Post published by aggressive turtle

Hey everyone

I’ve posted a lot before but I’d like an accountability partner. I have issues with pornography where because of severe body image issues I have a bad habit of watching homosexual porn and getting off to heterosexual porn. Never do I have the desire to pursue men but the images are haunting me. I’ve always considered myself straight and it angers me that I struggled with this for so long but I need help. Just graduated college, working full time, and I like making music, working out and being outdoors.
St3v0 more_vert
Hi. I can relate to your addition to Porn but fortunately I have never went beyond the heterosexual limit. Although I also went to extreme end with that.
All I can say and testify to is that I do not know how I would have gone this long without porn if it was not for the grace of God.

I don't know you or your religious standing but I see a lot of people struggle with these things and I don't know how they do it without the help of God.

Here is a link that I wrote on. Even if you do not believe in God the principles might still help you.
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