Think I'm doing this wrong...

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Jack Jackson, Mar 18, 2015.

  1. Jack Jackson

    Jack Jackson Fapstronaut

    Hey, I've only posted a couple of times and sorry if this isn't in the right place. I'm fairly sure I'm doing something wrong here, so I'll keep it brief and feedback would be much appreciated.

    Every streak I've had apart from my very first for which I can't remember the exact approach I used, I've ended up trying to fight arousal, avoid triggers and basically try to utilise everything I think I've learned about rebooting in the best way possible (including trying to stay off the Internet and totally stop gaming).

    This worked alright for a while although eventually I was trying to avoid so much that every time I 'slipped up' as I though of it, I would get a burst of anxiety which in turn grew into my own form of OCD where I would overthink to the point of linking it with dopamine use etc which has lead to a lot of confusion and misery (and several full blown relapses).

    As someone who has been diagnosed with anxiety in the past I would just like to have a better idea of where I'm going wrong-if I am, or being a bit too hard on myself or anything. I've looked and looked to try and find someone who has had a similar situation but haven't had much luck so if someone who knows more could help me out it would be a load off my mind, thanks guys and keep up the good work.
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2015
  2. Limeaid

    Limeaid Guest

    Most people will have relapses on the way to recovery. Don't be so hard on yourself but make sure you learn from the relapse. Where did you go wrong? Why were you triggered, how can you avoid that in the future? You cannot white knuckle this and my advice would be to stop thinking in terms of numbers or streaks. Make this a lifelong commitment to stop watching porn. After all what happens if you reach 90 days? You will go back to fapping? Probably not right? So start thinking in terms of a life plan to get rid of porn forever. Make that plan and instead of simply using willpower and avoidance go out and live life.

    You are doing great! Don't give up :)
  3. Jack Jackson

    Jack Jackson Fapstronaut

    Yeah thanks mate, what your saying is totally right in terms of goals and attitude long term but I was meaning more that if I'm doing anything obviously wrong that stands out at the minute that's causing undue stress and making this harder than it needs to be id rather know now just to put my mind at ease, thanks
  4. michgem0707

    michgem0707 Fapstronaut

    It is going to be a journey. There are going to be good days and bad days. Set your heart each day to what you want to accomplish. Write down the things that pull you back and those that help you. Help your self to avoid the bad list and do more of the good list. At first it will seem like a waste of time. But over time you will see the list of things that pull you back is getting smaller.
    Stop by here and read the post or post more on how you are doing. We help each other to be strong.
  5. Jack Jackson

    Jack Jackson Fapstronaut

    I'll try that, thanks for the reply and keep up the good work