I had to quit my job to handle my withdrawal symptoms

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by mvp200123, Dec 12, 2021.

  1. mvp200123

    mvp200123 New Fapstronaut

    My withdrawal effects were so devastating that I had to quit my job to focus on recovery. Work was causing me so much anxiety I was stuck in this perpetual relapse cycle because of the stress from my job. It got so bad I was at the point of having a mental breakdowns and relapsing almost every day after work. This withdrawal effects were so severe I could barely function. Fatigue, severe brain fog, irritabiliy, and difficulty managing emotions were so overwhelming I simply couldn't function in an everyday working environment. I want to take a month or two off to focus on my mental health and hopefully build a solid foundation for recovery.

    I am a severe porn addict and my life has basically been destroyed by this. PMOing 3-12 times every for the last 14 years (25 now) has had devastating effects on my life. I'm a few weeks clean and can see some progress, but I know that I have a very long journey ahead...
    Rostrock47, BruceD, Beekind and 3 others like this.
  2. Withdrawal Symptoms from rewiring your brain can cause problems physically/mentally on a daily basis indeed. I remember the last time I was feeling those symptoms, just not as severe. I understand the problems you're going through, but the only way to see the light at the end of the cave is to keep fighting. My flatline lasted for at least 6 months because I've been an addict for 4 years, just my effects weren't as bad. I don't know if you have any insecurities, but if the reason you left your job was because of that, then I suggest you go back. If it's really much of a problem, I won't barge in. Good luck, and may life be with you.
  3. Julian Baker

    Julian Baker Distinguished Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Really like your openness. Your share is so real and visceral. It takes courage to not just be as open as you are, but brave enough to consider options like taking time out to make space to start the healing process.

    Well done and welcome to Nofap.
    BruceD, Krishna Das and mvp200123 like this.
  4. What I want you to remember is that after this flatline, you're going to be back to normal. Everything you thought in the flatline will seem like an illusion.
    Krishna Das and mvp200123 like this.
  5. mvp200123

    mvp200123 New Fapstronaut

    Wow 6 months of flatline sounds like hell. How did you make it through?

    My flatline has been absolutely brutal. I don't even feel human. I'm feel like more of a zombie/robot than an actual human being. It's so mind boggoling to me what pmo addiction can do to the mind and the brain...
    Krishna Das and Joecnn like this.
  6. It happens, you can join "PAWS - what they are, cure, duration" thread, because some people have really hard time to recover, quitting job due to inability to perform tasks involved.
    Freeddom_Taker likes this.
  7. Beekind

    Beekind Fapstronaut

    Proud of you mate
    You are willing to do the hard work, and believe me, the rewards are worth the effort.
    Rostrock47, BruceD and Krishna Das like this.
  8. BruceD

    BruceD Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    I commend you for this. I am actually thinking of the same thing. I have to talk on the phone all day and just don't think I can make it through. I wound up taking Kratom and Modafinil almost daily and want to stop this as well. May get like a gig/remote job, lots of them out there. I have a little financial runway -(some savings, an inherited IRA). Losing my Mom in 2020 to cancer pushed me further into the addiction, but I have to get a grip. Grateful that I also have low expenses, no kids now, to pursue this. Please keep me posted! I will as well.

    I also realize some are not in a position to do this, so much gratitude for everyone on here fighting through whatever obstacles they have!