90 days challenge completed 1st time

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by Beatyourself, Feb 25, 2019.

  1. Beatyourself

    Beatyourself Fapstronaut

    As i promised you all that i 'll keep posting from time to time to encourge such a wonderful and ambtious people like you, today i had just made agreat step through my entire life and i passed the 90 days challenge , this experiance has proved to me that nothing impossible unless you admit , i figured out during the past 3 months that i had been wasting my time in the previous years just running after the illusion and my desire , i didnt expect that one day iam going to discover the truth about PMO and its negative effect in our life and mind , despite the difficult sitaution i were in at the begining becuase of withdrawl symptoms i realize now that this was worth to keep going and Wrestling myself to be back to my nature as a human being , i feel much stronger than before, my thoughts were shift dramticaly away from PMO , i started to think more and more about my future, and what iam gona be in the upcoming years , my confident is keep going rise and rise , never feel more confiedent. i begin to care about others feeling and treating women with different manner . Trust me all , you can do it just be patient and give yourself a hard push every time .
    Now iam about to start another 90 days challenge and iam sure the rewards this time will be huge and different . Wish you all the best
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2019
    B.S., lilthh, Leashed4good and 18 others like this.
  2. 4DCreator

    4DCreator Fapstronaut

    Fantastic, well done!
    Beatyourself likes this.
  3. Beatyourself

    Beatyourself Fapstronaut

    Thanks , hope you achieve what you intend to , best of luck
    4DCreator likes this.
  4. CoolKyle

    CoolKyle Fapstronaut

    Thank you for your sincere sharing, like a beam of light into the dark room!
    Beatyourself likes this.
  5. Best of luck with that. Behind you all the way
    Beatyourself likes this.
  6. Beatyourself

    Beatyourself Fapstronaut

    you are most welcome dear, you are on the line of success don't give up, you can make it as i did just be patient and enjoy the rewards, best wishes to you :emoji_muscle:
  7. Beatyourself

    Beatyourself Fapstronaut

    I am very happy to share my success with you, keep going I am really enjoying this competition with you, this make feel stronger to continue, good luck warrior :emoji_muscle::emoji_muscle:
  8. Eyonhardt

    Eyonhardt New Fapstronaut

    Thanks for your sharing.
    We almost have the same journey.
    i almost hit 90 day hardmode on 1st time, since 15 years of addiction to PMO.
    Beatyourself likes this.
  9. I guess you reach a point where the timer is no longer important. The benefits of the new life speak for themself
    Beatyourself likes this.
  10. Beatyourself

    Beatyourself Fapstronaut

    well done bro thats a great job, keep going like this iam very happy to you that you made it so far wish a lifeful of success
  11. FrenchOliver

    FrenchOliver Fapstronaut

  12. Congrats!! I hope to really move on and start to focus primarily on bettering my life like you said.

    Their are some serious changes I need to make other than just getting over PMO. Thanks for your post, man!
    Beatyourself likes this.
  13. thisisharry

    thisisharry Fapstronaut

    I have been trying to do what I actually love to do but every time I run out of time. idk how to complete my challenge on time.
    RightLane likes this.
  14. RightLane

    RightLane Fapstronaut

    Nice work! I'm on the 30 day challenge. Third attempt. I want to do 90 day next. Fight on brothers!
    thisisharry likes this.
  15. thisisharry

    thisisharry Fapstronaut

    Give me some of your tips on 30 day challenge
    RightLane likes this.
  16. RightLane

    RightLane Fapstronaut

    I wish I had some that worked. I haven't made it past a week for years now. I'm only on five days right now, but I feel like this might be my time to make it past a week. It's only a feeling though.

    Posting daily on NoFap helps. Find accountability in real life. Tell people immediately once you relapse. If you can, lock up your phone from internet. Fill your time with things to do. Try to eliminate as much alone time as possible. Stick to public places.

    Wish you strength brother! You can do this! Fight on!
    Deleted Account and thisisharry like this.
  17. thisisharry

    thisisharry Fapstronaut

    I know it takes time to change yourself and totally agreed to stick to public places or with some friends or family members if you're at home.
    RightLane likes this.
  18. Beatyourself

    Beatyourself Fapstronaut

    wish you good luck dear , yeah exactly start anew activity go to the gym or do running everyday this has agreat impact on your physical and mental status, meet new people and talk to women's , if you still study try to study outside your home like a cafe this i will enhance your social anxiety, best of luck
    Deleted Account likes this.
  19. Beatyourself

    Beatyourself Fapstronaut

    what really worked for me at the begining the first thing is stay a way from social media as first step just use your phone 1 hour daily maximum ,

    start anew activity like running or join gym , the physical change is the most effective way to change you as a whole and this has a great impact in your mental status ,

    eat healthy food , dont eat too much calories stick with low calories food at the beginning and you will see the different by yourself

    meet anew people and women and be the one who start to talk this is will raise your confident about yourself
    and wish you the best my friend iam sure you can do it GOOD LUCK TO YOU
    Deleted Account and thisisharry like this.
  20. thisisharry

    thisisharry Fapstronaut

    I don't use social media at all. I don't know but I have a lack of confidence when it comes to talking with women at first. Also, I joined the gym but hardly went there for one month and then I left. I planned but every time I want to go there something comes up. Help me with that what different do I have to do?