Scared to death...

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Sacredness1234, Nov 20, 2018.

  1. Sacredness1234

    Sacredness1234 Fapstronaut

    So iv been reding on here about sissy hypnosis. Wich is what brought me here to this site, i read somwhere in one of the manny threads that there was a rest typ thing on YouTube for it. I checked it out today and found something called "porn braker: sissy hypnosis removal. People in the comments said it worked and stuff, I watched it and nearly fell asleep well doing it. I was scared by one of the comments saying what if this was just a trick to get the person into it more. And now I can't breathe thinking iv hurt my progress....or worse...PLESES HELP ASAP
  2. Oh Henry

    Oh Henry Fapstronaut

    Take a deep breath. You are okay. Don't believe everything you read online
    Napav, Wet dreamz and Tankus like this.
  3. Sacredness1234

    Sacredness1234 Fapstronaut

    ...thank you friend...I'll do my best
  4. Oh Henry

    Oh Henry Fapstronaut

    I don't know much about hypnosis but I do know that you control your own destiny. Not some video on YouTube and definitely not some comment from a troll.

    By that same logic though you have to accept that there is no easy solve. There's no magic pill or hypnotic activity to help you recover. There is hard work, will power and a strong community backing you up.

    I believe in you. Just breathe and you will be okay
    2525, NewEric, TryingAgain and 2 others like this.
  5. Sacredness1234

    Sacredness1234 Fapstronaut


    Iv stayed away form it for the past two days. I actually haven't even been tempted to go back to it much sice I left it, I hade no idea that stuff was on YouTube! Sure porn sites. But not youtube...its a scary world....I haven't tried the rebot thing yet, mostly because I doubt I could. I'm just stearing clear form that stuff all together.
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2018
  6. Oh Henry

    Oh Henry Fapstronaut

    What motivates you to quit? I didn't really build momentum in quitting until I understood why I was doing it. What are your thoughts?
    Navdeep likes this.
  7. Welcome to the community. Keep reading and learning here and start making your plan. Ask questions. You are not alone in this.
    You can do this.
    chiyu likes this.
  8. Sacredness1234

    Sacredness1234 Fapstronaut

    I was never interested In any hipno voides before till it just showed up on one of the pron sites i was on. I have it a watch just out of the wtf mind set. And it scared the hell out of me and I thought it effect me. I have terrible anxiety. So I saterd to obsess over it. I didnt get to into it before being like, no no..this isnt me. So for the last few days iv stayed away form it. Even seeing it in passing on YouTube today temped me. But I refused to watch at all.
  9. Sacredness1234

    Sacredness1234 Fapstronaut

    I'm trying my best, I thank god for this site
  10. Sacredness1234

    Sacredness1234 Fapstronaut

    what scared me about this pron beaker thing was I acutely made me nearly fall a sleep. Not even the other hypon videos did that...that's what caused the panic attack. There was a rushing water fall tho...
  11. Sacredness1234

    Sacredness1234 Fapstronaut

    A lot of the stories i read scare me much wores then i allrady was tbh....i know I have ocd, so will this only get worse? Iv been obsessing with it for 4 days now...
  12. chiyu

    chiyu Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    You probably watched a legitimate video, so I wouldn't stress about it. Also it takes awhile for any of that other stuff to take hold - like say people who've watched hours of it every day for weeks or months. A few glimpses here or there probably can't do much.

    However, I caution you to not ever experiment with this junk. I have before and I've experienced some worrisome moments afterwords myself. The real problem is there can be a gradual slide into building a dependency on this fetish which over time can cause true harm to one's self-esteem and identity. It's very toxic and the only solution is to absolutely stay away from it forever. I wish I'd never come across it - I'm pissed off at the idiots who create this stuff, it's very harmful and should be banned in my opinion.

    I have similar issues to you so I can understand your concerns. I think we watch P to escape for a while, to get some good feelings, but the problem is afterwords there's like an emotional hangover where we feel regret and worry and it actually is a net loss for our well-being. As you'll find if you read more here, slipping into it is often due to escalation in watching P from standard stuff to more extreme stuff so really abstaining from all P or at least taking a long break from it all is recommended as part of the healing process.

    So in short, I think you can relax, no harm was done to you. However, your concern of potential problems down the road if you were to continue exposing yourself to this stuff is valid so stay away from it totally.
  13. Sacredness1234

    Sacredness1234 Fapstronaut

    oh no, i haven't even been tempted to go back, even when i saw it on YouTube yesterday looking for a meatal reset. And for god sakes man....YOUTUBE?! What the hell....what's wrong with people. from What iv read, this stuff is poison and extremely addictive and dangerous. It shouldn't be on the normal web.

    So you think I'll be fine? I mean iv never felt attracted to men before, but the vidos/gifts messied with my head. The whole cours was just 2 days. (Might be a litte less)thank you for your kind words.
  14. Sacredness1234

    Sacredness1234 Fapstronaut

    Iv acutly read some of your stuff friend, its pretty helpful. Btw have you ever hade nightmares about it? Iv been up for about 2 days because of the nightmares. I have hocd, it saterd a few years ago with health anxiety, and now I fear it spilled over it to this worry.
  15. Sacredness1234

    Sacredness1234 Fapstronaut

    Sadly I'm not that religious....will i still be OK?
  16. mdz

    mdz Fapstronaut

    I was into that sissy hypno. Its so degrading, and i see it as an even worse escalation than femdom or JOI. I remember being so scared when i did sissy hypnosis porn. I was afraid I was programmed and would turn into a trans.
    I felt like a failure among my colleagues at work, and friends.

    Now (after 460 days) its different. I can walk straight and look people in their eyes when i talk. Its totally worth it.

    You can do it, If it is hard to quit, then think of it as yet a proof that this is a serious addiction, and should be dealt with.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  17. Sacredness1234

    Sacredness1234 Fapstronaut

    I fully quit that type of porn, iv decided to take a week or so off form doing anything. But idk if I can quit all together?
  18. Sacredness1234

    Sacredness1234 Fapstronaut

    I was afraid I was programmed and would turn into a trans.

    Just my fear. Howed you get over it?
  19. mdz

    mdz Fapstronaut

    I thought to myself, even if I was affected or damaged by the sissy porn, it would dissipate given longer time of abstaining.
  20. Sacredness1234

    Sacredness1234 Fapstronaut

    We'll I'll never be looking at that kinda shit again. That I can promise, so if I just stay away from sissy hypon I should be OK?