Why binge is not worse

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by justname, Jan 9, 2021.

  1. justname

    justname Fapstronaut

    When i was relapsing i always had like 5 orgams in minutes, sometimes even 10+ orgasms in 1 day, that would sometimes continue next day. I`ve seen meny discussions is binge worse then a single relapse and most people say it is way worse, but i was always thinking differently about this i was never thinking in that way ` the more you binge the worse ` i was always open minded about it. Let me explain why i was always thinking a single relapse is actually worse then binging

    If alcohol addict was drinking really a lot of alcohol, smashed himself with alcohol that`s it. He will be alright. But if he was drinking just a little bit of alcohol? That is when he really really fucking himself in brain haha. He will be constantly thinking about alcohol for days. It is same in this case. I spent only 1-2 days into a relapse. If i fapped only once suffering would appear same day, i don`t even want to mention next days haha. I would struggle with a lot of urges and probabbly relapse after few days, again after few days and again after few days, running around 1 circle. That is why i was not picking advice from this community ` don`t binge ` . If you disagree with me that is fine. But that was always my view that a single fap is actually worse then binging
  2. IGY

    IGY Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    I disagree with you. ;)
    ankith, Reverent and justname like this.
  3. You're an individual and you can react differently.

    But to be honest (no offense, just my opinion) I think you're lying unconciously to yourself trying to confirm your binging sessions.
    Binging is a typical reaction of addicts after a relapse. Your addiction wants to fill that dopamine hole you've left.

    For me, binging lets me fall into a deep hole.

    Concerning your alcoholism comparison:
    My father died because of alcoholism.
    You have no clue what you're talking about.

    Again no offense. Your body, your responsibility.
    I write all this here only because others can read it.

    I really hope that your tactic works for you.
  4. bulldawg1970

    bulldawg1970 Fapstronaut

    binge or no binge it is still the same, so neither is worse then the other in the way of your not supposed to give in to porn to begin with, but binging is hell of a lot more destructive to your physical body, so yeah i also disagree with your statement
    ankith and Reverent like this.
  5. Yeah this is a nice lie your mind came up with to keep you in the pmo cycle
  6. [​IMG]
    If you're trying to stay healthy, having as little poison in your body as possible would be great, none would be ideal. That is, if you're trying to stay healthy.

    If we compare such analogy to your porn addiction, your point of view on binging on porn seems like you're not trying to quit. Or compared to analogy above "stay healthy" relapses serve as slip-ups and learning experiences, again that is if you want to quit porn. From what i see, you're just fooling yourself because you don't want to quit.

    In the end, eventually, sooner or later you would have to realize that there are no shortcuts in overcoming PMO but rather going the way of bigger and harder resistance, good luck.
    ankith, DaleEarnhartJr and Knighthawk like this.
  7. justname

    justname Fapstronaut

    Fine ^^
  8. justname

    justname Fapstronaut

    It worked bro, P addiction is gone long time ago, but MOing addiction stayd way way way longer with me
  9. CodeTalker

    CodeTalker Fapstronaut

    So if I read that correctly. The way you resolve this addiction is just by givin in. You don't fight at all.
  10. bulldawg1970

    bulldawg1970 Fapstronaut

    I wouldn't go that route code, that's like saying if I stand in front of a gun ans someone pulls the trigger the bullet won't strike bc I am going to do nothing right?
  11. vibemaker

    vibemaker Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    Read Gary Wilson's Your Brain On Porn.
  12. justname

    justname Fapstronaut

    I am actually not fighting with P addiction but with MOing addiction. Perhaps it is supposed to be there. I am human being i am not robot lol.
  13. bulldawg1970

    bulldawg1970 Fapstronaut

    But are you watching any kind of sexual stimulation or sexual acts while MOing? If you are just you arein complete denial bc yes, you are in porn addiction whether you want to live up to it or not.
  14. justname

    justname Fapstronaut

    Last time i watched porn is somewhere in march 2020. Pictures? Sometimes maybe, but i really don`t neccessarely need them ^^
  15. bulldawg1970

    bulldawg1970 Fapstronaut

    Well glad your staying away from porn, the problem is images will get boring and lead to other things, so if you can avoid it I would
  16. justname

    justname Fapstronaut

    i don`t need to worry about pictures, becouse i am not planning to fap anymore ^^
  17. TheForsakeen

    TheForsakeen Fapstronaut

    This post is a text of damnation, a treatise on death, a charter of dishonor and a message from the pit of hell!
    ankith likes this.