What are your next steps?

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Iwannaquitplz, Feb 25, 2019.

  1. Iwannaquitplz

    Iwannaquitplz Fapstronaut

    Hi, I have an issue at the moment where I just can't seem to stop pmo from being in my life. My latest attempt is to do things in my life which make me happy, in hoped to replace pmo over time.
    If you feel the same, maybe this task is for you!
    Decide what you want to do with your life. Exactly like a bucket list but we are going to make sure we do these things.

    I want to:
    Go on a hiking holiday in Scotland.
    Go travelling in Asia.
    Smoke weed in Amsterdam.
    Travelling in Canada.
    Go hiking in Alaska.
    Go to an African safari and see a lion.
    Create my own video game and release it on the app store.
    Build my own company.
    Own a house.
    Get a dog.
    Learn a language.
    Learn an instrument.
  2. backtolife42

    backtolife42 Fapstronaut

    Things I want to do:
    Find some meaning in my life
    Become independent
    Find a nice girl
    Have a family
    Become the best person I can be
    Have some kind of positive impact on the world
    Iwannaquitplz likes this.
  3. Iwannaquitplz

    Iwannaquitplz Fapstronaut

    I love that! Such a powerful hope. I like to think someday you'll be able to wake up and know that you've succeeded in this. Good luck my dude
  4. MonkeyDo

    MonkeyDo Fapstronaut

    Haha, when I see this I realize how shortsighted I am.

    I don't really have any plans for the future. I mostly just think about what I want to do right now on this day. Hell, I could die tomorrow, so I don't think too much about what I will do until it's time to do it!

    Today I want to eat a big delicious meal (I do intermittent fasting), practice my German and French, play some piano, maybe lift some dumbells at home, do some running indoors (it's cold outside lol), and maybe chat to some girls online.
  5. backtolife42

    backtolife42 Fapstronaut

    Its probably a good thing to have more reachable goals. For a long time I struggled with not having any shortterm goals, while my big goals where so far out of reach. I am currently trying to live from day to day, and set small goals all the time, so dont worry. Plus you have a few things on your list that are pretty big as well, you are probably just a bit more down to earth than I am.

    Edit: just realized that you are not the op @Monkey but i think the things still apply
    MonkeyDo likes this.
  6. Iwannaquitplz

    Iwannaquitplz Fapstronaut

    For me, I am ok at getting my short term goals done. I just figure that if I do die tomorrow, what would I have wanted to have done with my life. What if that tomorrow is in a years time, could I do these big goals so then I would know that I did what I wanted before I died?
    MonkeyDo likes this.
  7. MonkeyDo

    MonkeyDo Fapstronaut

    This is an interesting subject to me. Since I don't really know what I want to do with my life in the grand scale, and since you can't really control whether you achieve big huge goals (you can only try your best to work towards them), I like to break my goals down into each day.

    If I did what I wanted to do that day, all the little things that bring me contentment, then I go to sleep that night without regrets and feel that if I don't wake up the next morning, then at least I did the best I could with each day I was given. When I wanted to do something, I did it, and when I wasn't able to do something, at least I gave it an honest try.

    This makes me feel good enough about myself, so I don't feel as if I need to accomplish some grand thing 5 years from now. If I do end up accomplishing some grand thing as a result of my little daily actions building up, then that's great. If not, that's great too, because I enjoyed every day anyway. :emoji_smile: