Hobbies: Ideas and Suggestions?

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by liquidcat, Nov 6, 2022.

  1. liquidcat

    liquidcat Fapstronaut

    It is said that idle hands make for the devil's work. Those of us here can certainly attest to that. In order to combat my own boredom and fight off urges (as well as make me a more interesting and rounded person) I think I should take up a hobby. Here's the problem: I don't know what I should do. I have friends who are into cars, photography, bonsai, and cosplay. But all of these hobbies have pretty high barriers to entry in terms of time and/or money. Being a broke college student, I have neither. Do any of you have ideas?
  2. FormerLeatherneck

    FormerLeatherneck Fapstronaut

    What about taking up running? Real cheap sport, all you need is running shoes.
    absoluteminded and liquidcat like this.
  3. Crocheting is relatively cheap. All you need is some crochet hooks and yarn.
    Houseonsea and liquidcat like this.
  4. Cirilla

    Cirilla Guest

    Here's a few of mine, perhaps it will inspire you:
    1. hand drawing metal logos
    2. digital calligraphy
    3. front end coding
    4. interior design research
    5. asian cuisine cooking
    6. music producing
    7. learning Ableton
    8. desk setups research
    9. console modding
    10. mechanical keyboards
    11. casual running
    12. weightlifting
    13. crafting jewellery
    14. painting
    15. puzzles
    16. practising the guitar
    17. reading high fantasy
    18. video games
    19. video games and video games industry news
    20. reviewing and organising files on my computer
    21. making Spotify playlists and designing concepts for them
    22. watching and organising asmr collection
    23. writing poetry
    Syphax, Saiba Sakaki and liquidcat like this.
  5. loneloan

    loneloan Fapstronaut

    regarding running, ill chip in and say: do sprints!
    run long distance if you want, but do 10 series of short,max power sprints at least once a week. it boosts T. a lot,feels great accomplishment..a very nice excercise.
  6. absoluteminded

    absoluteminded Fapstronaut

    Running or hiking. Both will fill you with a sense of accomplishment and will get your blood flowing which will lead you to clearer thinking. Especially when learning, I find running as a good way to process things I have just went through.
    Syphax and Saiba Sakaki like this.