quitting coffee???

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Deleted Account, Feb 28, 2018.

  1. I would advise trying. I am in the process of quitting coffee myself. From experience, coffee demineralizes teeth and bone. It also causes the body to spike in acidity. Caffeine does a number on the nerves, locking you in the beta brainwave state. This makes rest unreachable and promotes anxiousness. Too bad society practically worships the stuff.
    WesternWolf likes this.
  2. awakening now

    awakening now Fapstronaut

    I am frequently giving up coffee, only to start again a couple of weeks later.

    When I'm in coffee consumption mode I am my strung-out anxious self, I see everything through anxiety.

    When I do not consume any caffeine, I am open to the world and to other people, I'm far less nervous. But I also feel less protected - because my chronic anxiety has worked as a protective shield over the years - and also less energised. So I end up drinking it again in order to feel my anxious, unhappy, familiar self again.

    I hope to be able to stop drinking it for good. Green tea does not work for me as a substitute because I soon drink 10+ cups a day as my frayed nervous system tries to achieve the same jittery discomfort.
  3. Wolves of Wisdom

    Wolves of Wisdom Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    I remember a period of 20 days or so when I stopped drinking caffeinated beverages altogether and I remember feeling so at peace, paired with meditation I felt at one with myself and it also help me refrain from PMO, I had beat my own record of 42 days. Congrats on quitting smoking, 17 days is great!
    Deleted Account likes this.
  4. jm13041107

    jm13041107 Fapstronaut

    I actually quit drinking coffee a few weeks ago. I don't know why I did probably because I drank way to much of it. I also am happy to say that I don't drink energy drinks anymore as I used to drink them almost daily. To date this year I've had only two sugar free red bulls and really I don't feel like I need them or ever want them. Back to the coffee, if you think that it is hindering you then I would say give quitting a shot. But like someone else mentioned in this thread don't try and quit to many things at once otherwise it could lead to failure. My advice would be to cut back on the coffee at first maybe just have one or two cups before noon and then see if you can work it down to one cup and then eventually none. Congrats on quitting smoking I know that that is a hard thing to quit!
    Deleted Account likes this.