Comments on Profile Post by Sammyforthewin

  1. Marr
    Start small, baby steps. Aim for 7 days instead of 90 to start. Fill your day with other things to do or with other people. When and where do you usually watch porn? You got to out smart the addiction. You can do this man, it's always a choice. Your urge is not you!
    Apr 3, 2017
  2. Sammyforthewin
    Thanks for your support. I aimed everytime for one month, but total streak are 23 days..Usually I watch P at home, where I'm sometimes alone. But often it happens by boredum...
    Apr 4, 2017
  3. Marr
    I swear I used to watch porn the minute I got the house to myself lol. So I started leaving home if I knew that I was going to be alone. I'd go for a walk, take my laptop to a coffee shop...etc. Over time you'll develop strength to not watch even if you're alone. You got this Sammy!
    Apr 4, 2017
  4. Sammyforthewin
    Thanks for your encourage bro. I really do appreciate your advice.
    Apr 4, 2017