bad posture nofap

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by doubledee, Nov 9, 2014.

  1. doubledee

    doubledee Fapstronaut

    Hey guys ... Was wondering if any of you have any experience with bad posture , specifically rolled shoulders and forward head.. Its like I'm all tight in the chest. I used to go to the gym and only really did chest and biceps ( had no idea what I was doing) I think this maybe the main cause.. Along with hours of gaming throughout my teens ( social anxiety stayed in wanking and playing videogames.). Now I'm ready to star implementing change .. I've lost a load of weight and run quite often but this posture things put me on abit of a downer.. Its not incredibly bad but I notice it when I look in the mirror.. Any response/ guidance /tips would be very much appreciated . thank you
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2014
  2. Dad

    Dad Fapstronaut

    One word. Yoga.
  3. beauty

    beauty Fapstronaut

    Start lifting weights again. Squats are perfect for this problem, strengthening your trap muscles and back muscles.
  4. climb4life

    climb4life Fapstronaut

    Check out Kelly starrett is all about proper posture and great form when moving.
  5. doubledee

    doubledee Fapstronaut

    Thanks guys, its pretty unoticable if I stand straight practicing good posture so its not a major problem. I'll take all the advice and work on it . thankyou
  6. Cranston

    Cranston New Fapstronaut

    When we look down blood rushes into our front cortex making us over analyse everything. Looking down at phones, computer screens, and our dicks forces regret,comparison and guilt. Do this often and these ingredients create depression.

    Proper form and structure is key to a healthy mind.

    This lady help give tips on posture.
  7. CountryDude

    CountryDude Fapstronaut

    Sitting at the computer fapping causes this. I have the same problem.

    My plan is yoga (just follow along on Youtube, there are plenty of 30mins sessions), swimming, push ups, squats, and try to be mindful about my posture. A proper chair (with a back) will help. I used to sit on a stool (nowhere for the head to go, except forwards).

    Also, a neck and shoulder massage now and again will help.
  8. NoBrainer

    NoBrainer Distinguished Fapstronaut

    As mentioned above, I strongly recommend strengthening your back and shoulder blades in the way of lumbar extension and seated row exercises. Neck exercises are also good. I also highly recommend going to see a physiotherapist who focuses on rehabilitative strength training. They would give you the best recovery.

    For humans now, with our sedentary lifestyles, looking at the computer for extended periods of time can really weaken your posture and strength. Looking down causes your shoulders to roll forward, which then stretch muscles in your back (pretty much where your shoulder blades are). Muscles stretched for extended periods of time will weaken. Your posture and weakness in your back and core can limit you in so many other aspects of life.

    Massage, yoga and osteopathy are all good for relieving stress in your muscles, but they will not solve the problem- the problem being that certain muscle groups have become weak, leading to muscle imbalance.

    EDIT: rowing is also good for strengthening your shoulder blades, as long as you maintain proper form...
  9. Fight with honor

    Fight with honor Fapstronaut

    I have a really bad forward head posture, from using the PC all these years, and have recently been doing a nice and easy stretch to fix it. You simply stand against a wall, with your back flat against it, and you will notice your head does not touch the wall. Slowly pull the head back (do not tilt) and you will feel a nice stretch. It's been going well for me.
  10. _ithinkican

    _ithinkican Fapstronaut

    I have posture issues as well. I was looking into standing desks a while, but didn't like the idea of always standing. Found this: in SkyMall of all places. I was hesitant, but its great. Very sturdy, durable and super easy to go from sitting to standing and vice versa.