Does watching web cam girls online count as porn?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Leo Star, Nov 6, 2017.

  1. Leo Star

    Leo Star Fapstronaut

    hey guys
    I heard about this movement
    So i decided to give it a go

    I have been pmo every day for 13 years and became a very shy social anxiety person so i decided to give nofap a go
    i am currently on 21 days in my streak
    so far some of the benefits i have seen
    more stamina in workout
    no body pain

    i haven't seen other benefits yet
    in this streak i have not masturbated or watched porn but i keep watching web cam girls on the internet and some hot youtube videos like hot yoga

    my question is does this watching web cam girls count as porn?\
    and when will i see the benefits like zero social anxiety and women attraction?

    thank you
  2. NoBrainer

    NoBrainer Distinguished Fapstronaut

    YES! :eek:
  3. Absolutely yes. You should stop doing that if you want to quit porn.
  4. Leo Star

    Leo Star Fapstronaut

    Thank you for your replies
    Time to block Chaturbate from my internet i think...
  5. IceRoots

    IceRoots Fapstronaut

    Dont make the mistake and think, attraction to women or less social anxiety are things achieved passively.
    Just a quick little hint :)
  6. jocksta

    jocksta Fapstronaut

    It "counts" as it is not real sex, but if you aren't ready for the full whammy of abstinence then note that it is 'harm minimisation' compared to the full heroin shot that is tube porn sites.
    Ideally, you want to be having real sex and being present during that sex.
    However, I do not believe masturbation is a problem so long as your eyes are closed and it's to a real person you know (an ex, a school/uni/work crush etc) or it's pure fantasy and imagination (porn takes away both of these skills that you had growing up).
    And if you have to watch something, I firmly believe that the webcam you are watching is one of the least harmful ways of watching porn (removes much of the "game like" elements - eg skipping/fast forwarding is not possible) however be sure to just click on one video (rather than multiple tabs), try to envision yourself having actual sex (or any sexual acts) with her rather than just passively jacking your salami to pixels, try to choose a girl/guy who you believe is within your league (ie is attainable), and DO NOT EDGE, cum as soon as you are ready to.
    As far as I'm concerned this is the equivalent to the smoker who cuts down before quitting. Some find this method more doable than flat out quitting after a strong addiction which may lead to more chance of a relapse than cutting down first.
  7. Mistakesweremade

    Mistakesweremade Fapstronaut

    It does esp if your asking the question cuz that means your trying to find a alternative to porn.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  8. Yes.

    In someways it's worse than porn because you can spend so much money on it. I'm in debt because of it myself.
  9. Hank Pym

    Hank Pym Fapstronaut

    Yes... Been there... Done that... Not directly a porn but It will Inspire you to watch porn
    Deleted Account likes this.
  10. Mattew

    Mattew Fapstronaut

    All of what you liste is quite obviously porn.

    The results depend from person to person, i think the timing is from 3 month to 1 year.
  11. MasterRoshi

    MasterRoshi Fapstronaut

    I couldn’t have said it better myself.

    Going to the mall, and seeing a poster of a model, taking a picture of that model poster, then going to the bathroom to MO counts as porn IMO. There’s no line drawn in the sand it all about intentions and if you intend to use a something for selfish sexual pleasure it’s porn.

    At least that’s how it is for me. Everyone is different though.
  12. I can see why you're on day 3 what kind of stuff is you're telling him to do a bit
    It is porn? you're still watching something sexually stimulating lol you can't consider watch cam-girls not porn its still sexual stimulating behavior you watch over a screen, and to make it worse its live, and you can control it.
    Mattew likes this.
  13. Thank you Roshi!
    MasterRoshi likes this.
  14. I'm going to be completely honest Matthew, and im saying this as someone who doesn't do anything but watch cam-sites for porn. It's porn... no matter how you slice it cut it or dice it. If it makes you wanna masturbate from watching it, talking to them, making an account or relapse its porn. Porn is anything you're viewing deliberately for sexual stimulation.

    Cam-Sites is literally the crack-cocaine, or crystal meth of porn, and its even more addicting something I wish I never got into. I use to literally go on a porn site just to watch videos of cam2cam crap.
    Contentful T likes this.
  15. Contentful T

    Contentful T Fapstronaut

    Cam girls are sexually exploiting themselves. So I agree it is sexualized media. It is feeding the sexual compulsion issue. Just as risky as porn for a fapper trying to quit fapping.

    And it is a trap. People get hooked on connecting with web cam models socially and end up wasting hundreds if not thousands on them.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  16. Contentful T

    Contentful T Fapstronaut

    Ya I would argue the live factor makes it more addictive than not being connected to a video live.
  17. You'll spend more time depressed cause you're interacting with models with some or majority of them may even like you, and majority of them just want your money. I've pretty much gotten so bad that I even added a cammodel on skype that it good so good between me her she actually reached out to me one day. *She* is the main reason why I am going through what im going through in my personal life. She's not the blame its my own decisions, but she was a woman just how i'd like if I had a girlfriend.

    I'd even see her on cam at times when she think I didn't see her digging in her nose, and would still watch. Smh don't do it.
  18. Even with me I don't even pay for it anymore I just watch, talk dirty, and get them going. But I have completely stopped it now disgusted with it.
    Contentful T likes this.
  19. Contentful T

    Contentful T Fapstronaut

    I disagree that it is harm minimization. Perhaps the people doing web cam content are not being as savagely dehumanized and ravaged as on the tube sites, but I reckon one can have much more attachment to the cam models and spend far more than they would on porn.

    And yet I can see how the tube sites will ruin your brain quicker than viewing cam models as one might view more videos and rewire their brain more sinisterly.
    Mattew and Deleted Account like this.
  20. Contentful T

    Contentful T Fapstronaut

    I thought you had to pay. Was not aware of free ones really. They must be bait for the paid ones.

    Either way, they are a trap and harmful for all involved.