Pornography as yet another form of mind control (an interesting perspective)

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Mark, Dec 30, 2013.

  1. Mark

    Mark Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Cheers and thanks for the link, looks interesting and informative. Have you ever seen this?

    And yes we certainly do live in a world of (mass) mind control and conspiracies which are far to often overlooked via glib and smug dismissals its biggest 'defence' being its complexity and built in ridicule system that labels anyone who dares to question it 'mad' etc. Mmmmm.

    I recently read a comment somewhere where somebody had 'claimed' that 'conspiracy theories' were for the shallow and uneducated (that was about a month ago and ive only just stopped laughing at the irony of that!) and yet when this person was asked if they believed the official 'theory'/explanation of 911 and subsequent atrocities they could see no reason to doubt their 'leaders' (which I didnt laugh at as thats just plain depressing!)

    Are we waking up? I do believe we are however much people insist things will never change (thats the spirit!!) because the tide always turns in the end and if you've ever seen that film 'the day the earth stood still' its unfortunate but true that as a race we generally dont make changes until we have no choice (good old crisis management) but the momentum is gathering and as the quote in my signature says "The universe is not short on wake-up calls. We're just quick to hit the snooze button." but theres only so many times we can hit snooze before we have to wake up and the arrogant (evil) bastards who are orchestrating their agenda are in for a particular rude 'awakening' themselves because the collective human spirit, like an elastic band, can only be stretched so far before something snaps and I truly believe that point is increasingly upon us (and I make no apologies for my optimism;))
  2. Mark

    Mark Distinguished Fapstronaut

    I just wanted to add this thread/video which adds another interesting and thoroughly researched perspective.

    And it's not surprising AT ALL to hear that a top New York politician who was found to be spending $10,000 per month on prostitutes was also in the process of introducing particularly stringent laws against prostitution! Just about sums up the intrinsically intertwined world of politics and corruption, hypocrisy, and the self-serving greed/gratification that masquerades as 'leadership' these days (was it ever any different?!?!)...
  3. Mark

    Mark Distinguished Fapstronaut

    And does it surprise anybody that those on 'moral' crusades are the worst of the f*****g lot?!?!...

    And its people like this who are kindly providing us with the very same porn blockers that are also preventing us from finding out what is REALLY going on in the world. How very f*****g convenient!!...

    Its time we showed some balls guys and stoped allowing ourselves to be nannied (whatever!) by the same hypocrites who are colluding to rob you blind of every last ounce of freedom you've got left for their own personal power/control/gain!

    What ever happened to good old fashioned self-discipline?

    Porn blockers? Freedom blockers more like!!
  4. Contentful T

    Contentful T Fapstronaut

    I think one has to be completely willing to be controlled by it in the first place. And how easy that is.
  5. Contentful T

    Contentful T Fapstronaut

    Hardly new. Even when you posted that 5 years ago.
  6. absolutely!
    Do you notice how 'freedom' of pornography increases, and political speech is increasingly curtailed?

    Edmund Burke, wrote: "Men are qualified for civil liberty in exact proportion to their disposition to put moral chains upon their own appetites . . . It is ordained in the eternal constitution of things, that men of intemperate minds cannot be free. Their passions forge their fetters."
  7. Eighghghgh

    Eighghghgh New Fapstronaut

    Psychic who says Porn is Mind Control: