A Progressive Challenge-A different kind of challenge- all levels

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by DerNeuMann, Nov 13, 2017.

  1. Leaveit

    Leaveit Fapstronaut

    Day 16/20..
    Gripseeker and TC10 like this.
  2. Peaceful Man

    Peaceful Man Fapstronaut

    Thanks a lot dude God bless you
    Gripseeker and TC10 like this.
  3. Peaceful Man

    Peaceful Man Fapstronaut

    Getting rid of bad and negative habits that make you stuck and trapped is a really effective positive action towards personal development specially if you are fighting an addiction and being able to conquer it.
    Also, you can't feel the change effect so fast ,personal development needs patience.
  4. Peaceful Man

    Peaceful Man Fapstronaut

  5. Day 2 of 4. Thank you @Peaceful Man, @TC10, @Pranav1486 for your answers. I think it is three think I must do now. I must have patience, change my habits in a positive direction and never let my motivation go below 100 % which means that I will need to have discipline. My goal now is to do something new every day.
    Gripseeker, stephanD and TC10 like this.
  6. Foxislander

    Foxislander Fapstronaut

    Me and my wife are actually doing that exact same thing bro today is day 60 towards 120 or doing a marital reboot in the first 30 days are horrible that's why we went for 120 cuz of 90 day is a regular reboot I'm hoping I don't have to go longer and you never know it 90 I might be okay
    Gripseeker likes this.
  7. Foxislander

    Foxislander Fapstronaut

    Both me and my wife are doing this together today is day 60 for us of no pmo we're on a path towards 120 days and we're doing a marital reboot. Just me beating
    Gripseeker likes this.
  8. Foxislander

    Foxislander Fapstronaut

    Today is day 60 for me and my wife and I'm marriage will reboot towards 120 days we need support to get through this and God is going to get us through this also
    Gripseeker, Deleted Account and TC10 like this.
  9. rafaeloey

    rafaeloey Fapstronaut

    relapsed after 14 days, I discussed about sexual matters with my friends and it compelled me to fantasize, relapsed consequently. lesson learned though. gotta get back up. 0/7.
    Gripseeker and stephanD like this.
  10. TC10

    TC10 Fapstronaut


    Feel the need to watch P right now. Not gonna do it. It’s have been hard lately because I’ve to learn for school 24/7, so I’m a lot alone in my room with a pc in front of me. Checking in right now just to make sure that I won’t look up P right now.
    That’s a good idea. All the best!
    60 days, that’s 2 months. Great!
    It always gets hard for me around day 15. Such a trigger can be fatal by that time. Stay strong and watch out for the chaser effect the coming days.
    Gripseeker, stephanD and rafaeloey like this.
  11. Day 0 of 1. I have really bad discipline, or with other words, there is a lot of potential for improvement for my discipline.
    Gripseeker, stephanD and TC10 like this.
  12. rafaeloey

    rafaeloey Fapstronaut

  13. Leaveit

    Leaveit Fapstronaut

  14. stephanD

    stephanD Fapstronaut

    Hi. As others have said you need to do both. You need to help yourself recover from your PMO addition by doing other things to help you grow as a person.

    This video helped me release that will power isn't enough

    Gripseeker, TC10 and Deleted Account like this.
  15. stephanD

    stephanD Fapstronaut

    68/64 doubling my target to 128 (but I'll be celebrating 90 too)
    Gripseeker, TC10 and Deleted Account like this.
  16. Thank you! I will watch it later today after my studies.
    Gripseeker likes this.
  17. Although I haven't relapsed today I feel that I want to begin on 0 today. So day 0 of a number I am not sure about yet.
    Gripseeker likes this.
  18. Foxislander

    Foxislander Fapstronaut

    Today is day 61 out of 120 me and my wife are doing a hard mode reboot pmos. It's hard for me to figure out how a lot of people that are full of bullshit on here can just do p.m. and still have sex and think that they're rebooting themselves that's unrealistic from a scientific standpoint and who are you fooling your significant other or yourself the question I have is why. It's so you can continue to have sex and not fix yourself you have to do all three for this to really work otherwise true change will never happen. There's a lot of people on here that are full of bullshit and you have to decide if you're going to do this or not and be committed true change means you have to change everything not just one thing.
    Gripseeker likes this.
  19. TC10

    TC10 Fapstronaut


    I'm sitting here in front of my PC, and I feel the need to look up P right now. I have to study, so I can't put my PC off and go for a walk. Because of that I'm just checking in here to make sure I won't do something stupid.

    Somehow my day counter isn't resetting... 5 days it is for me.
    Nice. One week is a good target. Stay strong the first days.
    Wow. You're doing really well man. Keep it up.
    You're such an inspiration.
    Being honest to yourself is a good thing. So you've made the right decision I think. The first days are always hard, so stay strong!
    Gripseeker and Leaveit like this.