Brain fog

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Aidanliontari, Jun 8, 2017.

  1. Aidanliontari

    Aidanliontari Fapstronaut

    So I get pretty bad brain fog, as in... I feel disconnected from everything especially at work, if customers are around me I know I should say hey or something but it seems like way to much mental effort to muster up anything and just zoning the fuck out real hard a lot of the time, like I just check out from earth and go somewhere? How can I get rid of this problem and be more sucked into the present! :)
  2. DrAwesome04

    DrAwesome04 Fapstronaut

    Just be positive brother and fellow fapstronaut.
    Try not too hard and not too little. There's always a silver lining to every dark cloud.
    Aidanliontari likes this.
  3. theMotivator

    theMotivator Fapstronaut

    Get to day 30 and it will slowly disappear. At least for me, it started to go away, and now it's very cool to be able to focus on reality. But sometimes I still get the feeling that I'm not really focused on reality; I have to focus on it sometimes, because my mind is filled with thoughts about a lot of things.
  4. DrAwesome04

    DrAwesome04 Fapstronaut

    Meditation+ Gym+ Celibacy+Dedication= What I think is Super Humanly Powers of Greatness, Confidence, Fitness and Attraction.
  5. I Free I

    I Free I Guest

    It's all apart of the process my friend ... Do not relapse & you'll see the great benefits soon . Brain fog doesn't last forever . :emoji_muscle:
  6. BossEntry

    BossEntry Fapstronaut

    Gonna be a bit of a black sheep here and chip my two cents. I think Nofap has benefits to be certain but clearing out brainfog is more about lifestyle choices imo. You can quit fapping altogether and still be stuck in your head. Odds are you've gotten used to a pretty scheduled day that isn't very satisfying or almost worth paying attention to? There are no easy or immediate solutions except for a constant day in day out goal of improvement. Here's a couple tips.

    *Look up resources on learning to be present (mindfulness) - Ever get caught up in a hypothetical thought or past memory and let it drag you along for a couple minutes only to not even remember what you were thinking about when you come out the other end? Well even if we've created a habit of it we can unlearn it. The most important part is learning to be aware of when you're entering a thought like that and actively deciding to stop. Catch yourself and label the kind of thought that's dragging your attention away and they begin to hold less power over you. "I can't believe my ex left me, sometimes-" "-Past memory" and the same thing can be done for hypothetical scenarios where you worry alot about what you could do. Meditation also helps because its an exercise that focuses entirely on keeping your mind clear even though you'll catch yourself thinking every handful of seconds beginning to drift. You fail and start again and this helps develop better awareness / control.

    *Change your routine up to be constantly fresh and engaging - This sounds fun enough but is difficult in practice. When we zone out it is often a result of something being too familiar, our mind labels it as white noise and filters it out. If you've ever been exploring in a new place or experiencing something new we become attentive because our interest is piqued. It may be difficult to work this into a already busy schedule when it seems like you barely have energy to begin with. I promise no matter how difficult this seems it will help a ton, you'll be happier in general which will also probably roll over into your general mood you take with you(at work) and you will be attentive not because you think you should be but because you want to.

    *Take a breath, chill out, remember whats important - Sorry for tldr and all, I might just be projecting what brain fog has been like for me but I'll cap off. We often get caught up in our brain fog or a lot of useless problems but just remember we are on a giant rock floating through space. Keep life in perspective and don't take yourself so seriously. If you don't want to chat a customer up then don't, and don't try and feel guilty about it because it's not helping anybody else and it serves only to make you feel like crap. Go somewhere where you always level out, on a walk or have a good friend to talk to that helps keep you level sometimes. Keep in mind what YOU really want, and don't worry about what you THINK you should want or what other people expect from you.

    What I'm personally taking away from nofap is the power of self awareness and self control you gain from it as an exercise. Building up copious amounts of semen until it's bursting out your eyes isn't going to give you mystical semen powers and clear out your thoughts. That's on you. Sorry for the TLDR and feel free to send a PM if you have anything else you want to talk about. Cheers.
  7. IamRick

    IamRick Fapstronaut

    Do you not meditate or smoke too much, I get the craziest brain fog when I do either? Meditating just a measly 15mins a day will transform your life, I'd recommend building that habit, Otherwise you probably just need to cut down on the herb.
    Aidanliontari likes this.
  8. Meditation helps with this problem. It help you grounding en getting out of your brain. This way you will feel more connected and have less brain fog. Feel free to try it out, it always worked for me.

    Good luck brother!
    Hardboiled24 likes this.
  9. Aidanliontari

    Aidanliontari Fapstronaut

    I don't smoke herb man, only drug use I do is mdma but that's once every 3 or more months very rarely, yeah I've seen everyone says meditate how do I do it though? And I find it hard to sit still and not do anything it makes me anxious
  10. You basically do what you were doing, but you allow the anxiety to be. Allow yourself to feel uncorable. It's part of the process. Start with 1-2minutes a day
    SheMonk, vibemaker and Aidanliontari like this.
  11. li_89_am

    li_89_am Fapstronaut

    Try some mindfulness techniques. They don't always have to be done sat still and you could build up to that. It's just about noticing everything as you do it. Thich Nhan Hat 'Miracle of Mindfulness' is a good book. Plus there are some good apps: 'Calm'. It's not easy but if you stick with it even when you think you're not doing it right, you improve with practice.
    Aidanliontari likes this.
  12. I usually work out when I get this fog! It's helps your more focused at gym and it helps get the fustration out
  13. I too want to understand this and want to get rid of this. It’s hard to socialize when you don’t have any sense of where a social interaction is going, no joy. Every response I give is simply an answer followed with a question that somewhat relates, I know it could be better, I feel so fake and I feel like the person I’m conversing with feels my uneasiness, maybe they do maybe they don’t, I don’t know! I’m in my head when I wake up until I sleep, that is torture...