Drawing NSFW and being horny about it

Discussion in 'Compulsive Sexual Behavior' started by Elyako, Nov 21, 2020.

  1. Elyako

    Elyako New Fapstronaut

    Hi everybody

    Sorry for my bad English : don't hesitate to correct me.

    I'm a new Fapstronaut, and I have several problems at work.
    As an art student I'm drawing plenty of things. i'm working pretty well since three years in my art school, and I have a sketchbook.

    My problem is simple : when I'm working on a project (in Photoshop, for example) and I'm running out of ideas, I have the reflex to crate a new file and drawing lots of all kind of sexual insanities : often small roughs with cartoons caracters having suggestive poses, horny expressions, all the Kama-sutra is showed. The problem is, When I have begun to draw that, it became impossible to focus on my main work because of the brain fog. It's very hard to quit this project, make a pause and resume my homework.

    NSFW artworks are taking entire GOs of memory on my computer. At the beginning of November, i have deleted all these files, but my horniness is coming back and I have begun to draw a new "generation" of NSFW drawings.

    I practice musculation every day, but I think it's insufficient to reduce my weird pulsions.

    I count on your help, comrades.
    Thank you.

    Elyako, New Fapstronaut.
    Dizzy Lotus likes this.
  2. InappropriateUsername

    InappropriateUsername Fapstronaut

    When you stop porn, your brain will often look for substitutes to get the same “high.” Bikini photos, lingers pics, suggestive art. In your case, drawing suggestive poses.

    Try to refocus. Draw something non sexual and completely different from what you normally do. It’s an artistic challenge that can make your skills strong in other areas. Airplanes, insects, apples, graffiti, horses, etc.
  3. Elyako

    Elyako New Fapstronaut

    Hi InappropriateUsername, thanks for your reply.

    These "brain substitutes" are very disturbing for my self-control. I don't really know how to abolish them forever.
    In my art school, a teacher gave me a theme for a work : erotism. DIfficult to refocus on another work when this one seems pretty important for my studies. In fact, i don't have any idea of what "erotism" means, cuz my first contact with sexual representation of women was introcuced with porn.

    Thus, unconsciously I have associated female representation with pronography pretty early, around 2014-2015 in my drawings. The results are oversexualised bodies, tiny amounts of facial expressions, poor personnalities, and so on. I don't know if I'm alone on this forum having this representation problem, and how it's hard to search for another idea of female representation. "Erotism" brick is missing.

    In fact, refocusing on non sexually content (SFW) is something I used to make every time I have urges, but my problem is my brain is fingind all kinds of apologies to reassure itself about drawing insanities: "It's for anatomy" "It's for character design" "It's for your sake". Unhealty.

    Developping my skills in others areas is not the very problem in my case, but the global influence of my NSFW practice is much severe than I though. The only way to fight the "creative urges" is sport, or listenng lofi music either. I'm trying to refocus on serious activities, but when my work will ask me to represent women, I'm afraid to relapse in this bizarre scheme.

    If you guys have a similar problem, you can talk about it :)
    Dizzy Lotus likes this.
  4. Dizzy Lotus

    Dizzy Lotus Fapstronaut

    Oof, this sounds pretty tricky! [​IMG] I'm glad you want to change something about your situation; don't give up. But yeah, for your education you probably will come into contact with triggering stuff, and your excuses like "It's for anatomy" make so much more sense than the excuses I'd use to make... [​IMG] I frankly don't think I have any tips for you right now! But I think that deleting your NSFW artwork was a very good idea. In general, maybe you should redefine NSFW, I just got the idea. I don't know what you associate the term with, but for you it is different than for most people, I bet. If I would draw a naked body in a notebook during a lecture (back in the day, when lectures were still on location... [​IMG]), I'm sure people would take offence to it or at least find it strange, whereas if you would, it would probably be seen as totally normal. However, it sounds like that some of the drawings you have made are more 'out there'. It sounds like there are some that you would not like your fellow students to see. Try not to draw any such drawings anymore, perhaps. [​IMG] And i you do have to draw something erotic for your education, maybe you needn't keep it around after handing it in; consider that. [​IMG]
    Good luck, and God bless! [​IMG]
  5. InappropriateUsername

    InappropriateUsername Fapstronaut

    Having to work on eroticism as a theme is challenging. How do you explore it creatively without plunging into porn and associated behaviors? Not sure but maybe the key is to separate the two. Pornography is base, gratification-based physical pleasure, while eroticism seems more cerebral—more stimulating to the intellect, more about the whole process of attraction, sexual fulfillment and sexual connection.
    Dizzy Lotus and Elyako like this.
  6. Shmuck2020

    Shmuck2020 Fapstronaut

    I think InappropriateUsernameis on a good track: Erotic does not have to mean explicit, which is what I associate with the term NSFW. Perhaps the challenge is how can you convey sensuality without being graphic and/or triggering yourself.
  7. Elyako

    Elyako New Fapstronaut

    Hi everyone,
    I'm following your hints, and it's true, I'm feeling better ! No urges since three days :D
    I'm focusing about my cartoon projects (the adventures of a salamander).
    @InappropriateUsername, i don't know the inner mechanisme of how erotism works, because mysensibility about it could be pretty different from the teacher's.

    @Dizzy Lotus, yeah, a big taboo is fluying above us, students, about the limit of the body representations and everything behind it.
    And the limit between erotism and pronography is so thin for me, I'm afraid to fall again in a worng approach of the concept and thuss, to loose my motivation.
    Last year I had problems with my drawing addictions : I begun to draw soft straight sexual relations with my little cartoony characters. Step by step, by visiting 4chan, Deviantart and R34 searching for """inspiration""" (my shitty brain in action lol), I saw more strange things : fetishes (socks, maids and all kinds of bizarre stuff), but a little bit later I had the very wrong idea to discover /aco on 4chan... And it was terrible both for my inspiration and formy mind : sissy, femboys, traps, hypno-shit, humiliation and so on. It was a very though addiction : in 2019, once or twice per month, I have spent all my night time watching these threads. One month later, three or four time. Another month later, almost seven, eight, even ten times ! I was entirely drow by these pictures.

    Of course, you should tell me : "Don't worry, it's juste drawings."

    Hell no. Another month later, I begun to see... real human traps and sissies on the chans. I have spent a huge amount of time dehold these insanities. I have almost fallen in the sissy-hypno video (you know, these short webms with subliminal pictures of men f***** other woman-like men). Of course, with the brain fog, I have begun to draw... To draw sissies. Tons and tons and tons of traps. Hundreds of GOs of femboys. Only this. I have stopped musculation. I have missed some art classes. It was terrible for the mind.

    So, even though mmy problem is solved for the moment, I'm afraid to fall down again with a new wave of excessive horniness, I don't know when... A week ? A month ?
    That's why I'm here to talk about it with you. I don't know if I'm the unique Fapstronaut in this situation.

    Thanks a lot for your support guys. I keep goin', but I must stay watchful. Don't hesitate to tell me if you have questions about my "special case" ;)
  8. schwanzuslongus

    schwanzuslongus Fapstronaut

    This will seem overly intellecualized.
    But maybe with art thats not totally wrong.

    You could create an alternative perspective, if you think about what else eroticism could mean,
    rather than only the "self-eroticisim" that comes from looking at images, the nature of eroticisim is
    the connection between two people. Wanting and beeing wanted or one step further intimacy, when you
    disclose yourself to someone else bodily and emotionaly.

    In that sense media can not really be erotic, since there is no relationship, it is only you alone, sitting and
    fantasizing about something not real. The screen and drawings do not even know that you exist, they don't want you
    back. It is purely oneway.

    Probably it's best to switch topic and not draw. But if you really have to, come up with a totally different meaning
    of erotic, that will lead you to be much more creative than the dull flesh and bodypieces erotica.
    So you can create something more unique and not something that we have already seen thousands of times.