress is that it is still questionable whether the whole thing (increasing vulgarity in pop culture, widespread consumerism and hedonism and political trends leaning towards centralized power) is directed from "above" (which the "above" I understand as covert conspiracy group of influence acting in a synchronized manner on all spheres of our lives through political and economic actions) or just a result of general stupidity of the masses which is even more encouraged by populist democratic mechanisms + general greediness of media/industrial oligarchy (sex/alcohol/tobacco/pop industry) that obviously flood the market with brainwashing crap, but not in cooperation with the NWO group as a method for maintaining political control, but just because they want to make money - like anyone else out there. Democracy is naturally a very beneficial situation for them, because you can hardly seek moral authorities in such a degenerate political system.

    I actually asked Mr. Phelps after his lecture on that issue. I inquired him precisely: whether he made any in-depth research as to the source of the current situation - is it inspired by a conspiracy group or just a result of natural human shallowness, short-mindedness and sheer stupidity that is a wonderful source of money for the key beneficiaries: pop/sex/alco/tobacco/war industry that however do not really act in a synchronized manner and are not subjected to an "NWO group" but rather take the opportunity given to make ****load of money and will obviously do anything to maintain status quo in order to secure their income.

    His answer was rather unclear; he just referred to the fact that he was kicked out of some university (or something of that kind - can't remember) and by that implied that it must've been a result of some "orders from the top". Then I pushed him to the wall asking if he has any data on who these people precisely are and how they operate, but only got a vague answer stating that "every public institution fulfills -THIS- agenda", without really explaining what the agenda is or who orders it, not even to mention the fact that this is obviously what the public institutions' purpose is - to fulfill governmental agenda, whatever it might be. Unless he meant NGO's, but that wasn't specified.

    So my general impression, despite my authentic will to learn from Mr. Phelps, was that he's just one of many paranoiacs out there who interpret events in a way that they see romantic or fascinating but are much simpler in nature. Perhaps someone here actually read the book and would tell us what the guy's theses as to the subject are.

    Desperate for knowledge, I approached him after the lecture and dug into the issue even deeper, asking him: "what would you name the other side of the conflict of which one side is the classic Christian morality?" - he answered vaguely: "Mammon.". Well - I thought - that is unquestioned, but we've seen that happen throughout the 2000-year history of the Christian civilization, so that's really nihil novi. Then I discussed with him what political order he sees as best for humanity, and I learned that he doesn't care as long as it's Christian in nature and its founders fulfill the God's will.

    Well, that pretty much ended the chat.

    So, to state the final question to which I believe we all can refer in the hopefully meticulous discussion is: what are the ties between various spheres of life (media, industry, politics), to what extent they co-operate and is this co-operation deliberate and has its higher purpose, what is the nature of this co-operation and who EXACTLY inspires it, providing names of entities.

    I can agree that the general trends we're seeing today is for people to be "dumbed down", as you said. But in a democratic and capitalist system this is obviously what the top players are going to do. And yet, this doesn't yet constitute evidence to prove that it's a part of complementary tactics to seize absolute power. I would rather call it a mechanism - those who benefit from stupidity will be willing to preserve it, but as long as YOU can rise and change the world by your actions - you can (at least theoretically) found a library, educational foundation, be elected for president, set up your own church, TV station or Internet website (etc.) - then you can't really state with clean conscience that the fight is unequal due to some covert actions for which you first would have to provide clear evidence anyway. I'd rather see the current situation as a defeat of higher valors and replacing it with materialism, but I acknowledge myself as partially responsible for the situation, since it was me who's hasn't done much to change it, not some unconquerable enemy with his sneaky tactics that I can't by no means overcome, because I think I can. With as much personal freedom left as I have, I can still actually turn TV off, grab a book, go do some exercises, not eat at McDonald's, stop wanking, speak freely of what I find right and what I think wrong and so on. The trends are obviously alarming with socialist governments imposing more and more ridiculous legislation to offer us the widely preached "safety" and predictability. But as long as I can still move out of the country I live in (and nothing suggests I'll be deprived of that right in the future) I see those trends as a natural course of events on a continent that has suffered through two world wars, nerve-wracking cold war and thousands of years of maniacal prosecutions of minorities and 'dumbing down' of people with religion.

    So, to conclude my point of view: I find no evidence or premise that the current situation is inspired by covert (NOTE: by covert I mean groups that deliberately hide themselves from public, not groups that simply don't present themselves to the public because they don't feel the need to) groups of influence, or at least not more than it's been done throughout the entire history of humanity, with a reservation that these mechanisms are now being intensified due to the merits of globalism, of which we're benefiting as well, by the way - on this very forum.

    To live a life of dignity in the contemporary world, one must acquire a level of awareness higher than ever before, because the mechanisms have become more complicated than ever. But it is up to US to promote awareness and gather people of wisdom and good heart around us, and if we shall fail, then it will be no one's fault but ours. It will be our failure to win over "Mammon", as Phelps said. Unless someone proves that such attempts were blocked by unlawful actions inspired by any sort of NWO group. Perhaps there is such evidence - so far I have seen none that convinced me, but will gladly learn of any. One could obviously say that there must have been such people but they were effectively suppressed by NWO to a level where they can't even tell us about it. Well, that is obviously possible, but seeing that there are in fact some people out there that attempt to "awaken the masses", such as the entire Catholic Church and its agents (like Phelps), and also seeing that their influence over human souls is gradually weakening due to their inability to convince or emotionally attract - I find that thesis improbable.

    UNLESS we claim that they (the "good" people/organizations) are part of the conspiracy as well. But...

    ...come on. From that point we could as well claim that humanity is reigned by space raptors that manipulate our minds and have their agents among us.

    I myself am an anti-democrat, more of a libertarian/minarchist, but in making such bold statements we must behave responsibly and actually propose an alternative political system, also avoiding rebirth of those that have failed already - such as monarchy - unless we implement significant enhancements, without which such systems will simply fail again, like they did in the past. And it won't really matter what was the reason for such failure - whether it was the Illuminati, or stupid masses and opportunist politicians, or both - it will just fail, because it did not withstand the test of time, the challenges of the "global village". That is called constructive criticism, and I really like it, you know.

    Hope you got my message right, because - as noted - English is not my first language. I know the post is pretty long and there's many points to refer to, I apologize for that, but the subject itself is very complicated and for it to be discussed factually and constructively, we'd need to apply some more professional tools for communication than loose forum posts.
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2013
  11. Mark

    Mark Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Hi Eckhangel, thanks for your reply. Tis certainly a vast and complicated subject that is indeed difficult to discuss in this context. Unfortunately I have only been able to scan your post quickly as I have a fair few family commitments today and in the coming days so, much as I would like to, I cannot commit the considerable time it would take to address/discuss all the excellent points you raised. I will get back to you soon though but for now may I just wish you all the very best for 2014 :)
  12. Ekhangel

    Ekhangel Fapstronaut

    I will be patiently waiting to it, friend. Best wishes to you, too - especially the perseverance to reach our goals in the upcoming year.
  13. Mark

    Mark Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Thank you, I only wish there was time now because I am intrigued by your post and I'm only sorry there is the slight language barrier (and am sorry if I misinterpreted any of your points, which may or not be due to language?;)) and that this type of communication is so hopelessly inadequate when discussing something as complex/detailed as this. I suspect that even with several days of face to face conversation any 'answers' could just keep yielding more and more questions?!?!:D But there is nothing quite like having 'beliefs' challenged etc to help you review and clarify where we stand on certain issues! Tis a pity more people are not willing to face such scrutiny (And I bet that author was wondering what hit him when you had him 'pinned against the wall' and I too would have been disappointed with his replies). Anyway I'm in danger of going on and I have children to get ready etc:eek: All the best:)
  14. Mark

    Mark Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Sorry if I whizz through this but tired and just grabbed a few mins...

    Firstly I appreciate the manner in which you present yourself as somebody with a genuine thirst for truth/knowledge which is something I can genuinely empathise with so please forgive me if I come across as anything other than respectful/humble as my only intention is to ascertain/establish the 'truth' (is that even possible in this context?) in perhaps one of the most 'debatable' topic on the planet;)(I also had to severely edit your quotes as only allowed 10000 characters)

    Its understandable that both sides of this argument see each other as either 'ignorant' or 'paranoiac' depending on an individuals stance (wittingly or otherwise?) and in the 20 years I have been curious about these subjects, knowing something was 'wrong' and attempting to understand both the the problem, the source, AND the solution whilst trying to make ends meet as an individual who finds it particularly difficult to adjust to the so called 'norms' society (or those who 'control' society;)) impose upon us. I'm not even a John Lennon fan particularly so I'm reluctant to quote him again but this also struck a chord with me from the moment I heard it as a child, "They hurt you at home and they hit you at school. And they hate you if your clever and dispise a fool. Til your so fucking crazy you can't follow their rules." And who 'they' are (NWO etc or capitalist society in general - or 'both' which I think is what makes sense to me) But I guess we just have to come to our own conclusions on this in whatever way our circumstance (position, scale, mental capacity, time constraints etc) permit?

    Well yes, I guess that's the $64,000 question. It would be very difficult to provide names of entities as they work behind the 'puppet' politicians. All I can do is point you in the direction of some of the people who's research I have respected over the years. NO I do NOT follow any of these people as one would follow a guru (Im not particularly interesred in them as individuals, i just respect their right to suggest possible answers to the type of questions we are discussing) and I do not necessarily believe everything they claim is true (as they are simply attempting to put forth information that helps people make an 'informed' choice and the minute I suspect anyone is doing anything other than that I switch off so to speak). I simply respect the right of individuals to put forth information that the mainstream media (whether it is run by greedy capitalist and/or global fascists?) refuse to give 'respectful' air time to. I am also aware that the mere mention of some of these names could incite instant dismissal? And I do not know where you stand on matters of a metaphysical nature (and neither is that any of my business) Having said all that :)D) here's some links to make of what you will (and of course there will be massive amounts of debunking of these people out there but please rest assured that I, like yourself am simply trying to make sense out of it all and am actually glad of this opportunity to review my thoughts etc)...‎

    It would take several hours and hundreds of pages to provide the background evidence of synchronized efforts to seize total power but I do believe the above authors have compiled a very compelling body of evidence between them from both a physical and metaphysical perspectives which I believe are absolutely necessary to understand the bigger (holistic)picture etc?

    Yes you can 'currently' set up a TV station (see above), website etc but how utterly ironic is this ...

    I would like to see somebody become president who wasn't already chosen long before the elections even began(theres lots of info on this, this is just a random article)

    Yes you can, but are people like me 'free' to express an interest in the research of people like those I have mentioned above etc etc without being subject to laughter and ridicule. That has NOT been my experience this past 20 years. What kind of 'freedom' is that?

    "Go back to bed America, your Government has got it all figured out..."

    again, these are just examples, tip of iceberg and you will have to do your own research and you are 'free' to disagree with anything or anything I suggest (and I am genuinely grateful of this dialogue between us for giving me the opportunity to review how I deal with these type of discussions)

    Have you tried any of the above? I mean I have suggested David Ickes books to several people over the years who have laughed out loud (as I did when it was first suggested to me!!) and I remember one (very bright astute guy) who read one and he told me his friend had ridiculed him saying 'at what point did you realise he is a totally insane paranoid schitzophrenic?" to which he replied, "at no point whatsoever, which really shocked me after what I had heard about him in the media, but the general theme made perfect sense and explained many things that I had previously found utterly confusing etc". And I have witnessed this many times this past 20 years, and I am not part of a cult or hanging on the every word of ANYBODY:-D

    I suggest there are a lot of confused people out there with good intentions (and I am one of them:D) but caught up in the massive web of deceit (whatever it's source?) but I certainly do not believe the leaders/controllers of the Catholic Church are trying to awaken anybody to anything other than its own (interconnected?) brand of psychological fascism? (and I was a Catholic) People don't get 'assassinated' with bullets these days, that would be too obvious when 'character' assassination is FAR more effective and easily swallowed/enjoyed by the masses.

    In a universe of infinite possibility nothing is beyond the realm of possibility?(and its our sense of what is possible that is manipulated the most?)

    Yes there needs to be more talk of alternative political systems but I honestly don't know the answer to that one because the whole thing just seems so completely corrupted and wealthy/powerful. I wish I had an answer, I really do. This is a current/vital interest for sure.

    I have long supported the 'none of the above' campaign in Britain and refuse to vote unless we have the option to tick a box that states 'none of the above' candidates out of utter distrust in the current system. Of course were this to be introduced the vast majority of people will start voting again and would probably tick that box thus forcing complete political reform as the majority would have called for it. But of course we are no closer to this genuinely 'democratic' step for obvious reasons and so some people continue to vote in the belief their vote will make a difference (and in Britain we are brainwashed into believing that if we don't vote we don't have a say which is rammed down our throats via TV advertising etc)

    I respect your views and your right to have them and I am always willing to change mine if I find I have been holding beliefs not based in 'truth' (which is increasingly difficult to discern!;-))
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2013
  15. Nathaniel

    Nathaniel Fapstronaut

    Would you re-post that video? The link is dead.
  16. Mark

    Mark Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Done mate :)
  17. StarKing

    StarKing Guest

    That is absolutely horrible story, imaging what atrocities are being committed under the radar these days...or on the radar
  18. Mark

    Mark Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Yes it is mate and after 20 years of being aware of this sort of stuff it still amazes me how glibly people go into automatic dismissal/ridicule mode when considering (or not as is usually the case) this type of thing, it really does. But I guess thats its biggest strength, that most people would rather believe an elaborate lie than face the consequences of knowing the truth. That has certainly been my experience and as goethe once observed, 'none are so hoplessly enslaved as those who falsely believe they are free." and the level of rationalization and sheer cognitive dissonance I witness (especially post 911, the most blatant inside job and insulting 'cover story' ever!) is simply staggering!
  19. Mark

    Mark Distinguished Fapstronaut

    I know, like he hadn't already been dead for years, and like he even 'did' 911 in the first place!!
  20. Rafa

    Rafa Fapstronaut

    Thanks for posting this video jiltedjohn. I really believe that our world is very messed up, sadly people are too blind to notice what is happening to this world and what the future is bringing to them. Mind control and conspiracys are the world that we live in, i highly recommend this site (dunno if i am allowed to post links so please delete if it's not) for more info.
    God bless and sorry for any english mistakes!
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2014